Would Romney really be that bad a President?

I don't know if he is or not. What I know is that the current President has done a poor job. I'd rather have someone who is out of touch doing a good job than someone who is in touch doing a poor job.

Poor job by what metric?

The last time we had a calamity in the financial world that was this big (and incidently caused by conservative republican laissez-faire economics), it took a war, a whole package of social programs and nearly a decade to recover.

So really Toro..what are you basing this on? Our own history? Or other countries?

Like Japan..who basically took a decade or so to recover from it's meltdown. Or Britain..who's still in a slump.

- He spent enormous political capital on health care reform that lead to a massive political defeat in 2010 and the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, which he had circumvented the rules of the Senate to pass, when he should have been focused like a laser on the economy.

- He has exacerbated the political tensions in Washington and in this country. If you blame the Tea Party and the Republicans solely for the level of vitriol in the political arena, you are as every bit as blindly partisan as anyone on the right.

- He has engaged in demonization and class warfare against the wealthy, both in rhetoric and in policy. I don't mind the better off paying more in taxes but some of his prescriptions have been bullshit politics, ie ending deductions on jets is nothing but class baiting garbage. He has been more political and divisive than Bush and Karl Rove were. And FTR, I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 to 08.

- He seems to have little understanding of how the economy and business works. He does not get blame for the recession but his policies and rhetoric are impeding a recovery.

- His handling of the budget has been just awful. I mean, if he could pass one. This isn't about running trillion dollar deficits now. This is about the future. He has no plan at all to ever begin paying down the enormous debt we have put on. Run deficits now, pay them off later. He has forgotten the latter part. His abandonment of Simpson-Bowles speaks volumes. And let's not forget that he has completely ignored the entitlements ticking time bomb that is going to eventually explode.

- Lack of leadership brutally exposed during the debt ceiling debacle. Again, if you're just blaming the Tea Party for that, you are just as hyper partisan as anyone on the right. Our debt rating was downgraded on his watch. The buck stops with him. And the leadership vacuum coming out of the WH during that time was absolutely astonishing.

Great, we didn't get into any new ground wars. Good for him. But that's a pretty low bar. Otherwise, the Democrats have been a disaster.

The lack of leadership is something that you can hang your hat on. He's been MIA at times.

I don't think you can blame him for the divisiveness in the Nation however. I would ask you to support that with facts. If you're going to point to policy stances...okay but that isn't divisive because if someone takes a different stance and won't come to your position, you could easily say they're being divisive; could you not?

I'd say the rich have declared war on the less well off. What is it now; the average CEO makes 700 times what their lowest employee makes? It used to be something like 100 or something like that. The "corporate jet" line that most wingnuts trot out; shit...it's an example. Should he stick to the abstract?

Again, I don't see anything Romney has proposed making an awlful lot of sense outside of a policy he wants to start to where regulations that will affect the economy have to get Congressional approval. I can get next to that but you're going to turn clean air into a political football that way which is what the cabinet level agencies were supposed to rise above.

The military spending INCREASE is a non-starter for me.

So it goes....
He'd be better than Obama.... I wouldn't say he would make a "good" president tho.

Let's just say he is the lesser of the two evils...........
Unless you are among the One Percent I don't know why you would believe that. Romney would be in the same category as George W. Bush, i.e., generally distracted by personal interests and subordinate to the interests of his elitist "base."

The present political reality is our Nation has become divided between the rich and a declining middle class for whom the American dream is out of reach. The only thing capable of reversing that trend is aggressive emulation of FDR's radically progressive economic policies aimed at productive redistribution of America's wealth.

Romney would move in the opposite direction. So if you are a working class American, just what benefit are you expecting to derive from a Romney administration?

Obama has done nothing but divide us, yet you think Romney would do worse. His answer for every problem is demonize the rich.

Obama has worked hard to raise the costs of energy, water, food, health care, you name it. His energy secretary is about to be fired because he was honest about Obama's desire to cut consumption rather than lower gas prices at the pump. He admitted it in front of a Senate committee this week.

