"Worst President" Bush more popular than Obama

That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Hey Rabbi, tell us more about how you want Americans to go unemployed in favor of shipping in immigrants to do what used to be our jobs, while sending their paychecks back tot their own countries.

Why are you trying to change the subject? Is the subject hurtful to you?

I'm not trying to change the subject. It's just that Rabbi is such a vile piece of shit, everything and anything he says is irreversibly tainted with his filth. He'd sell the entire country to the Chinese for ten bucks if he could.
I honestly do NOT understand how the Rabbit can draw such a stupid "conclusion" (well, actually I can understand his stupidity)....

In mid year 2008, GWB polled at 28% dipping to an unbelievable 22% at the end.......Currently, Obama is polling between 47-49%....

Correct me if I'm wrong.
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But we're more respected than China

The Obamanoids confuse Respect with POPULARITY.

Obama is more popular with other countries in the way that the "Easy" girl in high school is popular. Both Obama and the girl think its respect, but they are delusional.

What a horrible, misguided, simplistic analogy. How you can compare Obama to "the easy girl" from high school is absolutely beyond me. Especially when the subject you're invoking is respect. I don't think you really know what you are talking about. Do you even understand the rammafications of what you're saying?

Easy girls in high school go slutting around because they're addicted to the attention and prey on the lowest animal elements of our male teenage minds in a time when we're weakest and least equipped to handle it. But at least they provide an effective training ground so that when we found a girl we truly did respect, we were fully capable of effectively respecting her to her heart's full content.

You really think Obama is that useful?
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News
Bush fav 52
Obama fav 49
Difference: 3
Poll MoE = +/-3

You are truly stupid.

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Using your reference the poll could also read
Bush Fav 52
Obama Fav 46
Difference: -3 points
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Yeah, his IRS and NSA abuses were awful crimes worthy of prosecution. But we know it ain't gonna happen. Because the game is rigged. Bush/Obama? Is there really any difference?
Bush was driven away from the last two GOP conventions. No one wanted that fuckup anywhere near the stage. Not even other Republicans. Even his brother won't want him to be even mentioned.

Obama will be warmly welcomed at the next Democratic Convention. As well his wife. Obama will make more than Clinton. He will end up being one of the most popular American political figures in the history of the country. Republicans can't understand it. They couldn't understand it the last time he was elected and they won't after he leaves office. Because they are ignorant racists. They can't even name anything good they have done for this country in the last 30 years. All they know is hate, bomb and tear it down.
Yeah, his IRS and NSA abuses were awful crimes worthy of prosecution. But we know it ain't gonna happen. Because the game is rigged. Bush/Obama? Is there really any difference?
Yea, there is a huge difference. Republicans don't care about the average American and they hate the poor. How you think that describes Obama is a mystery.
One of these days it will be in the hands of the historians. How the historians rate Obama will go down in the history books and in 100 years that will be what America believes.
The birth thing will no longer be seen as a shocker, and his skin color will not be that great a factor. And maybe a biggie, some future Americans will wonder why a program is called Obama-care and not the Affordable Care Act.
I honestly do NOT understand how the Rabbit can draw such a stupid "conclusion" (well, actually I can understand his stupidity)....

In mid year 2008, GWB polled at 28% dipping to an unbelievable 22% at the end.......Currently, Obama is polling between 47-49%....

Correct me if I'm wrong.
I didnt draw any conclusion, nitwit. I merely quoted the poll that said Bush currently is more popular than Obama currently. What about that is difficult to understand, other than it runs counter to your programmed ideas?
Two lousy presidencies in a row.


This is what it looks like.

Bush was hardly "lousy". He had some very solid achievements, as well as making some mistakes.
You really think Clinton's presidency was all that?
Wow what an eye opener. Wonder when the last time was that an ex-POTUS had better numbers than a sitting one.

Oh yeah --- all of 'em. With the possible exceptions of Hoover, Wilson, (A) Johnson and Buchanan.
You left out Carter and eventually obama.
Obama having worse numbers than W even though the media worship him. I'm surprised.
Two lousy presidencies in a row.


This is what it looks like.

Bush was hardly "lousy". He had some very solid achievements, as well as making some mistakes.
You really think Clinton's presidency was all that?
Bush left us in two horrific wars and a financial system in literal collapse. It doesn't get much worse than that. His very name remains toxic for Republicans (not to mention his brother).

While Clinton certainly can't get all the credit for the economy during his administration, the quarterback gets the credit.

So nice to see the Rabbi endorsing the accuracy of a poll that ranks Jimmy Carter above GW Bush,

Bill Clinton tied for first place,

and the Democratic Party more popular than the GOP.
Two lousy presidencies in a row.


This is what it looks like.

Bush was hardly "lousy". He had some very solid achievements, as well as making some mistakes.
You really think Clinton's presidency was all that?
Bush left us in two horrific wars and a financial system in literal collapse. It doesn't get much worse than that. His very name remains toxic for Republicans (not to mention his brother).

While Clinton certainly can't get all the credit for the economy during his administration, the quarterback gets the credit.

OK, Bush didnt leave us in two horrific wars. Bush responded appropriately in both cases by going to war. What was the alternative after 9/11? SHoot a couple of cruise missiles and declare victory? Iraq was won by the time he left and Afghanistanwas more of a sideshow.
As to the financial system, it is a business cycle. Bush did nothing to cause the downturn in the business cycle. And it would have recovered just fine if he and Obozo had done nothing more.
His name obviously is better tender than Obama's at this point.
Clinton doesnt get any credit. He did absolutely zero to create the boom and caused problems with his tax increases. His lack of response to al Qaeda ended in 9/11. That doesnt count the many many scandals of his administration.
All I was trying to point out (for the R-W nitwits on here) is that the polling WHEN AVERAGED...a concept that must be foreign to imbecilles...is that the O/P's intent is false.....

Ultimately, if you want to personnaly judge the last 2 presidents' performance, just count the repatriated body bags and the debt for unpaid AND unnecessary wars.
Two lousy presidencies in a row.


This is what it looks like.

Bush was hardly "lousy". He had some very solid achievements, as well as making some mistakes.
You really think Clinton's presidency was all that?
Bush left us in two horrific wars and a financial system in literal collapse. It doesn't get much worse than that. His very name remains toxic for Republicans (not to mention his brother).

While Clinton certainly can't get all the credit for the economy during his administration, the quarterback gets the credit.

OK, Bush didnt leave us in two horrific wars. Bush responded appropriately in both cases by going to war. What was the alternative after 9/11? SHoot a couple of cruise missiles and declare victory? Iraq was won by the time he left and Afghanistanwas more of a sideshow.
As to the financial system, it is a business cycle. Bush did nothing to cause the downturn in the business cycle. And it would have recovered just fine if he and Obozo had done nothing more.
His name obviously is better tender than Obama's at this point.
Clinton doesnt get any credit. He did absolutely zero to create the boom and caused problems with his tax increases. His lack of response to al Qaeda ended in 9/11. That doesnt count the many many scandals of his administration.

Clinton's tax increases balanced the budget.

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