Yale names newly discovered Dinosaur species after Obama


How I wish the President was extinct too!!!
Willard is going to be honored as soon as they find a dinosaur with only 47 bones...:badgrin:

Very cool.

As usual, the dumb rw's are just way too ignorant about the huge honor this is.

If you fools would stop nursing your hate and fear for a few minutes, you just might learn something ...

... but probably not.

Very cool.

As usual, the dumb rw's are just way too ignorant about the huge honor this is.

If you fools would stop nursing your hate and fear for a few minutes, you just might learn something ...

... but probably not.

I really don't see that changing in the foreseeable future. When W won his second term, I remember the feelings on the other side were similar. I suppose it will always be...:doubt:
We will be printing money with his face on it soon.
Then come the statues,and parades,and monuments.
Gay marriages performed in the temple that was erected in his honor.
Maybe a Federal Holiday...

And some of this will be done before he leaves office I'm sure.

Very cool.

As usual, the dumb rw's are just way too ignorant about the huge honor this is.

If you fools would stop nursing your hate and fear for a few minutes, you just might learn something ...

... but probably not.

It's not that cool.

Sorry we don't all worship president big ears like you.

Very cool.

As usual, the dumb rw's are just way too ignorant about the huge honor this is.

If you fools would stop nursing your hate and fear for a few minutes, you just might learn something ...

... but probably not.

Could an internet poster make it more clear how bad they wana fuck Obama than you have?
The dinosaur clearly wont be enough for Obama's ego ..... he wants Mt Rushmore ....why? because this President has done nothing good for the country ...


he has done it better than anyone!:eusa_clap::rolleyes:


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