WOW Jay.. maybe a MIRROR would be helpful to you???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“This week, CBS News became the first news organization besides Fox to ask President Obama ‘Who changed the Benghazi talking points?’” Leno teased.
“See, this is very dangerous to the White House if journalists should suddenly start asking real questions.”

Indeed it is, Jay. Indeed it is.

Just imagine how dangerous it would have been to Obama if so-called "journalists" would have asked him real questions in 2007 when he first threw his hat into the ring.

Or in 2008. Or 2009. Et cetera. Et cetera.

Leno: 'Very Dangerous to White House If Journalists Suddenly Start Asking Real Questions' |

So here's Leno BENEFICIARY of American Capitalism JUST now After 2 elections waking UP to what the Lettermans, Stewarts,etc. have been doing? shilling for Obama?

JAY!!!! The editor of NewsWeek called Obama a "God"!!

144 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left:
125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes.
Only 17 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties."
Journalists give campaign cash - politics | NBC News

SO JAY you are NOW coming to a conclusion MOST of us knew in 2007!
WHY NOT??? The MSM doesn't want to do their jobs!
Geez I remember Watergate and the shark in water FRENZY reporters glombing on every lead!
AND NO one died in Watergate!
4 people have died in Benghazi but no one now except CBS/Fox and Jay Leno CARE!

Be honest... when 144 reporters give to Obama and only 17 to GOP... don't you kind of think some if not MANY reporters/editors have a tendency to downplay any negatives of Obama yet in the campaign Romney was battered by the press!

The phrase in a google search "" Romney 47 percent" " found About About 53,400,000 results since Sept 2012
YET Obama's "obama electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket" google since January 17, 2008 About 11,900 results.

WHY nearly 448,739% MORE stories about" Romney 47 percent" versus Obama since 2008 saying electricity rates skyrocket"!
What would the biased press say if Romney said that???

NO you can't ditch the fact that the majority of up Obama's rear Press GAVE the election to Obama!
NO way you can argue that! Too many FACTS are showing the press' love affair with Obama presented MORE positive stories and LESS Negative stories but when it came to Romney LESS positive and MORE Negative!
Pew studies show it!

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