Obama wants to raise prices at the pump even more by getting rid oil subsidies. $4 billion a year, which is a drop in the bucket compared to what Obama has lost in companies like Solyndra. He gives away billions to unions, foreign banks, and alternative energy companies that go tits up, yet he says the measly $4 bil we give oil companies is wasteful. Guess who will make up the difference? Anyone who buys gas in America.

Obama wants to make it impossible for the coal industry to operate in this country, so they'll have to move their operations to other countries and take their jobs with them.

Obama stopped Boeing from moving to South Carolina preventing the creation of thousands of jobs. He stopped the Keystone pipeline project preventing the creation of over 20,000 jobs. The Democrats prevented US companies from getting Iraqi oil contracts instead letting China get them, losing hundreds, even thousands of jobs.

Obama is using the Department of Justice to carry out a personal vendetta against anyone who doesn't cowtow to his will. He's suing states for discrimination, copy-right violations, you name it. He's suing private companies that piss him off or just don't do what he tells them to. He's taken over two car companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, several banks, and numerous other private firms.

Who the fuck do you think is really on the side of the American people? It sure isn't Obama.

We've seen the best Obama has to offer. If you want a president that can't work with congress to get things done, vote for Obama. If you want a president that no other country trusts with their secrets, vote for Obama. If you want someone who will tell you one thing and do the opposite, vote Obama. If you feel like we're heading in the right direction, vote for Obama. But if you have come to the conclusion that you've been lied to and we need someone to stop the death spiral we're currently in, then don't vote for the asshole that's responsible for it. Barrack Obama.
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Poor job by what metric?

The last time we had a calamity in the financial world that was this big (and incidently caused by conservative republican laissez-faire economics), it took a war, a whole package of social programs and nearly a decade to recover.

So really Toro..what are you basing this on? Our own history? Or other countries?

Like Japan..who basically took a decade or so to recover from it's meltdown. Or Britain..who's still in a slump.

- He spent enormous political capital on health care reform that lead to a massive political defeat in 2010 and the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, which he had circumvented the rules of the Senate to pass, when he should have been focused like a laser on the economy.

- He has exacerbated the political tensions in Washington and in this country. If you blame the Tea Party and the Republicans solely for the level of vitriol in the political arena, you are as every bit as blindly partisan as anyone on the right.

- He has engaged in demonization and class warfare against the wealthy, both in rhetoric and in policy. I don't mind the better off paying more in taxes but some of his prescriptions have been bullshit politics, ie ending deductions on jets is nothing but class baiting garbage. He has been more political and divisive than Bush and Karl Rove were. And FTR, I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 to 08.

- He seems to have little understanding of how the economy and business works. He does not get blame for the recession but his policies and rhetoric are impeding a recovery.

- His handling of the budget has been just awful. I mean, if he could pass one. This isn't about running trillion dollar deficits now. This is about the future. He has no plan at all to ever begin paying down the enormous debt we have put on. Run deficits now, pay them off later. He has forgotten the latter part. His abandonment of Simpson-Bowles speaks volumes. And let's not forget that he has completely ignored the entitlements ticking time bomb that is going to eventually explode.

- Lack of leadership brutally exposed during the debt ceiling debacle. Again, if you're just blaming the Tea Party for that, you are just as hyper partisan as anyone on the right. Our debt rating was downgraded on his watch. The buck stops with him. And the leadership vacuum coming out of the WH during that time was absolutely astonishing.

Great, we didn't get into any new ground wars. Good for him. But that's a pretty low bar. Otherwise, the Democrats have been a disaster.

The lack of leadership is something that you can hang your hat on. He's been MIA at times.

I don't think you can blame him for the divisiveness in the Nation however. I would ask you to support that with facts. If you're going to point to policy stances...okay but that isn't divisive because if someone takes a different stance and won't come to your position, you could easily say they're being divisive; could you not?

I'd say the rich have declared war on the less well off. What is it now; the average CEO makes 700 times what their lowest employee makes? It used to be something like 100 or something like that. The "corporate jet" line that most wingnuts trot out; shit...it's an example. Should he stick to the abstract?

