Would You Have Been Delighted? Would Any Child? A Poll...

Describe feelings as an 8 year old how you would have felt with 2 dads or 2 moms?

  • Delighted: all children should be so lucky!

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Ambivalent: children should just adapt.

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Upset: children notice when something is just plain wrong.

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Shocked: children would suffer mentally in that situation.

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
It's really a simple question and a simple poll.

But first it requires that you enter a meditative state and go back in your memory to when you were a child in the early years of elementary school.. As a child coming into awareness of his or her world at say between the age of 6-8, would you have been delighted [or would you be delighted] to have come to the awareness that instead of a mom and dad, you had two dads or two moms instead?

And if that situation would have been unthinkable for you then as it might be for you now; would you require that another child at that young point of awareness have to come to the realization that he has two dads or two moms?


The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not? As a child kept asking, what else would his or her gay parents have as an option besides just telling them to shut up? Because the end point of that questioning would have to be denial of reality. Or at the very least an extremely uncomfortable conversation about the mental stability of a person who rejects the opposite gender but embraces parenting... As the child ages to the teen years, this questioning and probing of an obvious mental issue would reach new heights and would be predicted to have devastating consequences in the adolescent's mind. They typically struggle as it is to make sense of the world and glaring inconsistencies they notice within it.. This struggle sometimes leads them to hurt themselves or others.
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All I really cared was how I was treated by parents. I had a step dad that had a bad tempter and like to beat things, like myself when he was enraged over most anything.. My biological Dad was a drunk and beat things a lot when drunk, everyday...But I did have a Mother, but, back then women and children should speak only when spoken to......
If they always had two dads or two moms the child would never know a difference so it wouldn't bother them.

As the child gets older, suddenly having a parent announce that he or she is gay has a more proufound effect. The effect of dad coming home in a dress and announcing he is leaving his family for a man had a substantial effect on John Walker Lindh.
All I really cared was how I was treated by parents. I had a step dad that had a bad tempter and like to beat things, like myself when he was enraged over most anything.. My biological Dad was a drunk and beat things a lot when drunk, everyday...But I did have a Mother, but, back then women and children should speak only when spoken to......

Let's say to keep things on an even keel so you don't sideline the question and escape answering it, would you have been happier if you had two gay dads who one of had a bad temper and like to beat things when drunk while the more femme of the two men cowered along with you kids?

Which situation would've been more tolerable between the two evils? [domestic violence with gay and lesbian couples is higher per capita than straights].
If they always had two dads or two moms the child would never know a difference so it wouldn't bother them.

As the child gets older, suddenly having a parent announce that he or she is gay has a more proufound effect. The effect of dad coming home in a dress and announcing he is leaving his family for a man had a substantial effect on John Walker Lindh.

The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?
If they always had two dads or two moms the child would never know a difference so it wouldn't bother them.

As the child gets older, suddenly having a parent announce that he or she is gay has a more proufound effect. The effect of dad coming home in a dress and announcing he is leaving his family for a man had a substantial effect on John Walker Lindh.

The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?

The child would know there's a difference, but not on anything above an observational level. The damage comes, not from a knowledge that two parents are of the same sex, but the parenting styles of same sex households. I have known dozens of children raised by two parents of the same sex. I have been in a position of being able to follow these children to adulthood. The dysfunction doesn't come from knowing that the child has two parents of the same sex and other families don't. The dysfunction comes from being raised in a household where the exposure is only from a single sex. Children raised by same sex parents have the same kinds of emotional disabilities as any child raised in a single sex household, including by single parents.

Historically children have been raised by two caregivers of the same sex. It might be two aunts, or two uncles, or a grandmother and a mother. They don't think a thing about having two caregivers of the same sex. It is only in their relationships with others that the emotional disabilities make themselves known.

Children learn how to relate to the opposite sex by the way their parents interact. A boy learn how to treat women by the way his father treats his mother. A girl learns what to expect from men from her mother. A boy raised by two men will never learn how to appropriately interact with women, UNLESS that gay couple takes steps to ensure that there is a stable woman in that boy's life. A grandmother, aunt, best friend and increasingly, the biological mother. A boy raised by lesbian parents isn't any better off because he just won't see, in a family relationship, how men and women communicate. Children raised in a single sex household either cannot form a stable relationship in a heterosexual context or can only do so with therapy and counseling.

Why don't we notice this? Why isn't this recognized as some sort of national problem? Simple. We live in a pathological society where being pathological is "normal". We have had a couple of generations of divorce and children raised in single sex households. It's not unusual for someone to have relationship difficulties. The exception is a normal human being without need of psychotropic medication.
So if the OP author is anti-ghay, why can't you just come out with that statement and end the cat and mouse games? Did you have heterosexual parents that taught that coping mechanism for your ghayphobia?
If they always had two dads or two moms the child would never know a difference so it wouldn't bother them.

