Yet another reason to defund NPR and PBS


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Because they're partisan liars, fear-mongers, and stoking political division.

PBS Slaps ‘Warning’ Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted​

The Public Broadcasting System may have quit Twitter over being called “government-funded media,” but its one-sided coverage of American politics continues to demonstrate why it has justly earned the label.

On Tuesday, following the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump on federal charges, to which he has pleaded ‘not guilty,’ PBS gave an unnecessary warning to the audience that served to discredit the speaker and reduce the credibility of his arguments to the American public.

“Look at what PBS posted at the bottom of Trump’s speech,” the commenter Gays for Trump pointed out on Twitter.


“Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence,” PBS editorialized.

PBS Slaps 'Warning' Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted
They are both just propaganda peddlers now. They throw in some music fundraisers and some token 'History' shows now and then so they can claim to represent 'diverse viewpoints n stuff', but nearly all of it is slanted commie spin.
Because they're partisan liars, fear-mongers, and stoking political division.

PBS Slaps ‘Warning’ Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted​

The Public Broadcasting System may have quit Twitter over being called “government-funded media,” but its one-sided coverage of American politics continues to demonstrate why it has justly earned the label.

On Tuesday, following the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump on federal charges, to which he has pleaded ‘not guilty,’ PBS gave an unnecessary warning to the audience that served to discredit the speaker and reduce the credibility of his arguments to the American public.

“Look at what PBS posted at the bottom of Trump’s speech,” the commenter Gays for Trump pointed out on Twitter.


“Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence,” PBS editorialized.

PBS Slaps 'Warning' Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted
Not sure where I heard it recently but if I'm not mistaken they're both directly funded at least in part by the Pentagon
Because they're partisan liars, fear-mongers, and stoking political division.

PBS Slaps ‘Warning’ Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted​

The Public Broadcasting System may have quit Twitter over being called “government-funded media,” but its one-sided coverage of American politics continues to demonstrate why it has justly earned the label.

On Tuesday, following the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump on federal charges, to which he has pleaded ‘not guilty,’ PBS gave an unnecessary warning to the audience that served to discredit the speaker and reduce the credibility of his arguments to the American public.

“Look at what PBS posted at the bottom of Trump’s speech,” the commenter Gays for Trump pointed out on Twitter.


“Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence,” PBS editorialized.

PBS Slaps 'Warning' Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted
He's a liar. ^Shrug^. Seems to be a prudent undertaking.
PBS Slaps ‘Warning’ Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted
PBS Slaps 'Warning' Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted

The good news, JG, is that everything the Left is doing is failing badly, falling apart and going broke. You can't dick over 300 million people forever, even allies and supporters, and keep getting away with it. The more shit plays out for them as they want, the worse for everyone else! Look at their cities! How much longer do you think people are going to just take the progression of where these dogheaves are taking the nation?! I mean really, from the Clintons to the Obummas now to this shitstain Biden ass? My parent's generation do not even recognize this country anymore as the America they knew and loved BECAUSE IT FUCKING ISN'T. PBS is in real dire straits like everything else the left runs. Disney is hurting, Amazeon, Microsoft, Apple, ALL of them have taken a real gut punch. Business is leaving all their cities in droves to be replaced by criminals, thugs and illegal aliens. They are literally BUILDING Trump's own case for reelection FOR him. They have spent literal BILLIONS of their own cash trying to defeat Trump and the man is about to shift gears into high at the very minute they AGAIN think they finally "got him this time!" Anymore that I turn PBS on, the "commercial-free programming" shithole channel is in the middle of one of their famous 10 minute commercials begging for money! The entire network is apparently run by a bunch of subversive commie lezbo dykes because you hardly ever even see a man on their news show unless it is some little pussy-whipped greasy dickless moron.

And I suspect that half the people who call in to donate anymore only do so to tie up their phone lines then give them phony credit card numbers! :laughing0301:

And the Left KNOW they are failing, it has been 8 long years of nothing but failure--- why do you think they are so angry and hateful? If they were really winning half as much as they would claim they are, don't you think they'd at least be HAPPY about something once in a while? Their literal DICKS are bet on and hanging out for any morsel of progress and victory at all whatsoever they can claim on Trump to the point they all take turns blowing smoke up each other's asses about how "this is the time they got him now."

It's like fucking AIR to the wretched pathetic dickless pukes. Try to get one of them to tell you what is so much better now with Biden in office? If you can find an honest one, they will admit that the only thing actually better for them is not having Trump in the WH!!! :auiqs.jpg: The sick fucks try to suppress the fact that Biden has wrecked their country too and has done nothing but COST THEM BIG. But they are seriously unhappy because THEY ARE COMMITTED TO FOLLOW BIDEN NOW STRAIGHT INTO THE GROUND, because their only recourse is---- wait for it ----TRUMP! :laugh2:

Check in here a month from now, six months from now and watch as Trump is on the ballot, still eligible for office, and the only thing they are closer to seeing, is Joe Biden and half his cabinet getting impeachments filed against them as criminal papers are filed on him instead.

There just is no quit in DONALD JOHN TRUMP, and the more the chicom fascists try to tighten their grasp, the stronger he will become. BANK ON IT. And the left know it too, that is why they hate you and I SO MUCH.


trumo express.jpg
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Because they're partisan liars, fear-mongers, and stoking political division.

PBS Slaps ‘Warning’ Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted​

The Public Broadcasting System may have quit Twitter over being called “government-funded media,” but its one-sided coverage of American politics continues to demonstrate why it has justly earned the label.

On Tuesday, following the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump on federal charges, to which he has pleaded ‘not guilty,’ PBS gave an unnecessary warning to the audience that served to discredit the speaker and reduce the credibility of his arguments to the American public.

“Look at what PBS posted at the bottom of Trump’s speech,” the commenter Gays for Trump pointed out on Twitter.


“Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence,” PBS editorialized.

PBS Slaps 'Warning' Banner on Trump Live Event That Proves State Media Cannot Be Trusted
:crybaby:Waaaaa.... Not fair.... :crybaby:

Gad, do you losers ever stop whining?

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