WWII, Hitler and the Nazis not the only anti semitics, our US top generals were as well.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
book as I was researching Patton's anti Semitism I came across this:

JewishPost.com - The Power of Prejudice and then the book which is on Amazon wrote in 2001

The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army Paperback – October 4, 2001

The Zionist didn't get Russia or Germany but they got us, meaning the USA. Of course its anti Semitism but the people in the top didn't want the soviet Jews here (Bolsheviks) here on our soil. See the whole world was and still is anti semitic. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.
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book as I was researching Patton's anti Semitism I came across this:

JewishPost.com - The Power of Prejudice and then the book which is on Amazon wrote in 2001

The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army Paperback – October 4, 2001

The Zionist didn't get Russia or Germany but they got us, meaning the USA. Of course its anti Semitism but the people in the top didn't want the soviet Jews here (Bolsheviks) here on our soil. See the whole world was and still is anti semitic. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

My father served in the Navy during World War II, I served for a few years and my son served. We all discovered a similar demographic and ethos. The US military thruout those times included the dregs of society and was rife with both
racism and anti-Semitism----for that matter also alcoholism and drug addiction.
In my navy base the BRIG was always full. My job ---being health care----brought me in close contact with the general filth and it did exist on ALL LEVELS.
AN INTERESTING ANECDOTE>> my mom stayed in Florida for awhile because my dad was stationed in Key West. She was APPALLED when she noticed that black americans sit "at the back of the bus" and stated "I will sit with
them" My dad prevented her saying "you can't, I am the only jew on the ship." Penelope got it right------there is lots of shit JUST LIKE HER in the military. From her very own citation---the best statement>>>>>

"although in some respects the anti-Semitism of these officers reflected the prejudice of Americans, generally army views lagged far behind changes in societal attitudes. Indeed, the army, particularly its senior officers remained a bastion of both racial prejudice and anti-Semitism much longer than indicated by either popular memory or previous historical studies"<<<<so true-----and there is
still shit like Penelope thruout the population of the USA
book as I was researching Patton's anti Semitism I came across this:

JewishPost.com - The Power of Prejudice and then the book which is on Amazon wrote in 2001

The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army Paperback – October 4, 2001

The Zionist didn't get Russia or Germany but they got us, meaning the USA. Of course its anti Semitism but the people in the top didn't want the soviet Jews here (Bolsheviks) here on our soil. See the whole world was and still is anti semitic. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

My father served in the Navy during World War II, I served for a few years and my son served. We all discovered a similar demographic and ethos. The US military thruout those times included the dregs of society and was rife with both
racism and anti-Semitism----for that matter also alcoholism and drug addiction.
In my navy base the BRIG was always full. My job ---being health care----brought me in close contact with the general filth and it did exist on ALL LEVELS.
AN INTERESTING ANECDOTE>> my mom stayed in Florida for awhile because my dad was stationed in Key West. She was APPALLED when she noticed that black americans sit "at the back of the bus" and stated "I will sit with
them" My dad prevented her saying "you can't, I am the only jew on the ship." Penelope got it right------there is lots of shit JUST LIKE HER in the military. From her very own citation---the best statement>>>>>

"although in some respects the anti-Semitism of these officers reflected the prejudice of Americans, generally army views lagged far behind changes in societal attitudes. Indeed, the army, particularly its senior officers remained a bastion of both racial prejudice and anti-Semitism much longer than indicated by either popular memory or previous historical studies"<<<<so true-----and there is
still shit like Penelope thruout the population of the USA

You must be almost 85-90 years old if you served and your son. So everyone was anti semetic. Were there any filthy jews or just US and German filth? Why in the hell did you stay in the US with the dregs of society?
book as I was researching Patton's anti Semitism I came across this:

JewishPost.com - The Power of Prejudice and then the book which is on Amazon wrote in 2001

The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army Paperback – October 4, 2001

The Zionist didn't get Russia or Germany but they got us, meaning the USA. Of course its anti Semitism but the people in the top didn't want the soviet Jews here (Bolsheviks) here on our soil. See the whole world was and still is anti semitic. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