As the child gets older, suddenly having a parent announce that he or she is gay has a more proufound effect. The effect of dad coming home in a dress and announcing he is leaving his family for a man had a substantial effect on John Walker Lindh.

The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?

The child would know there's a difference, but not on anything above an observational level. The damage comes, not from a knowledge that two parents are of the same sex, but the parenting styles of same sex households. I have known dozens of children raised by two parents of the same sex. I have been in a position of being able to follow these children to adulthood. The dysfunction doesn't come from knowing that the child has two parents of the same sex and other families don't. The dysfunction comes from being raised in a household where the exposure is only from a single sex. Children raised by same sex parents have the same kinds of emotional disabilities as any child raised in a single sex household, including by single parents.

Historically children have been raised by two caregivers of the same sex. It might be two aunts, or two uncles, or a grandmother and a mother. They don't think a thing about having two caregivers of the same sex. It is only in their relationships with others that the emotional disabilities make themselves known.

Children learn how to relate to the opposite sex by the way their parents interact. A boy learn how to treat women by the way his father treats his mother. A girl learns what to expect from men from her mother. A boy raised by two men will never learn how to appropriately interact with women, UNLESS that gay couple takes steps to ensure that there is a stable woman in that boy's life. A grandmother, aunt, best friend and increasingly, the biological mother. A boy raised by lesbian parents isn't any better off because he just won't see, in a family relationship, how men and women communicate. Children raised in a single sex household either cannot form a stable relationship in a heterosexual context or can only do so with therapy and counseling.

Why don't we notice this? Why isn't this recognized as some sort of national problem? Simple. We live in a pathological society where being pathological is "normal". We have had a couple of generations of divorce and children raised in single sex households. It's not unusual for someone to have relationship difficulties. The exception is a normal human being without need of psychotropic medication.

How is it that Dick Cheney's daughter is gay?
I do not believe kids themselves have any innate bias toward what adults see as 'differences,' unless they are taught such things. And to be honest I disagree with your wording on the question a bit because it is in itself biased. A child would have not 'come into awareness' that 'instead' of a mom & dad he had two fathers, he would notice/hear/learn that other kids have a mother and a father.

Its a fine line, agreed, but your question's wording implies a) that the child is born with a knowledge that most other kids have a mother and father when the very basis of the question relies on the fact that he/she is not aware of that fact, and worse b) heavily implies there is an inherent stigma to having two fathers instead that would effect the child's happiness. Ignoring b)

The new found knowledge would have absolutely zero effect on the child's happiness or unhappiness. It would simply be filed away as something 'new' - similar to how perhaps some of the other children have siblings and he/she does not.

There would be no change in the child's happiness until such time as someone insisted that there was some difference between having a mother and father or having two fathers. In his/her world it makes no difference because he loves his parents just as much as those other kids do - and that is where the majority of his happiness derives.

It would require continuous effort intended to introduce a stigma or bias to his/her situation before it would even 'begin' to effect his/her overall happiness one way or the other.
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I do not believe kids themselves have any innate bias toward what adults see as 'differences,' unless they are taught such things. And to be honest I disagree with your wording on the question a bit because it is in itself biased. A child would have not 'come into awareness' that 'instead' of a mom & dad he had two fathers, he would notice/hear/learn that other kids have a mother and a father.

Its a fine line, agreed, but your question's wording implies a) that the child is born with a knowledge that most other kids have a mother and father when the very basis of the question relies on the fact that he/she is not aware of that fact, and worse b) heavily implies there is an inherent stigma to having two fathers instead that would effect the child's happiness.

Ignoring that, the new found knowledge would have absolutely zero effect on the child's happiness or unhappiness. It would simply be filed away as something 'new' - similar to how perhaps some of the other children have siblings and he/she does not.

There would be no change in the child's happiness until such time as someone insisted that there was some difference between having a mother and father or having two fathers. In his/her world it makes no difference because he loves his parents just as much as those other kids do - and that is where the majority of his happiness derives.

It would require continuous effort intended to introduce a stigma or bias to his/her situation before it would even 'begin' to effect his/her overall happiness one way or the other.

Isn't that what public schools are for, to allow the occupants the ability to ostracize a perceived social anomaly? For adults it's internet forums...
Another homophobe bait thread.

USMB has become a joke with more bigotry and homophobia than you can shake a stick at.
I do not believe kids themselves have any innate bias toward what adults see as 'differences,' unless they are taught such things. And to be honest I disagree with your wording on the question a bit because it is in itself biased. A child would have not 'come into awareness' that 'instead' of a mom & dad he had two fathers, he would notice/hear/learn that other kids have a mother and a father.

Its a fine line, agreed, but your question's wording implies a) that the child is born with a knowledge that most other kids have a mother and father when the very basis of the question relies on the fact that he/she is not aware of that fact, and worse b) heavily implies there is an inherent stigma to having two fathers instead that would effect the child's happiness.