Again, I don't see anything Romney has proposed making an awlful lot of sense outside of a policy he wants to start to where regulations that will affect the economy have to get Congressional approval. I can get next to that but you're going to turn clean air into a political football that way which is what the cabinet level agencies were supposed to rise above.

The military spending INCREASE is a non-starter for me.

So it goes....

I'm glad you didn't dispute Obama's incompetence on the budget.

I think Obama has exacerbated the divisions in this country. Yes, it was divided before, but he's made it worse. And he was supposed to be the Hope and Change President, remember? What happened to the "There is no Red States or Blue States of America, there is the United States of America"? That guy has been MIA. The elimination of the corporate jet expense deduction is political demagoguery at it's worst, specifically designed to play on the basest of class divisions in this country.

There are legitimate criticisms of Romney, but some of his weaknesses are his strengths. Based on his term in MA and his namby-pamby platform, he is likely to govern from the center, and is more likely to bring the country together than the last two Presidents. And no, "being a rich guy" does not disqualify him from doing this.
I tend to think so. A lot of Republicans do too. He doesn't seem to exhibit any real understanding of the pressures that most Americans face. Not that President Obama has his finger on the pulse of America but if we expect our President to be somewhat engaged, Romney doesn't seem to be the guy.

Putting aside my feelings about his religion for a moment (which is the end of the discussion for me, really)... here's why I think he'd make an awful president.

To start with, he was an awful Governor. At the end of one term, he was rated 48th out of 50, he was trailing potential Democratic Challengers by double digits, and he chose not to run. He ended 16 years of Republican governors in that state.

Now, people who support him say, "Well, he was a great businessman". This is debatable for a number of reasons. But to the point, there's a difference between business and politics.

CEO Romney has the option of firing the CFO or CIO if they constantly disagree with his direction. President Romney would not have the option of firing Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi. (Of course, I guess that Romney and Reid could do the Secret Mormon Handshake and do some kind of deal.)

Finally, Romney has shown gross insensitivity towards working people throughout his entire life. Whether it's talking about how he likes to be able to fire people or claiming he used to worry about pink slips, he just has no clue.
- He spent enormous political capital on health care reform that lead to a massive political defeat in 2010 and the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, which he had circumvented the rules of the Senate to pass, when he should have been focused like a laser on the economy.

- He has exacerbated the political tensions in Washington and in this country. If you blame the Tea Party and the Republicans solely for the level of vitriol in the political arena, you are as every bit as blindly partisan as anyone on the right.

- He has engaged in demonization and class warfare against the wealthy, both in rhetoric and in policy. I don't mind the better off paying more in taxes but some of his prescriptions have been bullshit politics, ie ending deductions on jets is nothing but class baiting garbage. He has been more political and divisive than Bush and Karl Rove were. And FTR, I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 to 08.

- He seems to have little understanding of how the economy and business works. He does not get blame for the recession but his policies and rhetoric are impeding a recovery.

- His handling of the budget has been just awful. I mean, if he could pass one. This isn't about running trillion dollar deficits now. This is about the future. He has no plan at all to ever begin paying down the enormous debt we have put on. Run deficits now, pay them off later. He has forgotten the latter part. His abandonment of Simpson-Bowles speaks volumes. And let's not forget that he has completely ignored the entitlements ticking time bomb that is going to eventually explode.

- Lack of leadership brutally exposed during the debt ceiling debacle. Again, if you're just blaming the Tea Party for that, you are just as hyper partisan as anyone on the right. Our debt rating was downgraded on his watch. The buck stops with him. And the leadership vacuum coming out of the WH during that time was absolutely astonishing.

Great, we didn't get into any new ground wars. Good for him. But that's a pretty low bar. Otherwise, the Democrats have been a disaster.

The lack of leadership is something that you can hang your hat on. He's been MIA at times.

I don't think you can blame him for the divisiveness in the Nation however. I would ask you to support that with facts. If you're going to point to policy stances...okay but that isn't divisive because if someone takes a different stance and won't come to your position, you could easily say they're being divisive; could you not?

