Wrong Place, Wrong Time


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
The title of the OP is what readers will usually find explaining the deaths of White people who are attacked or killed by Blacks in the Angloshpere. So why haven't we seen this explanation feature in any of the articles covering the shooting in Charleston?
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The Justice Department was quick to label this guy a terrorist.....that this was a hate-crime......but we're still waiting for them to admit the same about the Ft Hood shootings....choosing instead to calling it simply workplace-violence.

Mud, it pains me to write this, but as a White, gun owning American conservative, you might as well consider yourself a potential Nazi terrorist.
The Justice Department was quick to label this guy a terrorist.....that this was a hate-crime......but we're still waiting for them to admit the same about the Ft Hood shootings....choosing instead to calling it simply workplace-violence.

Mud, it pains me to write this, but as a White, gun owning American conservative, you might as well consider yourself a potential Nazi terrorist.


Islamic terrorists are given the benefit of the doubt.

Not law-abiding whites who own guns.....especially veterans.

We all hate Gays and blacks and want to kill both in churches and or schools.

We all live in our cars and burn the flag BTW.

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