Wow! Some things shouldn't be posted on the internet, folks!


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2003
Aiken, SC
Found this LiveJournal entry just now. Kinda wish I hadn't. Then, the whole thing goes from really creepy to just need-to-take-a-shower creepy in that last paragraph. Check it:

I had another sex dream about my mom last night. In it, we were sleeping in my friend Todd's bed in his basement. I was fully clothed in what I wore to his house yesterday, my least-favourite pair of jeans and a blue-and-white striped shirt, but she was completely naked, lying on her stomach. I climbed on top of her, straddling her sleeping figure, and began dry humping her. She awoke and turned onto her back, so I began pawing at her breasts, pushing at her nipples. When she smiled at me, I got up to leave.

I drove around in a black SUV, trying to navigate the one-way streets to my house. I ended up back at Todd's house, where a party had started since I left. I didn't look for my mom but instead found Todd, who gave me directions home. When I tried to leave again, I couldn't find my shoes, which I had taken off upon entering the house. No one would help me look, and I became more and more frustrated until finally, I found Leah, a friend from high school (who I happened to see at the OSU Main Library yesterday, hence her presence in the dream), wearing them. She said that she took them as a joke, but I berated her for wasting my time.

On one hand, I feel like this is only the second sex dream I've had about my mom in the four years she's been dead, so I shouldn't be too concerned. But on the other hand, I feel like any time you're having dreams about sex with your mother, you should be concerned. Very concerned.


Yeah, it's hard to believe that it gets worse after the first line, but I'll be damned if it doesn't!
:eek: Oh my god..that was have had some weird dream never anything like that..not having sex with my relations..that's just wrong..i bet that person was from Arkansaw..:cof:

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