I'd say the rich have declared war on the less well off. What is it now; the average CEO makes 700 times what their lowest employee makes? It used to be something like 100 or something like that. The "corporate jet" line that most wingnuts trot out; shit...it's an example. Should he stick to the abstract?

Again, I don't see anything Romney has proposed making an awlful lot of sense outside of a policy he wants to start to where regulations that will affect the economy have to get Congressional approval. I can get next to that but you're going to turn clean air into a political football that way which is what the cabinet level agencies were supposed to rise above.

The military spending INCREASE is a non-starter for me.

So it goes....

I'm glad you didn't dispute Obama's incompetence on the budget.

I think Obama has exacerbated the divisions in this country. Yes, it was divided before, but he's made it worse. And he was supposed to be the Hope and Change President, remember? What happened to the "There is no Red States or Blue States of America, there is the United States of America"? That guy has been MIA. The elimination of the corporate jet expense deduction is political demagoguery at it's worst, specifically designed to play on the basest of class divisions in this country.

There are legitimate criticisms of Romney, but some of his weaknesses are his strengths. Based on his term in MA and his namby-pamby platform, he is likely to govern from the center, and is more likely to bring the country together than the last two Presidents. And no, "being a rich guy" does not disqualify him from doing this.

One thing that - while not a big deal - does kind of interest me. As Governor of Mass, Romney turned down his salary. I'm curious as to whether he would do likewise as POTUS. That, I would love to see.... a President who doesn't take his salary. :eusa_angel:
Mass used to be the best state in the country to find a job. The military couldn't recruit in colleges because jobs were plentiful and the average income was the highest in the country. The Dems take the state over and that all came to a halt. Seems whenever the left moves into an area the standard of living drops. Democrats discourage success and encourage a perpetual welfare state.
I tend to think so. A lot of Republicans do too. He doesn't seem to exhibit any real understanding of the pressures that most Americans face. Not that President Obama has his finger on the pulse of America but if we expect our President to be somewhat engaged, Romney doesn't seem to be the guy.

I agree that he doesn't seem engaged. he doesn't seem like he likes running for office. and he doesn't seem like he's into working really hard to get there. that said, i don't think he's a terrible person and i don't think he would be horrible, per se, as president.

it's the detritis on the right that he would bring with him that's the problem.
I don't know if he is or not. What I know is that the current President has done a poor job. I'd rather have someone who is out of touch doing a good job than someone who is in touch doing a poor job.

Poor job by what metric?

The last time we had a calamity in the financial world that was this big (and incidently caused by conservative republican laissez-faire economics), it took a war, a whole package of social programs and nearly a decade to recover.

So really Toro..what are you basing this on? Our own history? Or other countries?

Like Japan..who basically took a decade or so to recover from it's meltdown. Or Britain..who's still in a slump.

- He spent enormous political capital on health care reform that lead to a massive political defeat in 2010 and the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, which he had circumvented the rules of the Senate to pass, when he should have been focused like a laser on the economy.

- He has exacerbated the political tensions in Washington and in this country. If you blame the Tea Party and the Republicans solely for the level of vitriol in the political arena, you are as every bit as blindly partisan as anyone on the right.

- He has engaged in demonization and class warfare against the wealthy, both in rhetoric and in policy. I don't mind the better off paying more in taxes but some of his prescriptions have been bullshit politics, ie ending deductions on jets is nothing but class baiting garbage. He has been more political and divisive than Bush and Karl Rove were. And FTR, I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 to 08.

- He seems to have little understanding of how the economy and business works. He does not get blame for the recession but his policies and rhetoric are impeding a recovery.

- His handling of the budget has been just awful. I mean, if he could pass one. This isn't about running trillion dollar deficits now. This is about the future. He has no plan at all to ever begin paying down the enormous debt we have put on. Run deficits now, pay them off later. He has forgotten the latter part. His abandonment of Simpson-Bowles speaks volumes. And let's not forget that he has completely ignored the entitlements ticking time bomb that is going to eventually explode.

