Wow, Harris is out of her mind.

I think more of us would say the same about yours. And your assumption that "most" think like you is really sad for a young'un. Maybe when you grow up, you'll get some wisdom to go along with that mouth.

There aren't more of you, maybe if you guys ever got more than 50% in an election there might be but there aren't, face it, America is mostly conservative and think me.

The fact that you think that everyone who doesn't think like you must be very young just belies your lack of intelligence.
It DOES mean freedom from religion. And while it might be interesting to discuss theology over a cup of coffee with people who have curiosity and knowledge about such things, I'm really not interested in being proselytized. And I particularly want anyone trying to proselytize my son as far away from him as humanly possible.

That answer your question?

What are you afraid of personally? I think you are afraid your son will find out you are a heathen.
Do you honestly believe that this applies to our government and elected officials? How would you explain the establishment of the Nixon, Carter, and Clinton administrations then?

I do believe that applies to our government and elected officials. To add to your list, I'll also question God about Sen. McKinney, Sen. Kennedy, and a host of other idiot-leaders.

See, God has a very cool way of giving people, sometimes, exactly what they want in leaders - just to prove a point that people, by and large, if left to their own desires, are idiots.
What are you afraid of personally? I think you are afraid your son will find out you are a heathen. My son will learn the religion I follow and my husband follows and his granparents follow and great grandparents followed.... same as yours. And unless you're a psycho muslim who thinks everyone but them is infidels, I'd be careful about that heathen stuff. Makes it difficult to tell you from them.

And I won't try to change your kids' beliefs, so I'd thank you to keep from giving my child false ideas.

But thanks.
There aren't more of you, maybe if you guys ever got more than 50% in an election there might be but there aren't, face it, America is mostly conservative and think me.

The fact that you think that everyone who doesn't think like you must be very young just belies your lack of intelligence.

Actually, you said you're under 30... unless you lied about that. Makes you young in my book.

So tell me, what have you done with your life... come on. Let's hear about your "productivity"... mouth.
Because I make mistakes. The Bible, in context, is perfect.

If the bible is perfect, then why must the context of the stories be used as an excuse for flaws in logical of the bible? If that is the word of god, surely he could put his words in terms that are universally fit for societies in future generations.
If the bible is perfect, then why must the context of the stories be used as an excuse for flaws in logical of the bible? If that is the word of god, surely he could put his words in terms that are universally fit for societies in future generations.

Are saying "If God is perfect, why can't his words be used out of context? EVERYTHING he says should apply to EVERY situation?"

There aren't more of you, maybe if you guys ever got more than 50% in an election there might be but there aren't, face it, America is mostly conservative and think me.

America is not mostly conservative. You for some reason believe this because a conservative won the last election, which mean that he got the votes of the conservatives and more moderates than the liberal candidate recieved from those moderates.

FACT: Most of America does not approve of Bush and the way the war is going. Do you also believe this, or are they only brilliant when they agree with you?
If the bible is perfect, then why must the context of the stories be used as an excuse for flaws in logical of the bible? If that is the word of god, surely he could put his words in terms that are universally fit for societies in future generations.

The Bible isn't astrology. It doesn't tell a bunch of fortunes in such general terms as could apply to anything. The stories must be used in context to fully understand their implications.

God's Word IS universally fit for societies in future generations. The settings and characters are specific to the context, but the lessons are universal. One must understand the context to understand the lesson.
Are saying "If God is perfect, why can't his words be used out of context? EVERYTHING he says should apply to EVERY situation?"


Scripture from the OT can be brought up to prove how irrelevant the OT is in modern society. A perfect god should be able to write the book so that it's universally applicable to future societies.

Should I draw you cute little pictures to help you understand?
Secular conservatives also think "anti-sin" legislation has no place in our laws.

Yes, everybody's entitled to their opinion. It's the Left trying to stamp out the voice and opinions of Christian politicians that ticks me off.

MissleMan said:
With 90% of the U.S being Christian, how do you reconcile Dems being mostly non-Christian with nearly half of the presidential vote in the last 2 elections being cast for a Dem?

Secularists and the Far Left basically control the Democrat Party. Just look at leaders like Howard Dean who pretends to know the Bible and the Red Queen who uses religion in her speeches only when advantageous for herself. She isn't called the "Red" Queen for nothing. A "Red" is a godless communist. There are plenty of non-practicing Christians, mostly found among liberals, who have fallen by the wayside and ignorantly subscribe to Secularism and Communism even while they claim to be Christians. There are also Christian Democrats who will always vote Democrat no matter what.

CharlestonChad said:
I thought that the porn explosion was born from the freedom of speech trials involving Larry Flint (Hustler Magazine), but if I'm wrong, please correct me.

Yes, that's basically how pornography got a big foothold and started to spread everywhere and poison our society. If you take a closer look at it, you can see it was the "secularists" that pushed porn. The main group making the argument was the ACLU, aka the American Communist Lawyers Union, aka the Taliban of American liberal secularism. We need to elect good Christian politicians to help save our country. The true goal of the ACLU is to destroy America.

Don't believe me, just read what Roger Baldwin, the co-founder of the ACLU said: "I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. I don't regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted, and I traveled the United Front road to get it." In spite of Baldwin's Communist leanings, President Jimmy Carter awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 16, 1981.

