Wow, Harris is out of her mind.

Libs think Christians are "narrow-minded" and "bat-shit crazy".

Funny, I know lots of liberal and moderate Christians.... just not the extremist kind. And I wouldn't say "bat-shit crazy", but I WOULD say insular and intolerant... oh yeah.... and so certain of their correctness that they feel the need to ram their beliefs down everyone else's throats.

So you were saying?
Funny, I know lots of liberal and moderate Christians.... just not the extremist kind. And I wouldn't say "bat-shit crazy", but I WOULD say insular and intolerant... oh yeah.... and so certain of their correctness that they feel the need to ram their beliefs down everyone else's throats.

So you were saying?

I think you're lying. No disciple of Christ 'rams their beliefs down people's throats.'

I find it hard enough to allow that SOMEWHERE, and SOMEHOW one can be both 'christian' and 'liberal'.

So - yeah, I think you're lying to try and make a point. You are transparent.
Funny, I know lots of liberal and moderate Christians.... just not the extremist kind. And I wouldn't say "bat-shit crazy", but I WOULD say insular and intolerant... oh yeah.... and so certain of their correctness that they feel the need to ram their beliefs down everyone else's throats.
So you were saying?

LOL that's RICH coming from you

Manu1959..funny....didn't know they were teaching kids to victimize kids of gay parents....which class is that?

Your answer

Jillian..Well, what do you think kids do when their parents teach them to hate, or at least be intolerant?

Rep. Harris Condemns Separation of Church, State

By Jim Stratton
Orlando Sentinel
Saturday, August 26, 2006; A09

ORLANDO, Aug. 25 -- Rep. Katherine Harris (R-Fla.) said this week that God did not intend for the United States to be a "nation of secular laws" and that the separation of church and state is a "lie we have been told" to keep religious people out of politics.

"If you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin," Harris told interviewers from the Florida Baptist Witness, the weekly journal of the Florida Baptist State Convention. She cited abortion and same-sex marriage as examples of that sin.

Harris, a candidate in the Sept. 5 Republican primary for U.S. Senate, said her religious beliefs "animate" everything she does, including her votes in Congress.

Witness editors interviewed candidates for office, asking them to describe their faith and their positions on certain issues.

Harris has always professed a deep Christian faith. But she has rarely expressed such a fervent evangelical perspective publicly.

Political and religious officials responded to her published remarks with outrage and dismay.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said she was "disgusted" by the comments "and deeply disappointed in Representative Harris personally."

Harris, Wasserman Schultz said, "clearly shows that she does not deserve to be a representative."

Ruby Brooks, a veteran Tampa Bay Republican activist, said Harris's remarks "were offensive to me as a Christian and a Republican."

"This notion that you've been chosen or anointed, it's offensive," Brooks said. "We hurt our cause with that more than we help it."

Harris told the journalists "we have to have the faithful in government" because that is God's will. Separating religion and politics is "so wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers," she said.

"And if we are the ones not actively involved in electing those godly men and women," then "we're going to have a nation of secular laws. That's not what our Founding Fathers intended, and that certainly isn't what God intended."
Harris campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Marks would not answer questions about the Harris interview. Instead, she released a two-sentence statement.

"Congresswoman Harris encourages Americans from all walks of life and faith to participate in our government," it stated. "She continues to be an unwavering advocate of religious rights and freedoms."

Well hay Chad, Im wondering what your SO AFRAID of if you don't take her seriously? And I would also conclude then you believe all priests, deacons, ministers, rabbi's, and all christians to be out of their minds as well then???
America has always been "secular". But what year do you consider the cut off?

America has always been secular in terms of not establishing a government religion.

Our politicians have been, however, for the most part, Christians representing Christians. However in recent years the Democrats have been taken over by largely non-Christian Secularists. So when an outspoken Christian politician like Harris comes along, the libs react with nasty insults and attempt to attack Christianity as a "threat" to our secular government - when it's really their own Secular backsides they're worrried about.
America has always been "secular". But what year do you consider the cut off?

You're not really that stupid, are you?

America has not always been secular, used to be god, the ten commandments and other absolutes were mentioned along with the 3r's...............but then came liberalism. Its become more and more of a shithole with every passing year.
Funny, I know lots of liberal and moderate Christians.... just not the extremist kind. And I wouldn't say "bat-shit crazy", but I WOULD say insular and intolerant... oh yeah.... and so certain of their correctness that they feel the need to ram their beliefs down everyone else's throats.

So you were saying?

So in America we should be tolerant of things thar are wrong in most eyes? Why? Because we might offend the offender?

Your attitude is an absolutely pefect example of what is wrong in America.
Actually, for the past decade, with the exception of the past year, crime rates have fallen dramatically.

Not in Houston since a large group of New Orleans assholes have been expressing themselves with murder, theft, car jacking,rape and arson.

still waiting on the buses to come pick-up your skum and bring them home to mold city.
You don't get what she's saying.

"Secular" laws, for instance, allow for widespread pornography because any "anti-sin" legislation - according to the "secular" liberals - cannot be legislated because it relates to "religious" beliefs.

Secular conservatives also think "anti-sin" legislation has no place in our laws.
America has always been secular in terms of not establishing a government religion.

Our politicians have been, however, for the most part, Christians representing Christians. However in recent years the Democrats have been taken over by largely non-Christian Secularists. So when an outspoken Christian politician like Harris comes along, the libs react with nasty insults and attempt to attack Christianity as a "threat" to our secular government - when it's really their own Secular backsides they're worrried about.

With 90% of the U.S being Christian, how do you reconcile Dems being mostly non-Christian with nearly half of the presidential vote in the last 2 elections being cast for a Dem?
Funny, I know lots of liberal and moderate Christians.... just not the extremist kind. And I wouldn't say "bat-shit crazy", but I WOULD say insular and intolerant... oh yeah.... and so certain of their correctness that they feel the need to ram their beliefs down everyone else's throats.

So you were saying?

There is something wrong with wanting to be detached or intolerant of immoral acts? Jesus taught us to reject sin, not to embrace it as part of a more "global" view of the world. And yes, when you believe you're right about something you try to spread the idea, don't tell me secular liberals don't do the same.
Sounds to me like she is a Christian and isn't afraid to say it out loud. And she also speaks the plain truth that religion shapes people's beliefs and there is no way you can just hang those beliefs at the door as if it were a coat when you arrive at work. If you don't like her, don't vote for her. If she were in my state I'd probably vote for her, there is nothing I've seen stated that offends me. Couldn't say the same for libocrats.

It's fine with me if people want to elect people of their same religion, but when nutjobs like this woman, Harris, say that god has put people like bush in power, myself (and anyother sane person) has to take a step back and realize how psychotic that sounds. Even "political and christian officials" were amazed at how outlandish and untruthful her comments were.

Yes, they should and need to hang those beliefs at the door. It's a government job!!!!!!!
You don't get what she's saying.

"Secular" laws, for instance, allow for widespread pornography because any "anti-sin" legislation - according to the "secular" liberals - cannot be legislated because it relates to "religious" beliefs.

I thought that the porn explosion was born from the freedom of speech trials involving Larry Flint (Hustler Magazine), but if I'm wrong, please correct me.

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