- Lack of leadership brutally exposed during the debt ceiling debacle. Again, if you're just blaming the Tea Party for that, you are just as hyper partisan as anyone on the right. Our debt rating was downgraded on his watch. The buck stops with him. And the leadership vacuum coming out of the WH during that time was absolutely astonishing.

Great, we didn't get into any new ground wars. Good for him. But that's a pretty low bar. Otherwise, the Democrats have been a disaster.

These are all basically opinions from a right wing world view.

I asked you for hard metrics..or at least some sort of bench mark to work with.

And you provided none.

You're basically as "partisan" as the people you rail against..with a bit more eloquence.

- He spent enormous political capital on health care reform that lead to a massive political defeat in 2010 and the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, which he had circumvented the rules of the Senate to pass, when he should have been focused like a laser on the economy.

- He has exacerbated the political tensions in Washington and in this country. If you blame the Tea Party and the Republicans solely for the level of vitriol in the political arena, you are as every bit as blindly partisan as anyone on the right.

- He has engaged in demonization and class warfare against the wealthy, both in rhetoric and in policy. I don't mind the better off paying more in taxes but some of his prescriptions have been bullshit politics, ie ending deductions on jets is nothing but class baiting garbage. He has been more political and divisive than Bush and Karl Rove were. And FTR, I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 to 08.

- He seems to have little understanding of how the economy and business works. He does not get blame for the recession but his policies and rhetoric are impeding a recovery.

- His handling of the budget has been just awful. I mean, if he could pass one. This isn't about running trillion dollar deficits now. This is about the future. He has no plan at all to ever begin paying down the enormous debt we have put on. Run deficits now, pay them off later. He has forgotten the latter part. His abandonment of Simpson-Bowles speaks volumes. And let's not forget that he has completely ignored the entitlements ticking time bomb that is going to eventually explode.

- Lack of leadership brutally exposed during the debt ceiling debacle. Again, if you're just blaming the Tea Party for that, you are just as hyper partisan as anyone on the right. Our debt rating was downgraded on his watch. The buck stops with him. And the leadership vacuum coming out of the WH during that time was absolutely astonishing.

Great, we didn't get into any new ground wars. Good for him. But that's a pretty low bar. Otherwise, the Democrats have been a disaster.

The lack of leadership is something that you can hang your hat on. He's been MIA at times.

I don't think you can blame him for the divisiveness in the Nation however. I would ask you to support that with facts. If you're going to point to policy stances...okay but that isn't divisive because if someone takes a different stance and won't come to your position, you could easily say they're being divisive; could you not?

I'd say the rich have declared war on the less well off. What is it now; the average CEO makes 700 times what their lowest employee makes? It used to be something like 100 or something like that. The "corporate jet" line that most wingnuts trot out; shit...it's an example. Should he stick to the abstract?

Again, I don't see anything Romney has proposed making an awlful lot of sense outside of a policy he wants to start to where regulations that will affect the economy have to get Congressional approval. I can get next to that but you're going to turn clean air into a political football that way which is what the cabinet level agencies were supposed to rise above.

The military spending INCREASE is a non-starter for me.

So it goes....

I'm glad you didn't dispute Obama's incompetence on the budget.

I think Obama has exacerbated the divisions in this country. Yes, it was divided before, but he's made it worse. And he was supposed to be the Hope and Change President, remember? What happened to the "There is no Red States or Blue States of America, there is the United States of America"? That guy has been MIA. The elimination of the corporate jet expense deduction is political demagoguery at it's worst, specifically designed to play on the basest of class divisions in this country.

There are legitimate criticisms of Romney, but some of his weaknesses are his strengths. Based on his term in MA and his namby-pamby platform, he is likely to govern from the center, and is more likely to bring the country together than the last two Presidents. And no, "being a rich guy" does not disqualify him from doing this.

