Yeah! Another honest liberal GETS IT about Milo


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.

I agree. Free speech is one of the foundations of this country and kudo's to this liberal. He gets it.
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.

I agree. Free speech is one of the foundations of this country and kudo's to this liberal. He gets it.
Little signs of hope, here and there!
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.

I agree. Free speech is one of the foundations of this country and kudo's to this liberal. He gets it.
Little signs of hope, here and there!

I agree and the Dems better get their shit together or they won't have anyone in Congress.

America is watching and 2018 is right around the corner. This party over country crap needs to end.
Some on the Left think they are 100% right. Anyone who disputes their views is worthy of derision and contempt. Many on the left have no respect for those who oppose their ideology. They can't believe ANYONE in their right mind, would oppose their ideology. The MSM, D Party, Hollywood, and academia regularly confirm their beliefs.
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.
Son of a gun! I've read several posts, including my own, that condemned the Berkley protests as contrary to 1A and no right winger acknowledged any of these posts. Now you get the vapors over an article by a liberal that literally reiterates posts seen here? the rational left capable of stopping or controlling the irrational left is the question. Will the irrational left claim down and be civil or will they continue to resort to uncontrolled anger and violence?

I suspect the irrational left will continue unabated, but then I am a skeptic. The D Party and the elite left WANT more I suspect more is forthcoming.

Good column on this topic...
Leftist Rationality
Anti-Trump demonstrations are far from irrational. The opposite is more likely.
By Paul Gottfried

Frontpage Mag

February 7, 2017

The only question that should be asked in this matter concerns the end game of those who are organizing the insurrectionary masses. What do they expect to gain from the continuing noise and escalating violence? At the very least they may hope to disempower Trump and his administration–perhaps to render them so powerless that they won’t able to do anything that the Left and the Democratic base (to make a perhaps unnecessary distinction) don’t want them to do. The Democrats are also hoping to take advantage of the chaos to which their fans and operatives have contributed by posing as the true party of order. Only the Democrats, the electorate will be impelled to assume, could end the civil unrest by bringing back the glorious days of the Obama administration.

This transfiguration of the bungling leftist Obama into the guarantor of American order may not be as strange an idea as it first seems. Last week I found myself sitting next to a sixty-year-old black woman on a train going to Philadelphia, and this traveler began telling me how nice it had been under Obama. At first, I reminded her of the growing criminality in our cities during the last few years, but then I noticed she wasn’t talking about crime. Things had been nicer under Obama because back then one didn’t witness daily and even hourly eruptions of organized anger, with the media, entertainment industry, and in varying degrees the Democratic Party egging on the mobs. The woman whom I spoke to wasn’t looking for deeper causes. All she knew was that since Trump had taken office, pandemonium was loosed on the country. And it’s not yet clear that this pandemonium will be blamed on those who are causing it, namely the organizers, the media, and the throngs of useful idiots.
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.
Son of a gun! I've read several posts, including my own, that condemned the Berkley protests as contrary to 1A and no right winger acknowledged any of these posts. Now you get the vapors over an article by a liberal that literally reiterates posts seen here?
I like seeing it on a national site read by millions.

Do you understand the difference?
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.
Son of a gun! I've read several posts, including my own, that condemned the Berkley protests as contrary to 1A and no right winger acknowledged any of these posts. Now you get the vapors over an article by a liberal that literally reiterates posts seen here?
I like seeing it on a national site read by millions.

Do you understand the difference?
Mac, obviously you are right about a national site, and I applaud the article, but my first reaction is ...what am I, chopped liver? And I am not the only one here either. What happened is that our comments may have been read, but were certainly ignored as we protesters of that particular violent protest complained. So I open your OP to read that we are now condemned by our brothers and sisters of opposing politics for not being loud enough until this dude writes nationally. However, let me make it clear that incidents of ignoring the few who come together to agree on an issue is not an exclusively Republican trait. I've seen it across the board. So I'm only pointing out the fact that lots of lefties were turned off by the protest as a violation of 1A (#1) and (#2) what's with the violence?
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.
Son of a gun! I've read several posts, including my own, that condemned the Berkley protests as contrary to 1A and no right winger acknowledged any of these posts. Now you get the vapors over an article by a liberal that literally reiterates posts seen here?
I like seeing it on a national site read by millions.

Do you understand the difference?
Mac, obviously you are right about a national site, and I applaud the article, but my first reaction is ...what am I, chopped liver? And I am not the only one here either. What happened is that our comments may have been read, but were certainly ignored as we protesters of that particular violent protest complained. So I open your OP to read that we are now condemned by our brothers and sisters of opposing politics for not being loud enough until this dude writes nationally. However, let me make it clear that incidents of ignoring the few who come together to agree on an issue is not an exclusively Republican trait. I've seen it across the board. So I'm only pointing out the fact that lots of lefties were turned off by the protest as a violation of 1A (#1) and (#2) what's with the violence?
Don't feel down about it, otherwise you're like to wedge yourself between the rock and the hard place in the sense of the crossfire between the Cult of Milo and the "regressive left". It's not a good place to be. So you don't mind that Milo gives a lecture on campus? But Milo says feminism is cancer, therefore you must also agree that feminism is cancer, otherwise you'd be smashing an ATM or something instead of allowing him to speak. You see what I mean there? The 1st Amendment doesn't mention anything about the people having a freedom of conscience, so you don't really have a right to think for yourself... But you know you do have that right, it's implied by the freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion. All those depend upon the freedom of conscience.
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.
Son of a gun! I've read several posts, including my own, that condemned the Berkley protests as contrary to 1A and no right winger acknowledged any of these posts. Now you get the vapors over an article by a liberal that literally reiterates posts seen here?
I like seeing it on a national site read by millions.

