Worst presidents ever (not including Obama, what a shame, and Bush W isn't the worst in 20th-21st C.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Overall Ranking - C-SPAN

Guess who is the worst 20th and 21st Century president.

In order of badness, according to this website from 20th and 21st (up to the end of dubya's presidency.

Warren Harding (worst)
George W Bush
Herbert Hoover
Richard Nixon
Calvin Coolidge
Jimmy Carter
William Taft
Gerald Ford
George Bush snr
William McKinley (well he finished in 1901)
Bill Clinton
Lyndon Johnson
Ronald Reagan
Woodrow Wilson
Dwight Eisenhower
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt (best)

It takes 5 Republican presidents to make it to the first Democrat.

Kennedy Still Highest-Rated Modern President Nixon Lowest

Another one, post Eisenhower by the looks of it. This one is more people's perception of presidents.

Nixon worst
Bush w.
Bush snr
I was just talking with my room mate about this today.

My top 3 worst presidents?

In this order....................................

1) Ronald Reagan (not only did he almost break the military, but his policies put a lot of us in danger. I remember the USO bombings of the 80's, because I was serving at that time).

2) George Bush Jr. (not only did he lie to get us into a war that his daddy never finished with Saddam, but he also lifted many restrictions on banks that put us into one of the worst recessions of all time, and cut taxes for the rich in a time of war, when taxes should have been raised. Check out what happened in WWII).

3) Richard Nixon (he was a liar and a thief, but he's still not as bad as Jr. or Reagan because he at least got us out of Viet Nam).
I was just talking with my room mate about this today.

My top 3 worst presidents?

In this order....................................

1) Ronald Reagan (not only did he almost break the military, but his policies put a lot of us in danger. I remember the USO bombings of the 80's, because I was serving at that time).

2) George Bush Jr. (not only did he lie to get us into a war that his daddy never finished with Saddam, but he also lifted many restrictions on banks that put us into one of the worst recessions of all time, and cut taxes for the rich in a time of war, when taxes should have been raised. Check out what happened in WWII).

3) Richard Nixon (he was a liar and a thief, but he's still not as bad as Jr. or Reagan because he at least got us out of Viet Nam).

Do you mean in the post WW2 era? Or ever?

I guess things were different back then and comparisons are hard.
Actually, I think that prior to the 80's, we had a government that even though it had some bad apples in it, it appeared to work.

Greed has taken over in DC, and it's not about how much good you can do for the country, but is now about how much money lobbyists are going to give you in donations.

However......................the 3 presidents I listed are those I consider to be the worst in the history of this country.
I was just talking with my room mate about this today.

My top 3 worst presidents?

In this order....................................

1) Ronald Reagan (not only did he almost break the military, but his policies put a lot of us in danger. I remember the USO bombings of the 80's, because I was serving at that time).

2) George Bush Jr. (not only did he lie to get us into a war that his daddy never finished with Saddam, but he also lifted many restrictions on banks that put us into one of the worst recessions of all time, and cut taxes for the rich in a time of war, when taxes should have been raised. Check out what happened in WWII).

3) Richard Nixon (he was a liar and a thief, but he's still not as bad as Jr. or Reagan because he at least got us out of Viet Nam).
Room mate, eh? Seeing that you were a sailor too frightened to go to the USO during the Reagan administration, that means you are middle-aged. It also explains a lot.
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Actually, even after the USO attacks, I still used them.

I was just pissed that I had to check for dodgy looking packages when I went inside because we had a president that was a prick pissing off the whole world.

You're right.................I AM middle aged. But, you could figure that out using basic math.

What else does it explain, and did YOU ever serve this country, and if so, from when to when?

Me? I served from July 1982 until August 2002.
I was just talking with my room mate about this today.

My top 3 worst presidents?

In this order....................................

1) Ronald Reagan (not only did he almost break the military, but his policies put a lot of us in danger. I remember the USO bombings of the 80's, because I was serving at that time).

2) George Bush Jr. (not only did he lie to get us into a war that his daddy never finished with Saddam, but he also lifted many restrictions on banks that put us into one of the worst recessions of all time, and cut taxes for the rich in a time of war, when taxes should have been raised. Check out what happened in WWII).

3) Richard Nixon (he was a liar and a thief, but he's still not as bad as Jr. or Reagan because he at least got us out of Viet Nam).
I suppose you agree obama is the worse president? Since Nixon was a lair and obama is a liar and obama has kept everything Bush did in place or made it worse.
But Reagan? dude stop smoking the crack.
I was just talking with my room mate about this today.

My top 3 worst presidents?

In this order....................................

1) Ronald Reagan (not only did he almost break the military, but his policies put a lot of us in danger. I remember the USO bombings of the 80's, because I was serving at that time).

2) George Bush Jr. (not only did he lie to get us into a war that his daddy never finished with Saddam, but he also lifted many restrictions on banks that put us into one of the worst recessions of all time, and cut taxes for the rich in a time of war, when taxes should have been raised. Check out what happened in WWII).