Of course not. But the predatory practices of his "business" life should give an insight to his "vision". That and he's lining up some of the very same people George W. Bush had in his administration.
I tend to think so. A lot of Republicans do too. He doesn't seem to exhibit any real understanding of the pressures that most Americans face. Not that President Obama has his finger on the pulse of America but if we expect our President to be somewhat engaged, Romney doesn't seem to be the guy.

I agree that he doesn't seem engaged. he doesn't seem like he likes running for office. and he doesn't seem like he's into working really hard to get there. that said, i don't think he's a terrible person and i don't think he would be horrible, per se, as president.

it's the detritis on the right that he would bring with him that's the problem.

He would be Bush..without the personality. I thought the Bush presidency was horrid.
Poor job by what metric?

The last time we had a calamity in the financial world that was this big (and incidently caused by conservative republican laissez-faire economics), it took a war, a whole package of social programs and nearly a decade to recover.

So really Toro..what are you basing this on? Our own history? Or other countries?

Like Japan..who basically took a decade or so to recover from it's meltdown. Or Britain..who's still in a slump.

- He spent enormous political capital on health care reform that lead to a massive political defeat in 2010 and the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, which he had circumvented the rules of the Senate to pass, when he should have been focused like a laser on the economy.

- He has exacerbated the political tensions in Washington and in this country. If you blame the Tea Party and the Republicans solely for the level of vitriol in the political arena, you are as every bit as blindly partisan as anyone on the right.

- He has engaged in demonization and class warfare against the wealthy, both in rhetoric and in policy. I don't mind the better off paying more in taxes but some of his prescriptions have been bullshit politics, ie ending deductions on jets is nothing but class baiting garbage. He has been more political and divisive than Bush and Karl Rove were. And FTR, I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 to 08.

- He seems to have little understanding of how the economy and business works. He does not get blame for the recession but his policies and rhetoric are impeding a recovery.

- His handling of the budget has been just awful. I mean, if he could pass one. This isn't about running trillion dollar deficits now. This is about the future. He has no plan at all to ever begin paying down the enormous debt we have put on. Run deficits now, pay them off later. He has forgotten the latter part. His abandonment of Simpson-Bowles speaks volumes. And let's not forget that he has completely ignored the entitlements ticking time bomb that is going to eventually explode.

- Lack of leadership brutally exposed during the debt ceiling debacle. Again, if you're just blaming the Tea Party for that, you are just as hyper partisan as anyone on the right. Our debt rating was downgraded on his watch. The buck stops with him. And the leadership vacuum coming out of the WH during that time was absolutely astonishing.

Great, we didn't get into any new ground wars. Good for him. But that's a pretty low bar. Otherwise, the Democrats have been a disaster.

These are all basically opinions from a right wing world view.

I asked you for hard metrics..or at least some sort of bench mark to work with.

And you provided none.

You're basically as "partisan" as the people you rail against..with a bit more eloquence.


You calling someone partisan is like truthmatters calling someone willfully-ignorant.
- He spent enormous political capital on health care reform that lead to a massive political defeat in 2010 and the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, which he had circumvented the rules of the Senate to pass, when he should have been focused like a laser on the economy.

- He has exacerbated the political tensions in Washington and in this country. If you blame the Tea Party and the Republicans solely for the level of vitriol in the political arena, you are as every bit as blindly partisan as anyone on the right.

- He has engaged in demonization and class warfare against the wealthy, both in rhetoric and in policy. I don't mind the better off paying more in taxes but some of his prescriptions have been bullshit politics, ie ending deductions on jets is nothing but class baiting garbage. He has been more political and divisive than Bush and Karl Rove were. And FTR, I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 to 08.

- He seems to have little understanding of how the economy and business works. He does not get blame for the recession but his policies and rhetoric are impeding a recovery.

- His handling of the budget has been just awful. I mean, if he could pass one. This isn't about running trillion dollar deficits now. This is about the future. He has no plan at all to ever begin paying down the enormous debt we have put on. Run deficits now, pay them off later. He has forgotten the latter part. His abandonment of Simpson-Bowles speaks volumes. And let's not forget that he has completely ignored the entitlements ticking time bomb that is going to eventually explode.