My father served in the Navy during World War II, I served for a few years and my son served. We all discovered a similar demographic and ethos. The US military thruout those times included the dregs of society and was rife with both
racism and anti-Semitism----for that matter also alcoholism and drug addiction.
In my navy base the BRIG was always full. My job ---being health care----brought me in close contact with the general filth and it did exist on ALL LEVELS.
AN INTERESTING ANECDOTE>> my mom stayed in Florida for awhile because my dad was stationed in Key West. She was APPALLED when she noticed that black americans sit "at the back of the bus" and stated "I will sit with
them" My dad prevented her saying "you can't, I am the only jew on the ship." Penelope got it right------there is lots of shit JUST LIKE HER in the military. From her very own citation---the best statement>>>>>

"although in some respects the anti-Semitism of these officers reflected the prejudice of Americans, generally army views lagged far behind changes in societal attitudes. Indeed, the army, particularly its senior officers remained a bastion of both racial prejudice and anti-Semitism much longer than indicated by either popular memory or previous historical studies"<<<<so true-----and there is
still shit like Penelope thruout the population of the USA

You must be almost 85-90 years old if you served and your son. So everyone was anti semetic. Were there any filthy jews or just US and German filth? Why in the hell did you stay in the US with the dregs of society?

nope----I am not 85-90 ---but my mom is 95 and far more intellectually intact than are you. I did not state that "everyone" was anti-semetic. Enough were and more than enough were racist. Lots of the military people are dregs----not all. Most of the dregs are victims of the same kind of dung heap
that spawned you. I was required to monitor the AA meetings for several
weeks (that's alcohol rehab)---and the kids told their life stories. ---almost
all victims of alcoholic parents and they saw violence Several of them lost
their fathers while mom was "cleaning the gun" FAMILIAR TO YOU?
Their racism and anti-semitism----like yours---was learned from their marginal
"socializing group" But adults are RESPONSIBLE for themselves----even
though many were victims of the same filth that victimized you----as adults
they are supposed to overcome. Despite the presence of dregs like you in
the USA-----I will continue to live here----most are not the shit that you are
Well make one wonder, is anti Semitism due to a person or the activity of Jews? Gee with so many anti semitics, do you think maybe its due to real activities and ideologies of the jews. The whole world is wrong and the Jews take the blunt.

Well you must of had your son early in life then. As well as you Mom.
Well make one wonder, is anti Semitism due to a person or the activity of Jews? Gee with so many anti semitics, do you think maybe its due to real activities and ideologies of the jews. The whole world is wrong and the Jews take the blunt.

Well you must of had your son early in life then. As well as you Mom.

you still fail simple arithmetic. It interests me that so many of the sailors
I treated ---were like you. They could not add or subtract or spell. It might
interest you to know that "THE WHOLE" world does not hate jews.
I encountered lots of people from south east Asia during my life. The Hindus,
Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Sikhs don't hate jews. The muslims do. In fact in
places in which Jews and Hindus and Zoroastrians and Muslims all live
in the same town (Mumbai)--------the jews, hindus, Zoroastrians all get along
VERY WELL -----------and the muslims.....well......try and guess.
book as I was researching Patton's anti Semitism I came across this:

JewishPost.com - The Power of Prejudice and then the book which is on Amazon wrote in 2001

The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army Paperback – October 4, 2001

The Zionist didn't get Russia or Germany but they got us, meaning the USA. Of course its anti Semitism but the people in the top didn't want the soviet Jews here (Bolsheviks) here on our soil. See the whole world was and still is anti semitic. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

My father served in the Navy during World War II, I served for a few years and my son served. We all discovered a similar demographic and ethos. The US military thruout those times included the dregs of society and was rife with both
racism and anti-Semitism----for that matter also alcoholism and drug addiction.
In my navy base the BRIG was always full. My job ---being health care----brought me in close contact with the general filth and it did exist on ALL LEVELS.
AN INTERESTING ANECDOTE>> my mom stayed in Florida for awhile because my dad was stationed in Key West. She was APPALLED when she noticed that black americans sit "at the back of the bus" and stated "I will sit with
them" My dad prevented her saying "you can't, I am the only jew on the ship." Penelope got it right------there is lots of shit JUST LIKE HER in the military. From her very own citation---the best statement>>>>>
irosie the piece of crap hating on U.S. veterans..........:cuckoo:
book as I was researching Patton's anti Semitism I came across this:

JewishPost.com - The Power of Prejudice and then the book which is on Amazon wrote in 2001

The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army Paperback – October 4, 2001

