World's shortest thread: Thriving Minorities in Arab Muslim nations

Yemen's last Jews set to flee country

Israeli sources confirmed on Thursday Yemeni media reports that the overwhelming majority of the final remnant of Yemen's ancient Jewish community, numbering some 250 people, are looking to leave the country due to persecution and violence.

Yemenite Jew Simha Ben-Yisrael, back, and her children arrive at Ben Gurion airport on Thursday.
Photo: AP
"About 120 of the Yemeni Jews want to move to Israel, 100 want to move to the US" - where there is a small Yemenite Jewish community - "and between 20 and 30 want to stay," the source said, citing information obtained from the community.

Some of the Jews wishing to leave are unable to do so because they are having trouble selling their property, the source said.

Saba, Yemen's official state news agency, reported Wednesday on a "mini-exodus" of Jews from the country "triggered by alleged harassment" and "fear of persecution."

Yemen's last Jews set to flee for US, Israel | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post

you know Yemen is pretty unstable country. im actually not surprised. even Muslims suffer in Yemen.
Iran: 30 converts from Islam to Christianity arrested
Again and again we see that the glowing respect that Muslim spokesmen in the West claim that Islam has for Christianity and Judaism doesn't seem to translate into any meaningful behavior to stop the persecution of the remaining Christians and Jews in the Islamic world.

"Iran: Authorities Tighten Grip On Christians As Unrest Roils," from Compass Direct, August 11 (thanks to Pamela):

LOS ANGELES, August 11 (Compass Direct News) – Amid a violent crackdown on protestors and a purge of opponents within the Iranian government, more than 30 Christians were arrested in the last two weeks near Tehran and in the northern city of Rasht.
Two waves of arrests near Tehran happened within days of each other, and while most of those detained – all converts from Islam – were held just a day for questioning, a total of eight Christians still remain in prison.

On July 31 police raided a special Christian meeting 25 kilometers (15 miles) north of Tehran in the village of Amameh in the area of Fashan. A Compass source said about 24 Christians, all converts from Islam, had gathered in a private home. In the afternoon police squads in both plain clothes and uniform raided and arrested everyone present.

“Many people stormed the villa, and in the same day they took everything,” said the source, a Christian Iranian who requested anonymity.

All present were taken by private car to their residences, where police took all their passports, documents, cash, CDs, computers and mobile phones, and from there to the police station.

“There were many cars so they could take each person with a car to their house from the meeting,” said the source. “Think of how many cars were there to arrest them. And they took all their books, PCs, CDs mobile phones, everything.”

While most of them were released the same evening, seven of them – Shahnam Behjatollah, and six others identified only as Shaheen, Maryam, Mobinaa, Mehdi, Ashraf and Nariman – all remain in detention in an unknown location. They have no contact with their family members.

Police have questioned each of their families and told them to prepare to pay bail. In the case of Behjatollah, for whom police had a warrant, authorities showed his family the official order for his arrest and told them they “knew all about him,” according to the source. Behjatollah is 34 years old, married and has a 6-year-old daughter.

The second wave of arrests of some of the same Christians near Tehran took place on Friday (Aug. 7).

“They brought the released members for interrogation to the secret police again, to get more information about their movements,” said the source.

In Rasht, a total of eight Christians belonging to the same network were arrested on July 29 and 30 in two separate rounds of arrest. Seven were released, while one, a male, remains in the city’s prison. Compass sources were unable to comment on the conditions of their arrest....

Jihad Watch: Iran: 30 converts from Islam to Christianity arrested
Not sure if this was posted elsewhere:

BBC NEWS | Middle East | 'Racism' claims at Lebanon beach clubs

'Racism' claims at Lebanon beach clubs
By Andrew North
BBC News, Beirut

Summer is at its peak in Lebanon. Each weekend its famous beach clubs are heaving with people seeking some relief from the oppressive heat. Thanks to the relative peace in the country, many clubs are now having their best season in years - with thousands of tourists joining the beachside throng. However, it seems not everyone is welcome at the clubs.

The Lebanese office of campaign group Human Rights Watch says a majority of beach clubs it surveyed are preventing many migrant workers from Asia and Africa from using their facilities. “ [The ban is] a clear manifestation of the racism that exists in large parts of Lebanese society ” The clubs are not being quite as specific as that.

It is alleged the bans are on household maids and domestic servants, widely employed by Lebanese families and the many Gulf Arabs among the tourists. As the vast majority of the maids are women from places like the Philippines, Nepal, Ethiopia and Kenya, it seems no-one can be in any doubt as to who these restrictions are aimed at.
Iran has a thriving Jewish community.

It is the largest in the ME after Israel.

Egypt and Turkey both have very large Christian communities that number in the millions.

ARAB muslim countries

but to be fair, we've been committing atrocities towards arabs in Iran for hundreds of years

and bahais were persecuted, as was Zoroastrianism (even though nominally it's accepted), and Christian converts... etc...

but we're 10X more tolerant than most Arab countries, I give you that much
The badge for Jews in Iran has been exposed as false. In reality Iran is not that bad to its Jews! Not even Alamdouchebag, who I read not to long ago (Sunni you have the article still) build 2 new Jewish community centers.

Ahmedinejad is actually from jewish roots... he denies it of course, but we know he's from the Saborjhian family (which is a relatively well known Jewish family)
ps, iran being persian or arab means nothing since they both share the same religious identity and, for the most part, culture. I don't see you drawing any lines between the various types of jewish ethnicity... but, hey.. whats good for the jewish goose is NOT good for the goyim gander, right?

you're so wrong about this you have no idea

Iran and the arab countries share NOTHING but dark hair and big noses (and that's a coincidence) in terms of ethnicity and culture

jews are more closely related to arabs than Iranians are, and if it wasn't for that filthy religion we'd get rid of the arab comparisons once and for all

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