Yes, Virginia, abortion IS risky.

Not at all.

The doctors who perform abortions don't like the studies that link abortion and cancer.
Boo hoo, big whoop.
Neither does the American Cancer Society or Oxford University. Let me guess though, they're all in on the conspiracy too, right?
Abortion-related deaths in developed countries:

.2-1.2 per 100,000, per Guttmacher Abortion in Context: United States and Worldwide

How many deaths in the year before RvW?

How many millions are performed a year? Oh, wait, we don't really know.


"There were 667 reported deaths during 1972-87, of which 240 were due to legally induced abortion, 88 due to illegal abortions, and 172 due to spontaneous abortions. The case fatality rate for legal abortions during 1972-87 was 1.3 deaths/100,000 legal abortions. Abortion mortality was 2.5 times higher for Black and minority women: 2.3/100,000 compared to 0.9/100,000 for White women. This risk was partially attributed to the greater proportion of later abortions for Black women, which declined over time as did abortion-related mortality. In the Poisson regression analysis, Black race remained a significant risk factor. The risk tripled for women aged over 40 years (3.1/100,000), particularly for those women with 3 or more prior births. The risk by age declined over time and was not a significant risk factor between 1983 and 1987. The highest risk was among women with abortions beyond 20 weeks of gestation (10.4/100,000). About 20% of legal abortion-related deaths were attributed to each of the following causes: infection, embolism, hemorrhage, and anesthesia complications (82% of the 240 reported deaths). "
Abortion mortality, United States, 1972 ... [Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1994] - PubMed - NCBI

"The fact is, there were NOT thousands of deaths prior to Roe vs. Wade. In 1972, the year before Roe, only 39 abortion related deaths were reported (by emergency rooms and morgues) to the Centers for Disease Control.

With the advent of ‘Safe & Legal’ abortions, you’d think the death rate would drop to zero. Quite the opposite is true. In 1975, two years after Roe, the CDC stated that as many as seven times more deaths were caused by legal abortions than illegal ones."
There's Nothing Safe About Legal Abortion

That's kind of a weird site, but it's backed up by cdc numbers.:
272 deaths caused by legal induced abortions from 1972-1992, compared to 90 caused by illegal induced abortions.

Abortion Surveillance -- United States, 1996
A lot of the legal abortion deaths aren't reported as such either.
Er..there are a lot of them, nitwit. The procedure isn't "safe". They're still dying.

And those are only the ones that are actually REPORTED by the abortionists. Imagine the numbers if we had all the stats.
Except that people aren't dying in the doctor's office. They're dying in the hospital.

Having some people die doesn't mean the procedure isn't safe. Some people die every year from allergic reactions to aspirin. Is aspirin unsafe?
These people are dying of hemmorhages and systemic infections, that they wouldn't get if they didn't have an abortion.

So is that safe?
These people are dying of hemmorhages and systemic infections, that they wouldn't get if they didn't have an abortion.

So is that safe?

All medical procedures carry risk. Having a tooth pulled carries the risk of systemic infection. Giving birth carries the risk of systemic infection. Just walking into a hospital carries the risk of contracting MRSA.
These people are dying of hemmorhages and systemic infections, that they wouldn't get if they didn't have an abortion.

So is that safe?

All medical procedures carry risk. Having a tooth pulled carries the risk of systemic infection. Giving birth carries the risk of systemic infection. Just walking into a hospital carries the risk of contracting MRSA.

But but but but.. ;)
Reality is something that liberals don't like.

I have known more than a few women that have had multiple abortions. One finally had a baby because she was told that this was her last chance.

Ask yourself this question. Why is it that so many doctors who perform abortions ALSO have significant interests in fertility clinics to treat women that are infertile because of abortions?

about the part in bold. no. you don't. rightwingnut loons love making up anecdotal trash.

why don't rightwingnuts think constitutional rights and personal liberty matter when they're telling women what to do with their bodies?

Bullshit. Fully half of the women I know have had multiple abortions.

As in more than one.

you should stop hanging around with sluts
about the part in bold. no. you don't. rightwingnut loons love making up anecdotal trash.

why don't rightwingnuts think constitutional rights and personal liberty matter when they're telling women what to do with their bodies?

Bullshit. Fully half of the women I know have had multiple abortions.

As in more than one.

you should stop hanging around with sluts

about the part in bold. no. you don't. rightwingnut loons love making up anecdotal trash.

why don't rightwingnuts think constitutional rights and personal liberty matter when they're telling women what to do with their bodies?

Bullshit. Fully half of the women I know have had multiple abortions.

As in more than one.

you should stop hanging around with sluts

:lol: I heard this supposedly kosher girl is allibaba so........I'm pretty sure she said she works with these type of clients or something..?
Bullshit. Fully half of the women I know have had multiple abortions.

As in more than one.

you should stop hanging around with sluts

:lol: I heard this supposedly kosher girl is allibaba so........I'm pretty sure she said she works with these type of clients or something..?

i dunno, but any women who is opting for multiple abortions as birth control is not only a slut, but apparently is too fucking stupid to figure out how to use a condom or take a bc pill etc.

why would you hang around with a bunch of stupid skanks?
And that in a nutshell is the way the pro-abortion crowd see those women they claim they want to "help". Sluts and skanks.

you should stop hanging around with sluts

:lol: I heard this supposedly kosher girl is allibaba so........I'm pretty sure she said she works with these type of clients or something..?

i dunno, but any women who is opting for multiple abortions as birth control is not only a slut, but apparently is too fucking stupid to figure out how to use a condom or take a bc pill etc.

why would you hang around with a bunch of stupid skanks?

I think it's her social services job...
And that in a nutshell is the way the pro-abortion crowd see those women they claim they want to "help". Sluts and skanks.


i never claimed that i wanted to help sluts and skanks.

i never claimed i wanted to help anyone.

i just think that sluts and skanks and regular intelligent women and even snake chucking loons like you should be able to make up their own minds and control their own possibly stupid, slutty, skanky, snake chucking bodies and choices.

it's none of my business and it's none of yours
And that in a nutshell is the way the pro-abortion crowd see those women they claim they want to "help". Sluts and skanks.


I think he's just being deliberately outrageous, but I'm not sure...

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