New Gallup: Obama numbers are -10 Hispanics, -7 age 18-29, -3 Indys, -3 non-whites


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Gallup.Com Politics News


The first black president, the cool guy of the youth, is LOSING approval from the YOUTH 18-29, non-whites, and hispanics.

He's down -10 this week with Hispanics~!
He's down -3 with "non whites", and down -3 with independents.

And most a week he came out for gay marriage.....he's -7 with the youth voters ages 18-29!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW!?

Panic button, where art thou?
I am still very proud of what Obama said. No regrets here. Let's see what happens in November when all those people have a choice between Obama and Romney.

I'm indifferent to it. If my state approved gay marriage, or denied it, I wouldnt care much either way. I only care that Obama loses.

My personal view is that if gay people wanna marry, they should be able to. It doesnt affect at all the things that are important to me. But I dont care enough about it either way to go out and vote on it.

I'm may be very wrong.......but I think indifference is one thing that irritates the pro-GM people, becuase they know if people like me who dont care about it would just come out and vote in favor of it, it would be legal. So, in my opinion, some get very angry, maybe even more so than they do towards the hard anti-GM crowd, because the ones who are indifferent could change the laws, but we dont care enough to vote on it.

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