Writer's Corner - Elitist for sure, but honesty and a cold hard look at reality.

Thank you Mr. IsaacNewton. I do believe you are mistaken that one criteria is to contribute large amounts of material. It is my understanding that anyone on the op-ed team could contribute as little as they saw fit, or are able to given demands on them personally; or as often as daily contributions, with a sometimes limit of 2 a day at most. It is a work in progress and I am sure criteria and demands will change over time. We shall see.

As far as USMB itself? I guess some people would rather post in threads on their own websites. You know those websites. The ones where there are three, four, or five people waiting to be discovered by the audience you could reach here for free?

again, thank you

Hon, I am no writer. I don't post here to BE a writer cuz I ain't. USMB is a message board. All sorts of people post here. Some write better than others. Some prefer to read what the better writers write. Many like to cuss and swear and get downright gross at times, myself included. Many have no clue how to use proper pronunciation and frankly, most of us don't give a damn. We are here to hang out, joke, laugh, insult, poke, rant, rave, support each other when the need arises, fight about religion, politics, post songs, give each other eye candy, yadda yadda yadda. It's the local honkytonk bar in the middle of Rodeo drive, so to speak. Nobody here is trying to impress anyone else. We are just...being. New folks joining in was CK's plan, I think. Being admin of a board means one has to make it a place folks want to gather at. No members, no board. So, he's trying.

Dat's all folks. Y'all do what writers do and I will do what I do. Read it. Or not. :lol:

Sorry for interrupting.
Thank you Ms. Gracie. I must say straight out that I seriously do not know what you are replying to. Did you read the thread op? What am I missing here? You appear to be arguing with yourself, because you just validated what it is that was posted in the op.

"We all know from experience that message boards come and go. But, my observations lead me to believe, that people who inhabit and thrive on message boards are people who are attached to, and ultimately loyal to the practices of online engagement and involvement. And what better engagement and involvement is there than to be an op-ed contributer - a writer? Elitist for sure, but honesty and a cold hard look at reality will tell you that many people prefer to stay in the background, or to contribute in ways that do not demand much attention, dedication, and passion. Not everybody is, wants to, or even can be a writer. So cereal_killer's call in my opinion, was to the ego and vanity of a particular type of individual. Are you that individual? Because if you are, I ask you to review exactly what it was that ck was appealing to and asking for."

I do hope it is because of the late hour that this confusion has set in.

thank you again

So cereal_killer's call in my opinion, was to the ego and vanity of a particular type of individual. Are you that individual? Because if you are, I ask you to review exactly what it was that ck was appealing to and asking for."
Dude. You seem to be confused. Why not ask CK instead of just tossing shit out there? Only ego I see is yours cuz you COULD have taken this to pm but chose instead to make it a public...whine? Insult? Guess? Self projection sorta thing? Dayum.

With that said, I will just wander off and do my own thang. I highly recommend you pming CK with your questions. Unless you WANT to slap all this out there and see if any of it sticks while kicking CK at the same time?

I'd contribute to this but it appears to be unpaid, and providing large amounts of content, for a website that has many advertisers, for free is not something I'd do.

I do make money writing already.

I write for money as well but I did consider writing for the op/ed forum but really, its just like the rest of the board, except that people don't put all the threads in Politics and Current Events. Indeed, the definition of a "message board" is that everyone writes their own little op/ed. That makes the op/ed forum redundant.

The owners and admin keep trying to come up with ways to flog the board but they don't stick to what they say they will do.

They started the CDZ but the rules there are pretty much ignored and when the threads get trashed, instead of deleting or banning, they just move the thread to the garbage dump at the bottom of the board.

They said they were instituting new rules for the Politics forum but that lasted about 20 minutes.

All message boards have the same problem - a very few write most of the posts. USMess is like a family who despise each other but keep coming back for more.
Thank you Gender Non-specific LuddlyNeddite. Two serious questions before I write a little, itty bitty, op-ed: You say you considered writing op-eds. What do you mean by, considered? What did that entail?

If "indeed, the definition of a "message board" is that everyone writes their own little op/ed" then every message board I look at is a complete failure. Blog posts are not by definition, op-eds, though they can be. Message Board posts the same. What's next, Twitter tweets as op-eds? :lol:

Thank you again, and especially for playing true to your avatar, and making me laugh.

I'm going to drop this right here because I feel I really have to say something.

Martin Eden Mercury and Mrs. M. have totally exceeded any expectations I had of the Writers Corner. They have far exceeded the quality I ever thought possible with these op-eds. I figured we'd have a cool little "news" section with some good op-eds, but what we have now is some seriously top notch op-eds.

Since its inception the time people have spent on site has slowly increased, now whether that is because of these op-eds or the election drawing closer I don't know, but what I do know is that everyone should take a look at what these writers are doing. It's some seriously good shit. I've found myself dropping in there everyday to read them which is unusual (I don't have a ritual of places I hit for news/op-eds)

Mem and Mrs M I'm humbled by your talents.....you've set the bar real damn high ;)
I'm going to drop this right here because I feel I really have to say something.