The Zionist didn't get Russia or Germany but they got us, meaning the USA. Of course its anti Semitism but the people in the top didn't want the soviet Jews here (Bolsheviks) here on our soil. See the whole world was and still is anti semitic. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

My father served in the Navy during World War II, I served for a few years and my son served. We all discovered a similar demographic and ethos. The US military thruout those times included the dregs of society and was rife with both
racism and anti-Semitism----for that matter also alcoholism and drug addiction.
In my navy base the BRIG was always full. My job ---being health care----brought me in close contact with the general filth and it did exist on ALL LEVELS.
AN INTERESTING ANECDOTE>> my mom stayed in Florida for awhile because my dad was stationed in Key West. She was APPALLED when she noticed that black americans sit "at the back of the bus" and stated "I will sit with
them" My dad prevented her saying "you can't, I am the only jew on the ship." Penelope got it right------there is lots of shit JUST LIKE HER in the military. From her very own citation---the best statement>>>>

irosie the piece of crap hating on U.S. veterans..........:cuckoo:

sunni the lump of muzzie mo worshipping shit again licks it off the mosque
pig pen floor. My father was a veteran, I am a veteran and my son is a
veteran-----of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA military------even today, OUR BOYS are in danger of more and more muzzie filth. The unfortunate
reality is that anti Semitism is a CONSTANTINE/MUHUMMAD pile of shit---
still reaching some elements in the world of Christianity and THE ENTIRE DUNG HEAP OF ISLAM. Regarding the USA military-----as Nazi shit whore
Penelope's citation states-------it lags behind the rest of (Christian) society
in the USA in throwing off the racist and antisemetic shit of CONSTANTINE/MUHUMMAD AL KANZEER. I witnessed it-----my dad witnessed it and even my son saw it------innocent kid that he was. His best
friend in the Military was a SYRIAN kid-----who spoke Hebrew fluently----because his parents had fled the filth of Islamic Syria years ago ----to Israel and
most were still there----He came to the USA----for opportunities (did I mention
the fact that the Syrian kid was a Christian? He described his father as
"more likud than likud" <<< a reaction to the experience of Christians in the Islamic cesspit----syria
book as I was researching Patton's anti Semitism I came across this:

JewishPost.com - The Power of Prejudice and then the book which is on Amazon wrote in 2001

The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army Paperback – October 4, 2001

The Zionist didn't get Russia or Germany but they got us, meaning the USA. Of course its anti Semitism but the people in the top didn't want the soviet Jews here (Bolsheviks) here on our soil. See the whole world was and still is anti semitic. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

LOL the illiterate Penelope cited yet ANOTHER BOOK that she NEVER READ and then invented a little paragraph ^^^^^^ hoping that someone will
imagine that she is quoting the book (hint----that paragraph emerged as a noxious burst from her very own ass------it's not from the book...)

My father served in the Navy during World War II, I served for a few years and my son served. We all discovered a similar demographic and ethos. The US military thruout those times included the dregs of society and was rife with both
racism and anti-Semitism----for that matter also alcoholism and drug addiction.
In my navy base the BRIG was always full. My job ---being health care----brought me in close contact with the general filth and it did exist on ALL LEVELS.
AN INTERESTING ANECDOTE>> my mom stayed in Florida for awhile because my dad was stationed in Key West. She was APPALLED when she noticed that black americans sit "at the back of the bus" and stated "I will sit with
them" My dad prevented her saying "you can't, I am the only jew on the ship." Penelope got it right------there is lots of shit JUST LIKE HER in the military. From her very own citation---the best statement>>>>>

"although in some respects the anti-Semitism of these officers reflected the prejudice of Americans, generally army views lagged far behind changes in societal attitudes. Indeed, the army, particularly its senior officers remained a bastion of both racial prejudice and anti-Semitism much longer than indicated by either popular memory or previous historical studies"<<<<so true-----and there is
still shit like Penelope thruout the population of the USA

