Would you trust Obama's Homeland Security to take charge of election?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Turns out that the system wasn't hacked, as previously reported. While we should take measures to ensure our voting system is protected, it's funny that the left would act over one little incident, one that was discovered and corrected immediately, and yet they ignored the problems with voting in the last two elections when people's votes were changed from the Republican candidates to Obama as they entered their votes. The "glitch" in the machines didn't concern the left at all. That sure looked like a hack job, but no liberal was up in arms over that.

"In a shocking development, Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced they may "take charge" of the November elections in multiple states.

The stunning news is leading some Donald Trump supporters to worry that an election "coup" may be planned to ensure a Hillary Clinton "win."

The announcement follows the dubious claim Monday that "Russian hackers" were actively targeting the election systems of U.S. states.

On August 29th, the Washington Post breathlessly reported that:

Russian hackers targeted Arizona election system

But the claim turned out to be
completely false.

Hackers had not compromised the state system or even any county system. One hacker — likely based in Arizona — reportedly stolen the username and password of a single election official in tiny Gila County, which has less than 1% of the state’s population.

But Tuesday, DHS was taking matters a big step further.

Obama officials cited a little-known post-9/11 law that allows DHS or Department of Justice (DOJ) to take control of part of the nation’s "critical infrastructure" in the event of a terror attack or attempted attack.

That rule envisioned "critical infrastructure" as the electric grid, water systems, subways, trains and buses, etc. But the Obama Administration seems to be using a dubious premise and extending the concept to the election systems of all 50 states.

As the Washington Examiner reported Tuesday evening, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said:

"We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid," Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said.

"There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure."

A White House policy directive adds…

"The federal government also has a responsibility to strengthen the security and resilience of its own critical infrastructure, for the continuity of national essential functions, and to organize itself to partner effectively with and add value to the security and resilience efforts of critical infrastructure owners and operators."

Conservatives immediately expressed concerns that Obama might try to prevent — or even reverse — a Donald Trump victory on November 8th, by claiming the "Russians hacked it," or some other concocted "irregularities."

Radio host Sandy Rios interviewed The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky on the subject:

Rios asked, "Honestly, did any antennae go up with you when they started talking about voting booths being part of critical infrastructure?" Von Spakovsky replied, "Oh yeah, now remember this is the same White House that says there’s no voter fraud in the United States. You know, they deny that voter fraud ever occurred and yet suddenly they’re saying, ‘Oh wait, we may need to designate as critical infrastructure the American election system.’"

Said Rios: "It just seems like the creepy laying of groundwork for something that could be really bad. Like, okay, I’m going to step off the plank here. Let’s say maybe the election ends up being really, really close and because they’ve already laid the groundwork that Donald Trump is (supposedly) connected with Putin….So, gee, if it’s close, maybe it’s probably the Russians, then, that are messing with our election apparatus and so then the Justice Department and the executive branch come in to kind of fix it."

Von Spakovsky sees an even easier to trigger "justification" for Obama and his goons to intrude: "Well, I wouldn’t quite go so far as them blaming it on the Russians. I think it would be more, they would say, ‘Well there was a potential for hacker attacks so ‘Justice’ Department lawyers need to be present in polling places all across the country and those polling places, when those lawyers are there, remember those lawyers aren’t non-partisan, unbiased government officials in white lab coats."

He warns, "All the people who work in the Civil Rights Division, those are the lawyers who would be out there, they are virulent left wing partisans. So they would be in the polling places." He notes that the statement released by this type of hard left political operative would be of the type to claim "We saw all kinds of voter suppression efforts going on in that precinct, in that area" which would serve as the basis for federal election tampering if their favorite candidate loses."


BREAKING: Obama’s Homeland Security Plans to ‘Take Charge’ of...
They're desperate. Their internal polling shows Trump beating Hillary and they're in panic mode. That's why they came up with this bogus story.
This Should Raise A Red Flag

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