Do you understand the difference?
Mac, obviously you are right about a national site, and I applaud the article, but my first reaction is ...what am I, chopped liver? And I am not the only one here either. What happened is that our comments may have been read, but were certainly ignored as we protesters of that particular violent protest complained. So I open your OP to read that we are now condemned by our brothers and sisters of opposing politics for not being loud enough until this dude writes nationally. However, let me make it clear that incidents of ignoring the few who come together to agree on an issue is not an exclusively Republican trait. I've seen it across the board. So I'm only pointing out the fact that lots of lefties were turned off by the protest as a violation of 1A (#1) and (#2) what's with the violence?
Sure, I've seen a few comments in support of the idea expressed in the article, but the Milo issue is just one tiny part of a much bigger picture. This is my biggest frustration with the Left, even though I voted against Trump: This incredible intolerance, particularly on college campuses of all freaking places, to even ALLOW opposing views to see the light of day. It's illiberal, it's anti-liberal. And yeah, no doubt that there's plenty of intolerance on both ends. But I think liberals should stand for openness, communication, curiosity, and the willingness to give all views a full chance, no matter what.

By the way, thanks for the thoughtful and civil response.
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.
Son of a gun! I've read several posts, including my own, that condemned the Berkley protests as contrary to 1A and no right winger acknowledged any of these posts. Now you get the vapors over an article by a liberal that literally reiterates posts seen here?
I like seeing it on a national site read by millions.

Do you understand the difference?
Mac, obviously you are right about a national site, and I applaud the article, but my first reaction is ...what am I, chopped liver? And I am not the only one here either. What happened is that our comments may have been read, but were certainly ignored as we protesters of that particular violent protest complained. So I open your OP to read that we are now condemned by our brothers and sisters of opposing politics for not being loud enough until this dude writes nationally. However, let me make it clear that incidents of ignoring the few who come together to agree on an issue is not an exclusively Republican trait. I've seen it across the board. So I'm only pointing out the fact that lots of lefties were turned off by the protest as a violation of 1A (#1) and (#2) what's with the violence?
Sure, I've seen a few comments in support of the idea expressed in the article, but the Milo issue is just one tiny part of a much bigger picture. This is my biggest frustration with the Left, even though I voted against Trump: This incredible intolerance, particularly on college campuses of all freaking places, to even ALLOW opposing views to see the light of day. It's illiberal, it's anti-liberal. And yeah, no doubt that there's plenty of intolerance on both ends. But I think liberals should stand for openness, communication, curiosity, and the willingness to give all views a full chance, no matter what.

By the way, thanks for the thoughtful and civil response.
I thank you for bringing the subject up, actually. It is worth talking about. We could sure use a refresher in citizenship, and not just in colleges. Remember when Condi Rice felt the need to cancel a speech at a college? And the college let her? I disliked the admin she served with a passion, but always trusted that she is sincere. Not to mention she was probably the smartest person in the whole admin and the only one with class. I have no respect for this Milo guy, but do respect his right to speak. Now look at the reports of pols that have to be surrounded with protection at Townhalls in their own districts. Instead of asking questions or speaking about concerns, we get tantrums. Reminds me of pictures of the adults who lined up along school route streets to hiss and shout epithets at 6 year old first grade black children being escorted to class by Feds. There is one woman whose hate-filled face I will never forget. The recent "Women's March" spoke so much more eloquently due to their (mostly) respectful demeanor. The only detractors were a couple speakers. So thank you for the chance to talk about this and a chance to come together.
The left is not going to stop using brownshirt tactics because historically, brownshirt tactics work. Look at how the Nazis and the Bolsheviks achieved power.
FINALLY, we're getting some clear thinking on this.

I’m A Liberal, And I Want Milo Yiannopoulos On My Campus | The Huffington Post

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events.

And when they’re not throwing tantrums, these regressives resort to the next most destructive thing, name-calling. You’ve all heard it over the course of the past year. Conservatives are racist, sexist, islamophobic etc. Despite my progressive views and liberal credentials as a youth leader in the Democratic Party, I’ve been called all of these things when I speak freely about political issues. The one thing I have not been called is the utterly hyperbolic “neo-Nazi."

Learn to make actual arguments or get out of the debate hall. Right now, with this country in the state that it’s in, we adults don’t have time for your tantrums.

And on and on.

I love it.
Son of a gun! I've read several posts, including my own, that condemned the Berkley protests as contrary to 1A and no right winger acknowledged any of these posts. Now you get the vapors over an article by a liberal that literally reiterates posts seen here?
Well, I thought I would let you know that never read anything you say.

Except for this, ironically.
The left is not going to stop using brownshirt tactics because historically, brownshirt tactics work. Look at how the Nazis and the Bolsheviks achieved power.
Include the red guard and khmer rouge.

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