World's shortest thread: Thriving Minorities in Arab Muslim nations

Anyone have any to list? I don't, but I see alot of them getting ethnically cleansed out of their native countries due to arab muslim racism and persecution...

-coptic christians
-chaldean christians
-maronite christians
-orthodox christians
-shia muslims (in places like saudi arabia, etc.)

Whew, and those are just off the top of my head...can anyone show me what non-arab muslim minority communities are thriving and growing under arab muslim rule?

are you kidding me? really? first off Coptic Christians are prevelenat in Egypt. I lived in that country for 4 years. Coptic Christians were actually quite accepted and many of them were at the top as far as education and finance. and christains in general are accepted unless you live in saudi arabia. other than that all mid east countries respect christains. in Qatar the government just built 4 churches so the christains have somewhere to go.

secondly shi'aas are not that oppressed again only in saudi will you find that. i lived in Qatar for 7 years which has a number of shi'aas in it and they were not oppressed. and in places in Lebanon,Bahrain, Syria those countries are actually shi'aa majority. the conflicts that has happened in the middle east. the disputes were started by the sunnis and the shi'aas. some of them just don't like each other.

as for the jews. again only in Saudi will you find mass discrimination of Jews. other mid east countries actually have Jewish communities. my sister- inlaw who is from Morocco told me about the Jewish communities in her country.

Please Rhodey stop with this nonsense. When was the last time you were in the Mid east? Maybe 20 years ago I would agree with you but the Mid east is quite more progressive these days.
Indonesia and Malaysia have thriving and prosperous Chinese communities.

Did you think that those 2 nations are arab?

Oops, my bad. I didn't see "Arab Muslim" in the title. I just saw "Muslim." I'm mistaken.

Please explain this is Shogun, because he is still arguing that Turks, Persian, Indonesians and Malaysians are Arabs!

I think he is confused or just plain stupid!
The Christians lived there for two thousand years. Until we invaded, Dude, do a little research. Saddam didn't mess with the Christians. Many had good jobs in his regime. Where are the Christian complaints about Saddam? Oh, from other than US I mean.

So you supported a tyrant providing an elitist position to a minority...yet you attack israel....hmmmm.....

The only thing protecting them was saddam, every other arab muslim nation with christians is persecuting and ethnically cleansing them, if not killing them outright. Amazing how far someone will go to defend saddam...

It's the "white" wing that reduces EVERYTHING to color. Everything. No one would be calling Obama "Muslim" if he were 100% white. Or saying he isn't a citizen. You know that 40% of Republicans say Obama isn't a citizen. I bet at least half of those don't even know Hawaii is a state. You want to bet some virtual coin?

I am a repub, and say he is...who cares? You must be the one colored person living in an all-white city or something, nobody i know gives a shit what color a person is...

colored person?

you're the whole package, lil rhodie.

Since your a Mod should you add to the conversation instead of trying to derail the thread with personal attacks and insults?
Anyone have any to list? I don't, but I see alot of them getting ethnically cleansed out of their native countries due to arab muslim racism and persecution...

-coptic christians
-chaldean christians
-maronite christians
-orthodox christians
-shia muslims (in places like saudi arabia, etc.)

Whew, and those are just off the top of my head...can anyone show me what non-arab muslim minority communities are thriving and growing under arab muslim rule?

are you kidding me? really? first off Coptic Christians are prevelenat in Egypt. I lived in that country for 4 years. Coptic Christians were actually quite accepted and many of them were at the top as far as education and finance. and christains in general are accepted unless you live in saudi arabia. other than that all mid east countries respect christains. in Qatar the government just built 4 churches so the christains have somewhere to go.

secondly shi'aas are not that oppressed again only in saudi will you find that. i lived in Qatar for 7 years which has a number of shi'aas in it and they were not oppressed. and in places in Lebanon,Bahrain, Syria those countries are actually shi'aa majority. the conflicts that has happened in the middle east. the disputes were started by the sunnis and the shi'aas. some of them just don't like each other.

as for the jews. again only in Saudi will you find mass discrimination of Jews. other mid east countries actually have Jewish communities. my sister- inlaw who is from Morocco told me about the Jewish communities in her country.