Ignoring that, the new found knowledge would have absolutely zero effect on the child's happiness or unhappiness. It would simply be filed away as something 'new' - similar to how perhaps some of the other children have siblings and he/she does not.

There would be no change in the child's happiness until such time as someone insisted that there was some difference between having a mother and father or having two fathers. In his/her world it makes no difference because he loves his parents just as much as those other kids do - and that is where the majority of his happiness derives.

It would require continuous effort intended to introduce a stigma or bias to his/her situation before it would even 'begin' to effect his/her overall happiness one way or the other.

Isn't that what public schools are for, to allow the occupants the ability to ostracize a perceived social anomaly? For adults it's internet forums...

It is not schools that teach a child what a 'family' is, it is the parent's of each individual child. A child raised in a two father family would NOT be likely to be picked on at school by other mother/father parent children UNLESS those other children's parent's had taught them it was in some way wrong, different, or unacceptable.
At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not? As a child kept asking, what else would his or her gay parents have as an option besides just telling them to shut up? Because the end point of that questioning would have to be denial of reality. Or at the very least an extremely uncomfortable conversation about the mental stability of a person who rejects the opposite gender but embraces parenting... As the child ages to the teen years, this questioning and probing of an obvious mental issue would reach new heights and would be predicted to have devastating consequences in the adolescent's mind. They typically struggle as it is to make sense of the world and glaring inconsistencies they notice within it.. This struggle sometimes leads them to hurt themselves or others.

:lol: according to you but your OPinion just doesn't measure up to the human reality...

A great deal of scientific research documents there is no cause-and-effect relationship between parents’ sexual orientation and children’s well-being, according to the AAP policy. In fact, many studies attest to the normal development of children of same-gender couples when the child is wanted, the parents have a commitment to shared parenting, and the parents have strong social and economic support. Critical factors that affect the normal development and mental health of children are parental stress, economic and social stability, community resources, discrimination, and children’s exposure to toxic stressors at home or in their communities -- not the sexual orientation of their parents.

According to the policy statement, the AAP “supports pediatricians advocating for public policies that help all children and their parents, regardless of sexual orientation, build and maintain strong, stable, and healthy families that are able to meet the needs of their children.”

American Academy of Pediatrics Supports Same Gender Civil Marriage
If they always had two dads or two moms the child would never know a difference so it wouldn't bother them.

As the child gets older, suddenly having a parent announce that he or she is gay has a more proufound effect. The effect of dad coming home in a dress and announcing he is leaving his family for a man had a substantial effect on John Walker Lindh.

The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?

You need to get your facts straight. Humans are not the only species on Earth that willingly practice homosexuality. Its very common in the wild.
Yale Scientific Magazine ? Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality?
Gay Animals: Alternate Lifestyles in the Wild | Animal Sex & Homosexuality in Animal Kingdom | Gay Bonobos & Dolphins
Same Sex Couples Common in the Wild
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Natural "Crime Against Nature": Homosexual Behaviors In Animals
The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?

The child would know there's a difference, but not on anything above an observational level. The damage comes, not from a knowledge that two parents are of the same sex, but the parenting styles of same sex households. I have known dozens of children raised by two parents of the same sex. I have been in a position of being able to follow these children to adulthood. The dysfunction doesn't come from knowing that the child has two parents of the same sex and other families don't. The dysfunction comes from being raised in a household where the exposure is only from a single sex. Children raised by same sex parents have the same kinds of emotional disabilities as any child raised in a single sex household, including by single parents.

Historically children have been raised by two caregivers of the same sex. It might be two aunts, or two uncles, or a grandmother and a mother. They don't think a thing about having two caregivers of the same sex. It is only in their relationships with others that the emotional disabilities make themselves known.

Children learn how to relate to the opposite sex by the way their parents interact. A boy learn how to treat women by the way his father treats his mother. A girl learns what to expect from men from her mother. A boy raised by two men will never learn how to appropriately interact with women, UNLESS that gay couple takes steps to ensure that there is a stable woman in that boy's life. A grandmother, aunt, best friend and increasingly, the biological mother. A boy raised by lesbian parents isn't any better off because he just won't see, in a family relationship, how men and women communicate. Children raised in a single sex household either cannot form a stable relationship in a heterosexual context or can only do so with therapy and counseling.

Why don't we notice this? Why isn't this recognized as some sort of national problem? Simple. We live in a pathological society where being pathological is "normal". We have had a couple of generations of divorce and children raised in single sex households. It's not unusual for someone to have relationship difficulties. The exception is a normal human being without need of psychotropic medication.

How is it that Dick Cheney's daughter is gay?

I accept that you just didn't understand anything I said.
The OP is BS. I know a girl that was raised by 2 lesbians. She was heterosexual herself and had a great relationship with her parents. She is one of the most together humans I have ever met in my life.
I might have gone for "ambivalent" except -- how would a child need to "adapt" to a scenario he's born into? That's a neutral, not an "adapt".

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