You must be almost 85-90 years old if you served and your son. So everyone was anti semetic. Were there any filthy jews or just US and German filth? Why in the hell did you stay in the US with the dregs of society?
sunni the lump of muzzie mo worshipping shit again licks it off the mosque
pig pen floor. My father was a veteran, I am a veteran and my son is a
veteran-----of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA military------even today, OUR BOYS are in danger of more and more muzzie filth. The unfortunate
reality is that anti Semitism is a CONSTANTINE/MUHUMMAD pile of shit---
still reaching some elements in the world of Christianity and THE ENTIRE DUNG HEAP OF ISLAM. Regarding the USA military-----as Nazi shit whore
Penelope's citation states-------it lags behind the rest of (Christian) society
in the USA in throwing off the racist and antisemetic shit of CONSTANTINE/MUHUMMAD AL KANZEER. I witnessed it-----my dad witnessed it and even my son saw it------innocent kid that he was. His best
friend in the Military was a SYRIAN kid-----who spoke Hebrew fluently----because his parents had fled the filth of Islamic Syria years ago ----to Israel and
most were still there----He came to the USA----for opportunities (did I mention
the fact that the Syrian kid was a Christian? He described his father as
"more likud than likud" <<< a reaction to the experience of Christians in the Islamic cesspit----syria
irosie having a juden meltdown.........I must have hit a nerve. ...... :lol: :lol:
sunni the lump of muzzie mo worshipping shit again licks it off the mosque
pig pen floor. My father was a veteran, I am a veteran and my son is a
veteran-----of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA military------even today, OUR BOYS are in danger of more and more muzzie filth. The unfortunate
reality is that anti Semitism is a CONSTANTINE/MUHUMMAD pile of shit---
still reaching some elements in the world of Christianity and THE ENTIRE DUNG HEAP OF ISLAM. Regarding the USA military-----as Nazi shit whore
Penelope's citation states-------it lags behind the rest of (Christian) society
in the USA in throwing off the racist and antisemetic shit of CONSTANTINE/MUHUMMAD AL KANZEER. I witnessed it-----my dad witnessed it and even my son saw it------innocent kid that he was. His best
friend in the Military was a SYRIAN kid-----who spoke Hebrew fluently----because his parents had fled the filth of Islamic Syria years ago ----to Israel and
most were still there----He came to the USA----for opportunities (did I mention
the fact that the Syrian kid was a Christian? He described his father as
"more likud than likud" <<< a reaction to the experience of Christians in the Islamic cesspit----syria
irosie having a juden meltdown.........I must have hit a nerve. ...... :lol: :lol:

what is the name of the nerve that piece of shit, muhummad al kanzeer told you that you "hit"
. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

Not 'we'- you.

There was lots of anti-semitism in the Western World- including the United States, and Britain- France was famous for the Dreyfus(sp?) case, and of course Germany and Eastern Europe. American military was well known for having lots of officers who were anti-semites.

The difference is that Hitler officially tapped into that anti-semitism, made it official policy, and instituted industrial murder to kill off jews.

Luckily the world has progressed, and today anti-semites are seen for the hateful and harmful bigots that they are.
sunni the lump of muzzie mo worshipping shit again licks it off the mosque
pig pen floor. My father was a veteran, I am a veteran and my son is a
veteran-----of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA military------even today, OUR BOYS are in danger of more and more muzzie filth. The unfortunate
reality is that anti Semitism is a CONSTANTINE/MUHUMMAD pile of shit---
still reaching some elements in the world of Christianity and THE ENTIRE DUNG HEAP OF ISLAM. Regarding the USA military-----as Nazi shit whore
Penelope's citation states-------it lags behind the rest of (Christian) society
in the USA in throwing off the racist and antisemetic shit of CONSTANTINE/MUHUMMAD AL KANZEER. I witnessed it-----my dad witnessed it and even my son saw it------innocent kid that he was. His best
friend in the Military was a SYRIAN kid-----who spoke Hebrew fluently----because his parents had fled the filth of Islamic Syria years ago ----to Israel and
most were still there----He came to the USA----for opportunities (did I mention
the fact that the Syrian kid was a Christian? He described his father as
"more likud than likud" <<< a reaction to the experience of Christians in the Islamic cesspit----syria
irosie having a juden meltdown.........I must have hit a nerve. ...... :lol: :lol:

Nothing like those muslim kharah meltdowns-----more than 300 murdered in
mecca during a HAJJ meltdown-----short circuit to the jammah sharmootahs
Face it irosie........you had a complete juden meltdown.......nothing to be ashamed about. ...... :eusa_angel:

face it sunni-------allah laughed whilst hajji pigs and dogs trampled each other to death in mecca-------not your fault-----allah has a good sense of humor
Well make one wonder, is anti Semitism due to a person or the activity of Jews? Gee with so many anti semitics, do you think maybe its due to real activities and ideologies of the jews. The whole world is wrong and the Jews take the blunt.