Please Rhodey stop with this nonsense. When was the last time you were in the Mid east? Maybe 20 years ago I would agree with you but the Mid east is quite more progressive these days.

Very true on Morocco to some degree! The King of Morocco talked about the necessity of teaching about the horrors of the Holocaust to the Arab World. And there is definitely a safe, but small Christian and Jewish population there.

Morocco's king backs effort to spread Holocaust awareness among Muslims

But don't go nutz now.
Morocco is nearly a homogenous country where 98% of the population is Sunni Muslim of Arabic/Berder (essentially Arabs) disent.

Muslim 98.7%, Christian 1.1%, Jewish 0.2%

So out of 31 mil - 30.8 are Sunni Muslim, 341,000 Christians and 6,000 Jews!

And Morocco still have its Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups!
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
well, since color doesn't matter to you, i can't imagine why not knowing the poster's color would need to be addressed at all. is it possible you're fibbing?

I don't quite follow you, are you reading his posts? To him, everything is driven by bad white people. That would lead one to believe that he isn't...

no, i read your post.

"colored"? are you shitting me? colored?


Did you think that those 2 nations are arab?

Oops, my bad. I didn't see "Arab Muslim" in the title. I just saw "Muslim." I'm mistaken.

Please explain this is Shogun, because he is still arguing that Turks, Persian, Indonesians and Malaysians are Arabs!

I think he is confused or just plain stupid!

That is no where NEAR what i've written, oh sheisty one. I can quote myself if you need a lesson in comprehension.

So you supported a tyrant providing an elitist position to a minority...yet you attack israel....hmmmm.....

The only thing protecting them was saddam, every other arab muslim nation with christians is persecuting and ethnically cleansing them, if not killing them outright. Amazing how far someone will go to defend saddam...

I am a repub, and say he is...who cares? You must be the one colored person living in an all-white city or something, nobody i know gives a shit what color a person is...

colored person?

you're the whole package, lil rhodie.

Since your a Mod should you add to the conversation instead of trying to derail the thread with personal attacks and insults?

HOLY SHIT! Super Jew flying in to the aid of Dr. Hagee?

are you kidding me? really? first off Coptic Christians are prevelenat in Egypt. I lived in that country for 4 years. Coptic Christians were actually quite accepted and many of them were at the top as far as education and finance.

So did i, and unless you are blind, the copts there were/are going through hell. bu then again, to an arab muslim, any dhimmis under muslim control -but still alive - have it fantastic... :eusa_whistle:

This comes from the UN, not exactly known for criticising muslims:

UNHCR | Refworld | Egypt: Treatment of Christians, including Coptic Christians, and availability of state protection (March 2004 - January 2007)

"Egypt: Treatment of Christians, including Coptic Christians, and availability of state protection (March 2004 - January 2007)
Several sources report that Christians face discrimination in Egypt (HRW Jan. 2007; US 15 Sept. 2006; Freedom House 1 Sept. 2006). More specifically, Freedom House reports that Egyptian Christians are subject to discrimination in employment, that they are denied authorization for building or repairing churches or face delays in obtaining such authorization, that several Coptic villagers have been killed and that there have been "frequent attacks on Coptic homes, businesses and churches in recent years" (1 Sept. 2006). The US Department of State's International Religious Freedom Report 2006 also reports that Christian churches faced difficulty or lengthy delays in obtaining building or renovation permits despite a presidential decree issued in December 2005 delegating permit approval to provincial governors and allowing basic repairs and maintenance subject to written notification (15 Sept. 2006, Sec. II; HRWF 19 Dec. 2005).

Although sources indicate that the government discriminates against Christians in public sector hiring practices and there are no Christians serving as heads of public universities (The Christian Science Monitor 8 Dec. 2005; US 15 Sept. 2006, Sec. II; UN 30 Oct. 2005), a Coptic Christian was appointed one of Egypt's 26 governors in early 2006 (MERIP 28 Apr. 2006; US 15 Sept. 2006, Sec. II), another was appointed a judge in the Supreme Constitutional Court and there is some representation of Christians in politics (ibid.). The United Nations (UN) Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) also states that Christians are discriminated against with regard to employment in the public sector; nevertheless, following the 2005 parliamentary elections, half of the executive appointments to the People's Assembly were Coptic Christians (17 Apr. 2006).