Martin Eden Mercury and Mrs. M. have totally exceeded any expectations I had of the Writers Corner. They have far exceeded the quality I ever thought possible with these op-eds. I figured we'd have a cool little "news" section with some good op-eds, but what we have now is some seriously top notch op-eds.

Since its inception the time people have spent on site has slowly increased, now whether that is because of these op-eds or the election drawing closer I don't know, but what I do know is that everyone should take a look at what these writers are doing. It's some seriously good shit. I've found myself dropping in there everyday to read them which is unusual (I don't have a ritual of places I hit for news/op-eds)

Mem and Mrs M I'm humbled by your talents.....you've set the bar real damn high ;)
Uh..yeah. :rolleyes: Not everything is relative, but sometimes...it's relative.
I'm going to drop this right here because I feel I really have to say something.

Martin Eden Mercury and Mrs. M. have totally exceeded any expectations I had of the Writers Corner. They have far exceeded the quality I ever thought possible with these op-eds. I figured we'd have a cool little "news" section with some good op-eds, but what we have now is some seriously top notch op-eds.

Since its inception the time people have spent on site has slowly increased, now whether that is because of these op-eds or the election drawing closer I don't know, but what I do know is that everyone should take a look at what these writers are doing. It's some seriously good shit. I've found myself dropping in there everyday to read them which is unusual (I don't have a ritual of places I hit for news/op-eds)

Mem and Mrs M I'm humbled by your talents.....you've set the bar real damn high ;)
Uh..yeah. :rolleyes: Not everything is relative, but sometimes...it's relative.
Take it for what its worth KG, but I didn't think it would turn out as good as it has. I was looking to get the ball near the green, they are putting the ball next to the hole.
I'm going to drop this right here because I feel I really have to say something.

Martin Eden Mercury and Mrs. M. have totally exceeded any expectations I had of the Writers Corner. They have far exceeded the quality I ever thought possible with these op-eds. I figured we'd have a cool little "news" section with some good op-eds, but what we have now is some seriously top notch op-eds.

Since its inception the time people have spent on site has slowly increased, now whether that is because of these op-eds or the election drawing closer I don't know, but what I do know is that everyone should take a look at what these writers are doing. It's some seriously good shit. I've found myself dropping in there everyday to read them which is unusual (I don't have a ritual of places I hit for news/op-eds)

Mem and Mrs M I'm humbled by your talents.....you've set the bar real damn high ;)
I'm going to drop this right here because I feel I really have to say something.

Martin Eden Mercury and Mrs. M. have totally exceeded any expectations I had of the Writers Corner. They have far exceeded the quality I ever thought possible with these op-eds. I figured we'd have a cool little "news" section with some good op-eds, but what we have now is some seriously top notch op-eds.

Since its inception the time people have spent on site has slowly increased, now whether that is because of these op-eds or the election drawing closer I don't know, but what I do know is that everyone should take a look at what these writers are doing. It's some seriously good shit. I've found myself dropping in there everyday to read them which is unusual (I don't have a ritual of places I hit for news/op-eds)

Mem and Mrs M I'm humbled by your talents.....you've set the bar real damn high ;)
Uh..yeah. :rolleyes: Not everything is relative, but sometimes...it's relative.
Take it for what its worth KG, but I didn't think it would turn out as good as it has. I was looking to get the ball near the green, they are putting the ball next to the hole.
I'm going to drop this right here because I feel I really have to say something.

Martin Eden Mercury and Mrs. M. have totally exceeded any expectations I had of the Writers Corner. They have far exceeded the quality I ever thought possible with these op-eds. I figured we'd have a cool little "news" section with some good op-eds, but what we have now is some seriously top notch op-eds.

Since its inception the time people have spent on site has slowly increased, now whether that is because of these op-eds or the election drawing closer I don't know, but what I do know is that everyone should take a look at what these writers are doing. It's some seriously good shit. I've found myself dropping in there everyday to read them which is unusual (I don't have a ritual of places I hit for news/op-eds)

Mem and Mrs M I'm humbled by your talents.....you've set the bar real damn high ;)
I'm going to drop this right here because I feel I really have to say something.

Martin Eden Mercury and Mrs. M. have totally exceeded any expectations I had of the Writers Corner. They have far exceeded the quality I ever thought possible with these op-eds. I figured we'd have a cool little "news" section with some good op-eds, but what we have now is some seriously top notch op-eds.

Since its inception the time people have spent on site has slowly increased, now whether that is because of these op-eds or the election drawing closer I don't know, but what I do know is that everyone should take a look at what these writers are doing. It's some seriously good shit. I've found myself dropping in there everyday to read them which is unusual (I don't have a ritual of places I hit for news/op-eds)

Mem and Mrs M I'm humbled by your talents.....you've set the bar real damn high ;)
I agree totally... The only reason that I am on this board is to be able to read Mrs. M's thoughts...she is brilliant.....Mrs. M, my hat is off to you! Very few have the insight that you have!
Ah, another brand new, never heard of before poster. What a coincidence!
Where do you read 'writer's corner'? There isn't a forum named that.
Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 10.35.21 AM.png

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I was tempted to apply for a shot at the OP section but declined. I think I post lots of Opinions every day here on USMB but much smaller and faster to write and edit.

My hats off to those who have taken the time to post in this section. :clap2::clap2:

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