Wow... damn that global warming!

Yes yes... for the chicken littles faith:

If it snows: Global Warming
If it doesnt' snow: Global Warming
If it rains: Global Warming
If it's hot: Global Warming
If it's cold: Global Warming
If it's dry: Global Warming.

And regardless of it all.... it's Man's fault.

Yeah, It's such a comfort to know the conclusion has already been decided and damn the evidence.
Yes yes... for the chicken littles faith:

If it snows: Global Warming
If it doesnt' snow: Global Warming
If it rains: Global Warming
If it's hot: Global Warming
If it's cold: Global Warming
If it's dry: Global Warming.

And regardless of it all.... it's Man's fault.

Yeah, It's such a comfort to know the conclusion has already been decided and damn the evidence.

That is the official song of the warm mongering ecochondriacs. :lol:
so you think Global Warming means no more snow?

That's what the AGW climate "experts" told us ad infinitum...till the Southern Oscillation kicked in and started cooling things down again.. Now they're changing their tune and their propaganda. Oh yes, they're also trying to rewrite history to disavow their first predictions.

" According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
Hot outside? Global warming!!
Cold outside? Global warming!!
Cloudy outside? Global warming!!
Gained a few pounds? Global warming!!
Got a boil on your ass? Global warming!

Global warming!! BLULULOOLOOOOOLOOOOO!!!!!!
HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

Record Events for Wed Mar 23, 2011 through Tue Mar 29, 2011
Total Records: 2187
Rainfall: 534
Snowfall: 376
High Temperatures: 368
Low Temperatures: 134
Lowest Max Temperatures: 571
Highest Min Temperatures: 204

Where are these highs and lows for during the past winter? I notice you and Chris, whom argued that A) the US is not the whole world and B) highs and lows from the US alone were irrelevant are now posting highs and lows from the US.
Hot outside? Global warming!!
Cold outside? Global warming!!
Cloudy outside? Global warming!!
Gained a few pounds? Global warming!!
Got a boil on your ass? Global warming!

Global warming!! BLULULOOLOOOOOLOOOOO!!!!!!

Now you can add: Drought ends! Global warming! :lol:
Actually, some of them were posted. And there were weeks with more lows than highs. However, March has seen far more highs than lows. Odd, really. We are still in the tail end of a very, very strong La Nina. It should be colder. Certainly has been wet enough.
Actually, some of them were posted. And there were weeks with more lows than highs. However, March has seen far more highs than lows. Odd, really. We are still in the tail end of a very, very strong La Nina. It should be colder. Certainly has been wet enough.

You are a liar. But then we already knew that. Hey thanks for proving it yet again.
Zander. Senile old fool.

Play #1 in the Global Warming fanatic handbook: When facts fail you, go for the personal insults!!

Nicely done! :cuckoo:

Since you never see fit to post anything remotely backing up your silly opinions, why should one be polite to you?

All the scientific societies, National Academys of Science, and major universities of the world, yet anyone agreeing with them is a global warming fanatic. Definately shows the depths of your intellect.
Zander. Senile old fool.

Play #1 in the Global Warming fanatic handbook: When facts fail you, go for the personal insults!!

Nicely done! :cuckoo:

Since you never see fit to post anything remotely backing up your silly opinions, why should one be polite to you?

All the scientific societies, National Academys of Science, and major universities of the world, yet anyone agreeing with them is a global warming fanatic. Definately shows the depths of your intellect.
Just a tip Old Rocks. When deciding to attack another person's intelligence on an internet forum, it might be a good idea to use spell check.

Zander. Senile old fool.

Play #1 in the Global Warming fanatic handbook: When facts fail you, go for the personal insults!!

Nicely done! :cuckoo:

Since you never see fit to post anything remotely backing up your silly opinions, why should one be polite to you?

All the scientific societies, National Academys of Science, and major universities of the world, yet anyone agreeing with them is a global warming fanatic. Definately shows the depths of your intellect.

Ahhh yes, the ever popular appeal to authority. That worked for organised religion too for a long time. The alarmists time is going to be much shorter. Hows that Southern Oscillation coming along? The link below will take you to a pair of graphs. One shows the HADCRUT temp record and the SO and how closely they match. The other shows the same temp record and the rapidly increasing CO2 content. They don't match...shocking....well not really.

C3: The Hypothesis That CO2 Vapours Drive Global Temperature Change Is Crumbling As New Theories Gain Credibility


  • $so.bmp
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  • $so2.bmp
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it really is amazing that the alarmists cling so desparately to their CO2 theories.


these images are from Westwall's link above

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