Baldwin didn't create the ACLU in a vacuum, he had plenty of help. A group of Communist Party officials, fellow travelers, anarchists, and radicals joined Baldwin to found the ACLU in 1920.

Former chairman of the Communist Party USA, William Z. Foster was also an ACLU co-founder. Foster said, "The establishment of an American Soviet government will involve the confiscation of large landed estates in town and country, and also, the whole body of forests, mineral deposits, lakes, rivers, and so on."

The ACLU's official policy statement reveals that the intent of the ACLU (like the Communist Manifesto) is to undermine the moral foundation, and weaken the fabric of our society. For example, according to the ACLU's Policy Guide, the ACLU supports the legalization of all drugs (including "hard" drugs, like crack and PCP), public drunkenness, pornography (including "kiddie porn"), sexual perversion, (including sodomy, bestiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia), prostitution (including child prostitution), euthanasia, and infanticide.
Scripture from the OT can be brought up to prove how irrelevant the OT is in modern society. A perfect god should be able to write the book so that it's universally applicable to future societies.

Are you trying to be thick headed? Honestly - I can't see how the concept of "Taking what somebody says, IN CONTEXT, and applying those words" is beyond your scope of reasoning.

I bet you challenge Christians with "If God is all-powerfull, can he make a rock so big and so strong that He cannot break it??"
Yes, that's basically how pornography got a big foothold and started to spread everywhere and poison our society. If you take a closer look at it, you can see it was the "secularists" that pushed porn. The main group making the argument was the ACLU, aka the American Communist Lawyers Union, aka the Taliban of American liberal secularism. We need to elect good Christian politicians to help save our country. The true goal of the ACLU is to destroy America.

Don't believe me, just read what Roger Baldwin, the co-founder of the ACLU said: "I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. I don't regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted, and I traveled the United Front road to get it." In spite of Baldwin's Communist leanings, President Jimmy Carter awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 16, 1981.

Baldwin didn't create the ACLU in a vacuum, he had plenty of help. A group of Communist Party officials, fellow travelers, anarchists, and radicals joined Baldwin to found the ACLU in 1920.

Former chairman of the Communist Party USA, William Z. Foster was also an ACLU co-founder. Foster said, "The establishment of an American Soviet government will involve the confiscation of large landed estates in town and country, and also, the whole body of forests, mineral deposits, lakes, rivers, and so on."

The ACLU's official policy statement reveals that the intent of the ACLU (like the Communist Manifesto) is to undermine the moral foundation, and weaken the fabric of our society. For example, according to the ACLU's Policy Guide, the ACLU supports the legalization of all drugs (including "hard" drugs, like crack and PCP), public drunkenness, pornography (including "kiddie porn"), sexual perversion, (including sodomy, bestiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia), prostitution (including child prostitution), euthanasia, and infanticide.

I would be more apt to believe this if it were a link to ACLU policies and not an opinion piece by some guy who has a hard on for them.
Actually, you said you're under 30... unless you lied about that. Makes you young in my book.

So tell me, what have you done with your life... come on. Let's hear about your "productivity"... mouth.

Uh no douchebag I said I know plenty of people under 30, for the record i'm 39 but the youngest 39 you will ever know.

I got my degree in business finance in 93 and went to work for a venture capital fund right out of school, decided I don't like taking fucking orders from npbody and started thinking what I could do to be my own boss and make a good living. Currently my wife and I run a cleaning operation both commercially and domestically. Next i'm thinking of opening a drive thru espresso joint which are rare on the east coast and to which I would make an absolute killing off the commute crowd.

I'm a fucking entrepreneur who pays way too much in taxes and donates gobs of shit so the local sponges can not work and probably keep voting Demo.

What do you besides whoring yourself for money errrrrrrr, I mean practicing law? My son will learn the religion I follow and my husband follows and his granparents follow and great grandparents followed.... same as yours. And unless you're a psycho muslim who thinks everyone but them is infidels, I'd be careful about that heathen stuff. Makes it difficult to tell you from them.

And I won't try to change your kids' beliefs, so I'd thank you to keep from giving my child false ideas.

But thanks.
Which religion is that? Wiccan?

And what false Ideas would I(figuratively speaking) be hoisting upon your child?
Oh... I'm sure you're right about the killing me part. But when someone calls me a heathen, makes me think they're a little unhinged.

You pop off on everybody in here with your snide little remarks, methinks you can dish it out but not take it.

Anyway don't take it personally, I think all Demos are heathens, your vanity is well noted of course.
America is not mostly conservative. You for some reason believe this because a conservative won the last election, which mean that he got the votes of the conservatives and more moderates than the liberal candidate recieved from those moderates.

FACT: Most of America does not approve of Bush and the way the war is going. Do you also believe this, or are they only brilliant when they agree with you?

Yes it is. Go to your local mall and ask the first 20 people what they think of gay marriage, they will mostly be against it.

Most of America does not approve of the war the way the LIBERAL MEDIA PORTRAYS IT, there I helped you out.

You will be surprised to find out that I also do not approve of how the war is going only for different reasons, I thiink we shoould be using a WWII style offensive, marching through the country, wiping out towns and villages and not caring so much about civilian casualties. Believe me, when people are faced with the destruction of their town and home they will tell you where the bad guys are.

Anyway enough about Iraq...........America hater.

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