WOW! Gallup: Obama gay marriage stance causes 10% Dems, 23%% Indy to vote against him


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.
Also, national Gallup poll, do they agree on Obama' stance about gay marriage:

Overall: 51% disapprove, 45% approve (majority oppose GM)

25% of Democrats disapprove



What a huge mistake he and Biden made. Too bad they killed Bin Laden last year, they could use it now.

President Obama 253 Governor Romney 170

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for White House

And the President is leading in all the battleground states save Missouri and Arizona.

Yea well, some of those states that "lean" Obama could change as a result his latest revelations. Michigan and Wisconsin have been known to go the other way. There are still quite a few toss ups as well. I think it's a little early to be calling a winner either way. :)
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.

So your point is what? That Obama is driven more by doing what's right, rather than what political hits he might take? That's a sign of leadership. Cheney only came out in favor for same sex marriage after he left office. That's a sign of a coward.
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.

So your point is what? That Obama is driven more by doing what's right, rather than what political hits he might take? That's a sign of leadership. Cheney only came out in favor for same sex marriage after he left office. That's a sign of a coward.

^ ^ ^ This.
obama is on the downside no doubt about it. He's losing women faster than he got them. He had a "Dean Scream" moment and said the wrong thing, the very thing that disgust women, a minor thing at that. When he said that women can be "stylish and powerful too" that was the end. The last thing women want is for the president to tell them how stylish to be.

Having lost women, and apparently blacks as well, he is now getting desperate over gays. It just doesn't make him look like a strong leader. He's being forced to adopt a mantle of gayness in being weak, effeminate and ineffective.
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.

So your point is what? That Obama is driven more by doing what's right, rather than what political hits he might take? That's a sign of leadership. Cheney only came out in favor for same sex marriage after he left office. That's a sign of a coward.

^ ^ ^ This.


“The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. '

Dan Pfeiffer, White House Spokesman, JUNE 2011

So your point is what? That Obama is driven more by doing what's right, rather than what political hits he might take? That's a sign of leadership. Cheney only came out in favor for same sex marriage after he left office. That's a sign of a coward.

^ ^ ^ This.


“The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. '

Dan Pfeiffer, White House Spokesman, JUNE 2011


He has consistently been for equal protection of all citizens. He dumped DADT, he's giving same sex couples equal treatment in the Federal job market. He's always supported same sex union. The only change is whether that should be called marriage. Since he's discussed, learned, and grown, he now understands that separate but equal is worse than pissing off some church leaders and Fundy froot loops.
Also, national Gallup poll, do they agree on Obama' stance about gay marriage:

Overall: 51% disapprove, 45% approve (majority oppose GM)

25% of Democrats disapprove



What a huge mistake he and Biden made. Too bad they killed Bin Laden last year, they could use it now.

So wouldn't that mean if 25% of dems and 44% of independents disapprove that 75% and 56% approve of his stance?
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.

So your point is what? That Obama is driven more by doing what's right, rather than what political hits he might take? That's a sign of leadership. Cheney only came out in favor for same sex marriage after he left office. That's a sign of a coward.

obama doesn't do what's right. He does what's expedient. It was expedient to be for gay rights in 1996, it was expedient to oppose them in 2008. This isn't a sign of leadershp, it's a sign of weakness. It's an advertisement that the man can't be trusted. The only reason why obama "evolved" is because he needed to shore up his base. He made a callculated gamble and traded votes for money, and lost.
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.

So I guess then he is doing what he believes is right and not for the votes. Right?
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.

So I guess then he is doing what he believes is right and not for the votes. Right?

Nope I think someone misread the female vote, someone jumped in with both feet a little too soon. I'm guessing it's more of a "Whoops" than doing what he believes is right, problem is he can't back down again, Biden kind of sealed the deal.
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.

So I guess then he is doing what he believes is right and not for the votes. Right?

He only did it because that dolt Biden forced his hand. There isn't anything our a-hole POTUS does which isn't for political expediency first and foremost.
wow It interesting to see them so happy at discrimination helping the republican party
Six in 10 Say Obama Same-Sex Marriage View Won't Sway Vote

New from Gallup, Obama's new flip gay marriage has cost him. According to their polls:

10% of Democrats say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.
23% of Independents say this will make them less likely to vote for Obama.

Wow. He lost a LOT of votes on this one.

So your point is what? That Obama is driven more by doing what's right, rather than what political hits he might take? That's a sign of leadership. Cheney only came out in favor for same sex marriage after he left office. That's a sign of a coward.

Please. Obama could be told by God himself what is right and he would still do the exact opposite. He doesnt give a damn about doing what's right. He is doing whatever it takes to secure power for himself and his buddies. They want to overthrow the Republic.

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