Well you must of had your son early in life then. As well as you Mom.

you still fail simple arithmetic. It interests me that so many of the sailors
I treated ---were like you. They could not add or subtract or spell. It might
interest you to know that "THE WHOLE" world does not hate jews.
I encountered lots of people from south east Asia during my life. The Hindus,
Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Sikhs don't hate jews. The muslims do. In fact in
places in which Jews and Hindus and Zoroastrians and Muslims all live
in the same town (Mumbai)--------the jews, hindus, Zoroastrians all get along
VERY WELL -----------and the muslims.....well......try and guess.
. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

Not 'we'- you.

There was lots of anti-semitism in the Western World- including the United States, and Britain- France was famous for the Dreyfus(sp?) case, and of course Germany and Eastern Europe. American military was well known for having lots of officers who were anti-semites.

The difference is that Hitler officially tapped into that anti-semitism, made it official policy, and instituted industrial murder to kill off jews.

Luckily the world has progressed, and today anti-semites are seen for the hateful and harmful bigots that they are.

No like them all , they were anti communism and knew darn well what the Jewish commies would do to a country, take it over from within, like they tried to do in Russia. Funny how the whole world can be wrong, seriously think.

The Jews are the hateful bigots and we should of listened to the people who knew this firsthand. You can't make this stuff up. Every country they enter they destroy. Like locust.

Pisses me off they have to nerve to discredit the people who fought the WWII to free them, what a waste of American life's , money and time.
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Face it irosie........you had a complete juden meltdown.......nothing to be ashamed about. ...... :eusa_angel:

face it sunni-------allah laughed whilst hajji pigs and dogs trampled each other to death in mecca-------not your fault-----allah has a good sense of humor

Are your rabbis still doing the sucking circumcisms, and spreading herpes, and Hiv?
Face it irosie........you had a complete juden meltdown.......nothing to be ashamed about. ...... :eusa_angel:

face it sunni-------allah laughed whilst hajji pigs and dogs trampled each other to death in mecca-------not your fault-----allah has a good sense of humor

Are your rabbis still doing the sucking circumcisms, and spreading herpes, and Hiv?

are your ministers still raping little boys?. There are no cases of HIV reported related to the issue circumcision-----Hiv is a problem in your community. In fact I worked in one of the epicenters of AIDS during the early 1990s------none of the patients were jews------all were sluts and dogs from your community.
I am a bit surprised that you know nothing about Herpes simplex. YOU CLAIM to be some kind of "health care worker" ----are you still molesting children?
Face it irosie........you had a complete juden meltdown.......nothing to be ashamed about. ...... :eusa_angel:

face it sunni-------allah laughed whilst hajji pigs and dogs trampled each other to death in mecca-------not your fault-----allah has a good sense of humor

Are your rabbis still doing the sucking circumcisms, and spreading herpes, and Hiv?

are your ministers still raping little boys?. There are no cases of HIV reported related to the issue circumcision-----Hiv is a problem in your community. In fact I worked in one of the epicenters of AIDS during the early 1990s------none of the patients were jews------all were sluts and dogs from your community.
I am a bit surprised that you know nothing about Herpes simplex. YOU CLAIM to be some kind of "health care worker" ----are you still molesting children?

Really google it. I thought NY made a law Rabbis can't do that anymore, its disgusting. Hey you want to talk about pedophiles, Rabbis also have a market on that it seems.
Face it irosie........you had a complete juden meltdown.......nothing to be ashamed about. ...... :eusa_angel:

face it sunni-------allah laughed whilst hajji pigs and dogs trampled each other to death in mecca-------not your fault-----allah has a good sense of humor

Are your rabbis still doing the sucking circumcisms, and spreading herpes, and Hiv?

are your ministers still raping little boys?. There are no cases of HIV reported related to the issue circumcision-----Hiv is a problem in your community. In fact I worked in one of the epicenters of AIDS during the early 1990s------none of the patients were jews------all were sluts and dogs from your community.
I am a bit surprised that you know nothing about Herpes simplex. YOU CLAIM to be some kind of "health care worker" ----are you still molesting children?

Jews in Hollywood, lots of Jews Irosie. I have read about all the gay bath houses, just like in Greece and Rome. You need to wise up or even admit it.

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