Yemeni mother reunites with dying child at Bay Area hospital; fundraiser aims to support family

She's playing the dead kid card to stay here and become a citizen. Let her be with her child until he dies. Give her a few days to mourn. Send her home.
I have no problem with her being here to be with her dying child.

As soon as its over and she has time to mourn she can put her ass on a plane and fly back back to Yemen.
Yemeni mom reunites with dying son as father calls for end of travel ban - CNN

"Attorney Banan Al-Akhras, with the Nimer Law firm that represents the family, said Swileh was told she would be considered for a waiver over a year ago.

"Since then, the family reached out to the US Embassy in Cairo 28 times but only received automated responses, Al-Akhras said.

"'The reality is that the waiver process is a sham,' she said. 'There's no transparency, no meaningful process and no oversight.

"'The fact that they ultimately approved her shows that there was no issue with her case to begin with and that she should have been approved months ago.'

"'Let's be clear, issuance of her visa this week is not an act of kindness on their part.'"

"After a waiver was granted, Swileh traveled to the United States on an I-130 visa, which allows close relatives of American citizens to enter the country..."

Petition for Alien Relative

"I-130, Petition for Alien Relative

"Use this form if you are a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States who needs to establish their relationship to certain alien relatives who wish to immigrate to the United States."

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