WTF is with the bald women?

And if not completely bald, butch cuts. Do men really like this? Being an old lady, I am old school. Mama always said "a woman's hair is her crowning glory" and I always believed that.

Being bald due to chemo or alpecia....but deliberately butching your hair is another. I think its ugly as hell. What do you guys think? Is it sexy or something? New fad? Do you LIKE seeing it or do you prefer waves and length?
Many years ago when this trend first began, I was visiting a city to see relatives and we went to the mall. I seriously wondered why so many women were on chemo....thought there was some kind of chemo-ward bus dropping them off or something.
My stepmother had to explain.....
Just like men who do it, very few women can really get away with it.

I actually shave my head because I am balding so why pretend and just get rid of it, but I am a man ( yes even if I am childish ).

For women, it matter not to me and if they are comfortable and can sport it by all means do it...
And if not completely bald, butch cuts. Do men really like this? Being an old lady, I am old school. Mama always said "a woman's hair is her crowning glory" and I always believed that.

Being bald due to chemo or alpecia....but deliberately butching your hair is another. I think its ugly as hell. What do you guys think? Is it sexy or something? New fad? Do you LIKE seeing it or do you prefer waves and length?

Dunno what to tell you, Gracie. I think it looks weird, myself. But then, I wear my hair in an updated version of Jane Russell's, so "modern" is not really my thing in general.

I shave my head. I originally did it in 2000, and would never go back. Super convenient.

I guess some women like the way it looks. It is their hair.

My sweetie has short hair. Not butch, but very short. She likes it and looks great.

To each their own.

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