CDZ Would you rather be asymptomatic with Covid or sick with the flu?

How many pneumonia and flu deaths for the same period?
Maybe I can help with that question! In Canada and the other countries with quality of life in the top ten, we don't ask that question. We are content in knowing that our life expectancy's and medical outcomes are also the best in the world. The number of deaths due to pneumonia and flu are of concern but we don't dwell on the number as a comparison to Corona virus.

Could that be an explanation for why America is approaching 400,000 dead already and will by the end of January?

Maybe part of the reason is because Americans are tying flu and pneumonia deaths to Corona virus deaths?

Flu and pneumonia deaths in Canada. For the sake of this conversation, I don't give a lick and even less of a lick for yours. I hope that helps!
[/QUOTE]You can call it whatever you like. The topic obviously is of interest to you if you're here taking part. I hope my answer has helped.[/QUOTE]
Yes, you've made it clear that you understand that the topic is of interest to me.
Anyway, I posted some information concerning the FDA's recommendation that the PCR test be set at a 40 cycle threshold.

The PCR test that was used to detect coronavirus was set at a 40-cycle threshold of amplification/replication as per the FDA's recommendation. However, even infectious disease "expert" Tony himself is on record stating that an amplification/replication cycle above 35 is going to spit out almost all false-positives; others say anything above 30 cycles is meaningless. There was even a New York Tmes article stating that the PCR test has spit out 90% false-positives. It takes almost zero critical thinking skills to draw the obvious conclusion. Ninety percent false positives means no pandemic.

So, why did the FDA recommend a cycle-threshold of 40? That's a rhetorical question; they obviously wanted to create the illusion of a pandemic. Also, why didn't Tony bother to speak up concerning what can only be described as a deliberate and gross misapplication of a test? We'll never know because, thanks to a complicit media, Mr. Fauci is not required to publicly answer even one challenge to his dire predictions which are based on 90% false positive returns from a PCR test that was knowingly set too high.

Unfortunately, unless some talking head comes on tv and tells people it's okay to apply their own critical thinking skills to those factual numbers, they won't do it. They think they need permission to make the obvious inference and then respond to the falsehood they've been fed. And the real kicker is that the only ones they'll accept permission from are the same ones who neglected to inform them of the reason for all the false positives in the first place.
It sounds like white noise to me or as my wife says, like "wires." Probably from too much shooting back before anyone was wearing era protection. That and the 105mm howitzers I stood next to in the Army.
I am skeptical of permanent noise induced hearing loss, with or without the aforementioned ear protection. I have been exposed to too many loud noises and explosives without any hearing loss. and I can hear very, very quiet sounds when I listen.

One night some people were following me in Texas somewhere, so I hiked out in the desert some distance and found a shallow depression to sleep. I judged that the risk of flash flood was not as great as the risk of human discovery, and I had not seen the tracks or heard the call of any predatory wildlife for many miles around.

I fell into such a deep sleep that I was not breathing anymore unless I slightly shifted position every once in a while, and my heart was not even beating, but maybe only squeezed a little bit of blood from time to time as I slept. Something made a sound, perhaps a slight breeze stirred or a single grain of sand fell in the desert, and I was startled wide awake. I listened, there might have been a very small animal, a lizard or a bird, that scurried off in the night. I felt near my nostrils, no air was moving, as I was not yet awake enough to have the urge to breathe. Then my heart squeezed a couple of times and began to beat. As the blood began to move in my vessels, I heard a terrifying roar louder any sound I had ever heard before. I thought maybe it was something else, but no. Only the rushing of my own blood, and after my heart began to beat I was able to take a deep breath, and the sound level eventually returned to normal in my ears after a few minutes.

I was gonna get some VA disability for the hearing loss but after the auditory specialist digging around in my ear with what felt like a show shovel, I said "fuckit."
There's a "disability gig" at Social Security subject to administrative review, but at the V.A. there's the risk of a court-martial to challenge it. Remember the ConFraudUs indictments from Mueller's investigation? It's a trap. Hearing aids cost a lot of money, and those people are very slick about selling them to elderly folks and billing their insurance.

People often enough do become "accustomed" to certain assistive devices especially as they get older. Not only hearing aids, but eyeglasses, walkers, etc. Occasionally there's a cruel wife and/or other family member(s) who talks real quiet to tease, oh no, but you wouldn't say they were mumbling or muttering under their breath and expecting you to understand every word perfectly.
I hope everyone remembers that tony and company allowed for a test that would give meaningless results to create the illusion of a pandemic--otherwise known as FRAUD--before considering the veracity of what came out of their mouths after that.
i'd gadly choose the common flu over covid.. the thought of me passing it onto other people and making them severely ill, is too much for me..
The common flu as you called it, typically kills from 30,000 to 80,000 per season.
You can still pass it to others and they can die.
Yet we never demonized those who didn't vaccinate for it or never wore masks.
The virus was mishandled by all from the very start, making it political has made it worse. Still a little thanks is due to those who took as many precautions as possible to keep from getting or giving the virus to others. That helped keep the numbers of illness & deaths down.
Asymptomatic covid is a a wishful thinking those days :)

That's all it is. Masses believe in anything they've been told thru their propaganda boxes.

Let me elaborate. Have you heard of anyone being asymptomatic for small pox, or AIDS perhaps? Me neither.

SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that cause COVID-19 disease.
HIV is a virus that cause AIDS disease.

Having a virus does not mean you have a disease. If virus incubates, you have a disease, and you will show symptoms of that disease.
Either you're sick, which will expose symptoms, of you're a carrier.
There is no such thing as asymptomatic AIDS patient. There is no such thing as asymptomatic COVID patient. It simply doesn't exist.
And that's a science.
"asymptomatic covid" ... Except as a tale for dunces, such thing does not exist.
Of course it does. I had it and never knew it - until I transmitted it to friends who got really sick. :(

So I know from personal experience that you're wrong, even if you choose to disregard the claims of the medical community ('cause we all know they're just a bunch of tricksters).
Of course it does. I had it and never knew it - until I transmitted it to friends who got really sick. :(

So I know from personal experience that you're wrong, even if you choose to disregard the claims of the medical community ('cause we all know they're just a bunch of tricksters).
You had a virus, not a disease.
Here is a tidbit for you. The Flu has been drastically cut down. It seems it is easier to stop using the PPP methods than Covid is. But AI can tell you this, if a youngster (you) catches covid once it may not be so bad. But catch it again and it is even worse. At some point, it's going to kill you. People my age can weather the Flu (but we take flu shots to prevent it) and probably live through it. But Covid will probably kill me. As you get older, Covid gets worse. The Flu stays about the same. But the Flu isn't doing so good lately as there are enough people wearing masks and distancing to put a huge crimp in it spreading.

Not to worry, when a handle is gotten on Covid, the Flu will be waiting in the wings.
We’ve studied masks vs the flu extensively, before and after covid. They do not work. N95s have a good bit of efficacy, WHEN USED AND FITTED CORRECTLY, but that’s it. They are a security blanket. Nothing more. The “studies” that supposedly show efficacy of masks HAVE NO CONTROL GROUP. This is an airborne virus. It’s in the air. The likes of fauci and the media continue to conflate droplet transmission with airborne transmission. This conflation is like using a styrofoam bike helmet for protection against a murderous psycho with a loaded gun, to protect against him pistol whipping you.

The flu has disappeared because a more dominant strain (covid) has pushed it out. Although we are starting to see them come roaring back with a vengeance.
Worldwide death rate (from all causes) has remained steady at 0.76%.

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