- Lack of leadership brutally exposed during the debt ceiling debacle. Again, if you're just blaming the Tea Party for that, you are just as hyper partisan as anyone on the right. Our debt rating was downgraded on his watch. The buck stops with him. And the leadership vacuum coming out of the WH during that time was absolutely astonishing.

Great, we didn't get into any new ground wars. Good for him. But that's a pretty low bar. Otherwise, the Democrats have been a disaster.

These are all basically opinions from a right wing world view.

I asked you for hard metrics..or at least some sort of bench mark to work with.

And you provided none.

You're basically as "partisan" as the people you rail against..with a bit more eloquence.


You calling someone partisan is like truthmatters calling someone willfully-ignorant.

You trying to sort out anything around here is like a blind man going off a cliff.

But not quite as humorous.
The lack of leadership is something that you can hang your hat on. He's been MIA at times.

I don't think you can blame him for the divisiveness in the Nation however. I would ask you to support that with facts. If you're going to point to policy stances...okay but that isn't divisive because if someone takes a different stance and won't come to your position, you could easily say they're being divisive; could you not?

I'd say the rich have declared war on the less well off. What is it now; the average CEO makes 700 times what their lowest employee makes? It used to be something like 100 or something like that. The "corporate jet" line that most wingnuts trot out; shit...it's an example. Should he stick to the abstract?

Again, I don't see anything Romney has proposed making an awlful lot of sense outside of a policy he wants to start to where regulations that will affect the economy have to get Congressional approval. I can get next to that but you're going to turn clean air into a political football that way which is what the cabinet level agencies were supposed to rise above.

The military spending INCREASE is a non-starter for me.

So it goes....

I'm glad you didn't dispute Obama's incompetence on the budget.

I think Obama has exacerbated the divisions in this country. Yes, it was divided before, but he's made it worse. And he was supposed to be the Hope and Change President, remember? What happened to the "There is no Red States or Blue States of America, there is the United States of America"? That guy has been MIA. The elimination of the corporate jet expense deduction is political demagoguery at it's worst, specifically designed to play on the basest of class divisions in this country.

There are legitimate criticisms of Romney, but some of his weaknesses are his strengths. Based on his term in MA and his namby-pamby platform, he is likely to govern from the center, and is more likely to bring the country together than the last two Presidents. And no, "being a rich guy" does not disqualify him from doing this.

Of course not. But the predatory practices of his "business" life should give an insight to his "vision". That and he's lining up some of the very same people George W. Bush had in his administration.

Romney's greatest strength is he's the opposite of Obama when it comes to business. He is realistic while Obama is not. He fixed businesses and made things work, actually made money while Obama specializes in destroying them and losing money.

Romney's greatest weakness is that he started a health care program that Obama copied and made worse.
Romney's greatest strength is he's the opposite of Obama when it comes to business. He is realistic while Obama is not. He fixed businesses and made things work, actually made money while Obama specializes in destroying them and losing money.

Romney's greatest weakness is that he started a health care program that Obama copied and made worse.

Fixed? Fixed in terms of what?

He took other people's money..and used it to disassemble some businesses or change the business model of others. In both cases workers were worse off.

And the "model" Romney used was the one proposed by the Heritage foundation. It wasn't made "worse". And Romney had a huge advantage, funding for it was already factored in by a tax increase Dukasis passed. Hence he didn't have to provision for it.

Romney's never made a dime on his own. He's never sweated for crap.
Mass used to be the best state in the country to find a job. The military couldn't recruit in colleges because jobs were plentiful and the average income was the highest in the country. The Dems take the state over and that all came to a halt. Seems whenever the left moves into an area the standard of living drops. Democrats discourage success and encourage a perpetual welfare state.

They did the same thing to California too.
Poor job by what metric?

The last time we had a calamity in the financial world that was this big (and incidently caused by conservative republican laissez-faire economics), it took a war, a whole package of social programs and nearly a decade to recover.

So really Toro..what are you basing this on? Our own history? Or other countries?

Like Japan..who basically took a decade or so to recover from it's meltdown. Or Britain..who's still in a slump.

