
Yeah, I junked my first attempt because I want to go in another direction. Unfortunately, that's as far as I got. Anybody else in my shoes?


BD I am so deep in your shoes I can't see daylight. I have three different manuscripts gathering dust in different rooms on different surfaces. My so called Opus (capital letters there, right?) is before me with a great start a great and spectacular ending but no aceptable middle.

Now. There are dozens of short stories lying around, some good, some that have the look only a mother could love.

What can I say?
The only way to learn how to write is . . .well. . is to write.

Keep hard at it, treat it like an exercise you must do once a day and never stop.

Then someday you too can be the proud owner of stacks of fledglings, one or two of which may turn out to be swans.

Ya never know.

Is that a mirror I see in your hand. ;)

My nephew is the family author (at this point!) Sooo ..... I think part of my problem is - he's brilliant. I couldn't begin to complete. Therefore, why bother.

I just need to get over it, and start again.

It isn't a competition. You'll only find the best stories in your heart, an organ and state of mind most people keep guarded. The trick is to let you heart fall onto the pages, without shame or fear of harsh criticism. You'll get it wrong more often than not but every once in a great while the Gods smile down.

Hemingway described it as 'sitting down at the typewriter and bleeding onto the pages'.
Here's a good tip for you
Read Stephen Kings 'On Writing' You can pick it up on Amazon for a song and you get more from it than Strunk and White, guaranteed. But a copy of Strunk and White can't hurt anything.;)
BD I am so deep in your shoes I can't see daylight. I have three different manuscripts gathering dust in different rooms on different surfaces. My so called Opus (capital letters there, right?) is before me with a great start a great and spectacular ending but no aceptable middle.

Now. There are dozens of short stories lying around, some good, some that have the look only a mother could love.

What can I say?
The only way to learn how to write is . . .well. . is to write.

Keep hard at it, treat it like an exercise you must do once a day and never stop.

Then someday you too can be the proud owner of stacks of fledglings, one or two of which may turn out to be swans.

Ya never know.

Is that a mirror I see in your hand. ;)

My nephew is the family author (at this point!) Sooo ..... I think part of my problem is - he's brilliant. I couldn't begin to complete. Therefore, why bother.

I just need to get over it, and start again.

Is your writing about competition?

Unless you are planning to publish the only person you have to please is yourself.

I write because to not do so is unthinkable.
Is that a mirror I see in your hand. ;)

My nephew is the family author (at this point!) Sooo ..... I think part of my problem is - he's brilliant. I couldn't begin to complete. Therefore, why bother.

I just need to get over it, and start again.

Is your writing about competition?

Unless you are planning to publish the only person you have to please is yourself.

I write because to not do so is unthinkable.

Ok, ok, the maximum level of pretentiousness has been exceeded. Take it down a notch.
Is your writing about competition?

Unless you are planning to publish the only person you have to please is yourself.

I write because to not do so is unthinkable.

Ok, ok, the maximum level of pretentiousness has been exceeded. Take it down a notch.

BD, Take note. In future this is the kind of criticism you can expect. It's not for the weak of heart (there's that heart again) but most people that criticize your work will not be looking to hurt you just to hurt you.
I write because to not do so is unthinkable.

Ok, ok, the maximum level of pretentiousness has been exceeded. Take it down a notch.

BD, Take note. In future this is the kind of criticism you can expect. It's not for the weak of heart (there's that heart again) but most people that criticize your work will not be looking to hurt you just to hurt you.

Who's criticizing anyone's work? I was mocking your little emo-performance there.
Ok, ok, the maximum level of pretentiousness has been exceeded. Take it down a notch.

BD, Take note. In future this is the kind of criticism you can expect. It's not for the weak of heart (there's that heart again) but most people that criticize your work will not be looking to hurt you just to hurt you.

Who's criticizing anyone's work? I was mocking your little emo-performance there.

That's what writing is all about. Heart, emotion. Being fearless. Over the top? You betcha. You can't expect anybody else to feel it if you don't. So mock away. Or better yet, let's see something you've written.

But you know what's funny? I see your words coming out of that dog's mouth and I keep cracking up. Beautiful dog.
BD, Take note. In future this is the kind of criticism you can expect. It's not for the weak of heart (there's that heart again) but most people that criticize your work will not be looking to hurt you just to hurt you.

Who's criticizing anyone's work? I was mocking your little emo-performance there.

That's what writing is all about. Heart, emotion. Being fearless. Over the top? You betcha. .

That's what bad writing is all about.
That's what writing is all about. Heart, emotion. Being fearless. Over the top? You betcha. .

That's what bad writing is all about.

Put up or shut up.:D

I know you were just dying to say that, but you make no sense. I haven't criticized any of your writing. Hell, I haven't seen any of it. I have mocked your pretentious and self-indulgently dramatic attitude. Let's address that first. Then you can post some of your writing, and if I criticize it you can say "put up or shut up." It still won't make sense to say so, but at least you'll have a reason.

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