Y2Kyoto: Temperature Tampering


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It’s still going on.


Tampering Past The Tipping Point | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
This tampering is getting so wild that even the scientific illiterate are seeing the deception. The cooling coming this winter for the NH is going to hit hard. Crop failures due to cold and wet this year alone are 46% in the US Mid West and 57% in Canada... Not a peep from any news organization.

Corn, Wheat and Soy Bean output is going to be severely diminished. One year is a concern, it's when they get two or three years in a row and see how the public responds to the prices skyrocketing and scarce supply, that wil bit them in the ass. The people will respond to the deceptions they have been feed and it won't be pretty..
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I just sent off a letter to one of my colleagues who stores yearly data base information on climate and he is going to send me the high and low temps for each day from 100 cities and the 165 site US-CRN databases for the last five years. I plan to compare them to the several data manipulation algorithms in use today that are supposed tell us what the 'correct' temperature is.

I want to see how bad they are killing the RAW data. In the three areas I have already looked at the 1.2 deg C manipulation on your chart is real close. If they have done this globally, we are cooling more rapidly than they want people to know.

ETA: I just asked for length of records in existence to see the whole manipulation game..
This post from another thread is very enlightening...

You KNOW I don't believe in AGW, but there really is no use in denying natural climate variability. We need effective strategies to deal with such variability, or else our "just in time," distribution system which maximizes profit over security, is as weak, or weaker than it was during the dust bowl era.

If such a calamity should happen today, rather than blaming it on natural variability, they will blame catastrophic high food prices and recession/depression on AGW. That will be all the excuse these pols. need to institute martial law and socialism. You know it, I know it.

Do you want to see a frightening meme? I saw one today. Let's hope they have prepared and budgeted for this in the Ag Bill coming up. . .



Visual proof of crop failures THIS YEAR!
This post from another thread is very enlightening...

You KNOW I don't believe in AGW, but there really is no use in denying natural climate variability. We need effective strategies to deal with such variability, or else our "just in time," distribution system which maximizes profit over security, is as weak, or weaker than it was during the dust bowl era.

If such a calamity should happen today, rather than blaming it on natural variability, they will blame catastrophic high food prices and recession/depression on AGW. That will be all the excuse these pols. need to institute martial law and socialism. You know it, I know it.

Do you want to see a frightening meme? I saw one today. Let's hope they have prepared and budgeted for this in the Ag Bill coming up. . .



Visual proof of crop failures THIS YEAR!

A lot of that has to do with how wet it has been this year.

Proof of what I had been saying. . . :71:

Leave it to Bezos' CIA shit rag to spin natural facts into political propaganda.

Thread summary:


Flat-earther cultists use the same stupid claims. The difference is that flat-earthers look like geniuses compared to the denier retards here.
Thread summary:


Flat-earther cultists use the same stupid claims. The difference is that flat-earthers look like geniuses compared to the denier retards here.
In actuality, the flat earthers and the AGW cult have much more in common.

Flat earthers manipulate photos and data to arrive at their pre-detirimined conclusions. AGWers use computer modeling and adjusted data that is not reproducible and have no experimental way of proving their hypothesis.

hmmmmm. . . . the similarity IS uncanny. :71:
AGWers use computer modeling and adjusted data that is not reproducible and have no experimental way of proving their hypothesis.

Nonsense. The predictions have been excellent. The fact that you either didn't know that or choose to lie about it makes your cult fanaticism clear.

Remember, you're the one screaming how there's a VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot directed at patriots like yourself, even though you can't provide any evidence for it. That makes you the cultist, and us the normal people.

I do understand the attraction the cult has for you. It must give you a major to believe that you're a special snowflake, a member of the forces of good, possessing secret knowledge of TheConspiracyOfEvilDoers.
AGWers use computer modeling and adjusted data that is not reproducible and have no experimental way of proving their hypothesis.

Nonsense. The predictions have been excellent. The fact that you either didn't know that or choose to lie about it makes your cult fanaticism clear.

Remember, you're the one screaming how there's a VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot directed at patriots like yourself, even though you can't provide any evidence for it. That makes you the cultist, and us the normal people.

I do understand the attraction the cult has for you. It must give you a major to believe that you're a special snowflake, a member of the forces of good, possessing secret knowledge of TheConspiracyOfEvilDoers.

The predictions have been shit you imbecile. 300% off in some cases. Maybe in your peanut sized brain that is good, but to the rest of the world that is laughable.
Thread summary:


Flat-earther cultists use the same stupid claims. The difference is that flat-earthers look like geniuses compared to the denier retards here.

Oh look another ZERO counterpoint to Post One, from miserable warmist.

It appears you have none, but here to spew bullcrap hoping people will follow your slimy trail and forget the well proven PISS Temperature fraud.

You failed in all counts.
This post from another thread is very enlightening...

You KNOW I don't believe in AGW, but there really is no use in denying natural climate variability. We need effective strategies to deal with such variability, or else our "just in time," distribution system which maximizes profit over security, is as weak, or weaker than it was during the dust bowl era.

If such a calamity should happen today, rather than blaming it on natural variability, they will blame catastrophic high food prices and recession/depression on AGW. That will be all the excuse these pols. need to institute martial law and socialism. You know it, I know it.

Do you want to see a frightening meme? I saw one today. Let's hope they have prepared and budgeted for this in the Ag Bill coming up. . .



Visual proof of crop failures THIS YEAR!
Never in history has crops faced nonperfect growing conditions!
It appears you have none, but here to spew bullcrap hoping people will follow your slimy trail and forget the well proven PISS Temperature fraud.

Don't worry, I think everyone is well aware of your fraud concerning the temperature record. They won't forget it.

So why do you continue with it? After all, everyone already knows that you're lying. There's no need to hammer on that point.

Oh, I see. You're preaching to the choir. You know how your fellow denier cult members are a violent and unstable lot, and that they hate apostates far more than they hate non-cultists. If you were to refuse to lie for the cult, you would be considered an apostate, and your life would be in danger from your fellow cultists. Therefore, you take every opportunity to inform your fellow cultists that you'll proudly engage in any sleaze for the glory of the cult, no matter how disgusting it makes you look.
AGWers use computer modeling and adjusted data that is not reproducible and have no experimental way of proving their hypothesis.

Nonsense. The predictions have been excellent. The fact that you either didn't know that or choose to lie about it makes your cult fanaticism clear.

Remember, you're the one screaming how there's a VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot directed at patriots like yourself, even though you can't provide any evidence for it. That makes you the cultist, and us the normal people.

I do understand the attraction the cult has for you. It must give you a major to believe that you're a special snowflake, a member of the forces of good, possessing secret knowledge of TheConspiracyOfEvilDoers.

The predictions have been shit you imbecile. 300% off in some cases. Maybe in your peanut sized brain that is good, but to the rest of the world that is laughable.

Yep, the farther from reality they go the more confident they are that they are correct... Talk about an upside down bull shit world...

model emperical review failure.png
Visual proof of crop failures THIS YEAR!

Crop "failures" because of how extreme amounts of rain over the midwest have prevented planting, or caused extremely late planting.

What does that have to do with your babbling idiocy?
Two years ago you mythers claimed it caused drought. That’s a 180 in two years.

And you wonder why we laugh at you mythers?

Climate Change Altering Droughts, Impacts Across U.S.

One lie after another with these alarmists... And empirical evidence shows that this is simply a change in weather patterns due to angle of incidence towards the sun and increasing pole shift. And that is a provable explanation.

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