- He spent enormous political capital on health care reform that lead to a massive political defeat in 2010 and the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, which he had circumvented the rules of the Senate to pass, when he should have been focused like a laser on the economy.

- He has exacerbated the political tensions in Washington and in this country. If you blame the Tea Party and the Republicans solely for the level of vitriol in the political arena, you are as every bit as blindly partisan as anyone on the right.

- He has engaged in demonization and class warfare against the wealthy, both in rhetoric and in policy. I don't mind the better off paying more in taxes but some of his prescriptions have been bullshit politics, ie ending deductions on jets is nothing but class baiting garbage. He has been more political and divisive than Bush and Karl Rove were. And FTR, I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 to 08.

- He seems to have little understanding of how the economy and business works. He does not get blame for the recession but his policies and rhetoric are impeding a recovery.

- His handling of the budget has been just awful. I mean, if he could pass one. This isn't about running trillion dollar deficits now. This is about the future. He has no plan at all to ever begin paying down the enormous debt we have put on. Run deficits now, pay them off later. He has forgotten the latter part. His abandonment of Simpson-Bowles speaks volumes. And let's not forget that he has completely ignored the entitlements ticking time bomb that is going to eventually explode.

- Lack of leadership brutally exposed during the debt ceiling debacle. Again, if you're just blaming the Tea Party for that, you are just as hyper partisan as anyone on the right. Our debt rating was downgraded on his watch. The buck stops with him. And the leadership vacuum coming out of the WH during that time was absolutely astonishing.

Great, we didn't get into any new ground wars. Good for him. But that's a pretty low bar. Otherwise, the Democrats have been a disaster.

These are all basically opinions from a right wing world view.

I asked you for hard metrics..or at least some sort of bench mark to work with.

And you provided none.

You're basically as "partisan" as the people you rail against..with a bit more eloquence.


Hard metrics?

- AA+ credit rating

- projected trough deficit to GDP ---> -3% in five years

- Right track / wrong track polling differential range -40% to -50%

- weakest economic recovery on record

Sometimes the Right is right.

These are all basically opinions from a right wing world view.

I asked you for hard metrics..or at least some sort of bench mark to work with.

And you provided none.

You're basically as "partisan" as the people you rail against..with a bit more eloquence.


You calling someone partisan is like truthmatters calling someone willfully-ignorant.

You trying to sort out anything around here is like a blind man going off a cliff.

But not quite as humorous.

I'm smart enough to spot typical election year rhetoric for what it is.

Problem is Democrats never drop their phony talking points between elections. They keep pumping out their nonsensical BS year round, and dip-shits like you parrot it like it's real.
IMO Romney would make a fine Prez.

Unlike the present occupant of the WH He can work with both sides and he has business sense. He knows what it will take to get this economy up and running.

Is he perfect?? Hell no. None of them are and anyone who is looking for a Mr. Perfect in the WH, either party, is doomed to disappointment.
Romney's greatest strength is he's the opposite of Obama when it comes to business. He is realistic while Obama is not. He fixed businesses and made things work, actually made money while Obama specializes in destroying them and losing money.

Romney's greatest weakness is that he started a health care program that Obama copied and made worse.

Fixed? Fixed in terms of what?

He took other people's money..and used it to disassemble some businesses or change the business model of others. In both cases workers were worse off.

And the "model" Romney used was the one proposed by the Heritage foundation. It wasn't made "worse". And Romney had a huge advantage, funding for it was already factored in by a tax increase Dukasis passed. Hence he didn't have to provision for it.

Romney's never made a dime on his own. He's never sweated for crap.

The official record says otherwise.

On the other hand Obama works hard to get himself re-elected, but not to help the taxpayer. He's already held 100 fund-raisers. $30,000 a plate dinners. Parties at the White House. Every natural disaster finds him on the golf-course. Every crisis he hasn't caused left unaddressed till it becomes unavoidable. The procrastinator in chief. Friend to the Taliban. The mouth that roars or President Big-Mouth.
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