3) Richard Nixon (he was a liar and a thief, but he's still not as bad as Jr. or Reagan because he at least got us out of Viet Nam).
I suppose you agree obama is the worse president? Since Nixon was a lair and obama is a liar and obama has kept everything Bush did in place or made it worse.
But Reagan? dude stop smoking the crack.
Maybe you should stop drinking the Kool aid. ;)
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes
Actually, even after the USO attacks, I still used them.

I was just pissed that I had to check for dodgy looking packages when I went inside because we had a president that was a prick pissing off the whole world.

You're right.................I AM middle aged. But, you could figure that out using basic math.

What else does it explain, and did YOU ever serve this country, and if so, from when to when?

Me? I served from July 1982 until August 2002.
I don't care that you're middle-aged. I do think it's telling that you are middle-aged with a room mate. I mean if it were a gay thing you would have probably said partner, right?
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Actually, even after the USO attacks, I still used them.

I was just pissed that I had to check for dodgy looking packages when I went inside because we had a president that was a prick pissing off the whole world.

You're right.................I AM middle aged. But, you could figure that out using basic math.

What else does it explain, and did YOU ever serve this country, and if so, from when to when?

Me? I served from July 1982 until August 2002.
I don't care that you're middle-aged. I do think it's telling that you are middle-aged with a room mate. I mean if it were a gay thing you would have probably said partner, right?
Why do you care if he has a roommate? You know nothing about his story, why judge over one statement.
I was just talking with my room mate about this today.

My top 3 worst presidents?

In this order....................................

1) Ronald Reagan (not only did he almost break the military, but his policies put a lot of us in danger. I remember the USO bombings of the 80's, because I was serving at that time).

2) George Bush Jr. (not only did he lie to get us into a war that his daddy never finished with Saddam, but he also lifted many restrictions on banks that put us into one of the worst recessions of all time, and cut taxes for the rich in a time of war, when taxes should have been raised. Check out what happened in WWII).

3) Richard Nixon (he was a liar and a thief, but he's still not as bad as Jr. or Reagan because he at least got us out of Viet Nam).
I suppose you agree obama is the worse president? Since Nixon was a lair and obama is a liar and obama has kept everything Bush did in place or made it worse.
But Reagan? dude stop smoking the crack.
Maybe you should stop drinking the Kool aid. ;)
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes
WTF was that? Maybe you should stop smoking obama's peanuts from his shit.
obama is a major liar
obama has not changed one thing Bush did
everything obama does is for political points and most times like Iraq backfire
obama had an Ambassador killed Bush didn't
There again obama used that for political reasons.
obama is the worse president in American history.
Actually Meathead, she's a woman that I met around 10 years ago and to save money we both decided to live together.

But.............................think what you want, because together we have a pretty decent life and can make ends meet. If we were separate, we'd both have a bit more of a difficult time doing so.

And no...........................if it was a gay thing, I've got more than enough intestinal fortitude to say what it really is.
Actually, even after the USO attacks, I still used them.

I was just pissed that I had to check for dodgy looking packages when I went inside because we had a president that was a prick pissing off the whole world.

You're right.................I AM middle aged. But, you could figure that out using basic math.

What else does it explain, and did YOU ever serve this country, and if so, from when to when?

Me? I served from July 1982 until August 2002.
I don't care that you're middle-aged. I do think it's telling that you are middle-aged with a room mate. I mean if it were a gay thing you would have probably said partner, right?
Why do you care if he has a roommate? You know nothing about his story, why judge over one statement.
Why would you think I care? I do think it's unusual for a sailor to be scared of going to the USO and weird that a middle-aged man has a room mate. It creates a rather comical image, you've gotta admit.
Hey...................Little Retarded Rebecca from NC.................Obama hasn't changed anything?


Wanna talk about the job market having a sustained growth for over 53 months? How about the fact that the stock market has hit record highs under Obama?

Wanna talk about gays being able to serve openly in the military?

How about health care?

Sure.....................in your limited way of thinking, Obama is just like Jr., but he's not.
Hey.........................Little Retarded Rebecca from NC........................were YOU serving overseas during the time that the USO's were getting bombed? Were YOU over in the areas it was happening?

I was, and yeah...............like I said, I was nervous about going there because I didn't know if some jackass was going to blow the place up, but I still went.

What did you do during that time?
Hey...................Little Retarded Rebecca from NC.................Obama hasn't changed anything?


Wanna talk about the job market having a sustained growth for over 53 months? How about the fact that the stock market has hit record highs under Obama?

Wanna talk about gays being able to serve openly in the military?

How about health care?

Sure.....................in your limited way of thinking, Obama is just like Jr., but he's not.
No retard obama has not changed one thing Bush did he has not ended anything Bush did You dumb cock sucking nut licking sea bitch Sucking obama's dick has made you really retarded of late.
Hey.........................Little Retarded Rebecca from NC........................were YOU serving overseas during the time that the USO's were getting bombed? Were YOU over in the areas it was happening?

I was, and yeah...............like I said, I was nervous about going there because I didn't know if some jackass was going to blow the place up, but I still went.

What did you do during that time?
Dumb ass you are one stupid mother fucking son of a bitch just because you support obama.
But yes anything off base was targeted. I was sent to Hahn the night the NCO club got hit.

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