So much for being "quite accepted."

and christains in general are accepted unless you live in saudi arabia. other than that all mid east countries respect christains. in Qatar the government just built 4 churches so the christains have somewhere to go.

Where do you come up with this Bullshit? I am stopping here, because my shia friends would be laughing out loud at your next absurdity:

secondly shi'aas are not that oppressed again only in saudi will you find that.

Hilarious. Even more fun:

as for the jews. again only in Saudi will you find mass discrimination of Jews. other mid east countries actually have Jewish communities. my sister- inlaw who is from Morocco told me about the Jewish communities in her country.

That the communities exist at all is a sign they are not discriminated against?

That the communities were 1000x the size just 40 years ago or so, doesn't tell you something? Or that most of the arab nations have laws on the books that jews cannot own land?

Please Rhodey stop with this nonsense. When was the last time you were in the Mid east? Maybe 20 years ago I would agree with you but the Mid east is quite more progressive these days.

Stop the propagandist garbage. You might be able to fool the internet teens here who the closest they've come to the middle east is Epcot Disney's morocco restaurant, but to those who actually know WTF they're talking about, you're full of shit.
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so.. the lesson here is Coptic Christians going through hell = BAD while Paliestinians behind a fucking Aparthied wall = GOOD.

Way to illustrate your living double standard, jewbait!
so.. the lesson here is Coptic Christians going through hell = BAD while Paliestinians behind a fucking Aparthied wall = GOOD.

Way to illustrate your living double standard, jewbait!

Hey troll! Why not stick to the topic or go try derail a different thread. Israel is not in this conversation. So keep your antisemitism out of it.
so.. the lesson here is Coptic Christians going through hell = BAD while Paliestinians behind a fucking Aparthied wall = GOOD.

Way to illustrate your living double standard, jewbait!

Way to embarrass yourself more, internet teen douchebag, check the thread title dogshit, and do try to stay on go fill it up with regular, monkey...
so.. the lesson here is Coptic Christians going through hell = BAD while Paliestinians behind a fucking Aparthied wall = GOOD.

Way to illustrate your living double standard, jewbait!

Hey troll! Why not stick to the topic or go try derail a different thread. Israel is not in this conversation. So keep your antisemitism out of it.


I bet you'd LOVE to keep israel under the run when talking about segregated populations, dude. hey, maybe those coptic christians just need to take a lesson from israel about the validation of a JEWISH israel, eh buddy? Whatsa matter, lil guy? JEWS get a free pass on this one too?
so.. the lesson here is Coptic Christians going through hell = BAD while Paliestinians behind a fucking Aparthied wall = GOOD.

Way to illustrate your living double standard, jewbait!

Way to embarrass yourself more, internet teen douchebag, check the thread title dogshit, and do try to stay on go fill it up with regular, monkey...

Oh I KNOW, dude.. it's one thing to talk about subjigated ethnic populations in a MUSLIM nation.. but it's ripe antisemitism to talk about the exact same in israel!


good one!
it's one thing to talk about subjigated ethnic populations in a MUSLIM nation..

Once again, here are the questions, see if you can answer them monkey:

-why does israel have to be compared to the US
-why cannot israel be compared to its neighbors?
-why do you refuse to discuss the treatment of jews/christians in arab nations?

Ill discuss the treatment of jews in muslim nations all day long.. you know.. like all those IRANIAN JEWS who told your kind to go suck a dick. But, the real hilarious part of your plea for ignorance is that you KNOW how bad it looks when Israel pretends to be a western democracy like the US.... while acting exactly like the muslim nations that you are quick to demonize. Don't expect to be treated like AMERICA when you ACT LIKE IRAN. Especially when your behavior directly affects the United States.

Again, your plea is like a serial killer trying to minimize his crime by pointing at a rapist. Sorry, cobra commander.. thats just not how it worked for OUr South, South Africa or any other nation trying to remain valid in the west while acting like a fucking genocidal tyrant.
So you supported a tyrant providing an elitist position to a minority...yet you attack israel....hmmmm.....

-----------I never brought up Israel. You did.

The only thing protecting them was saddam, every other arab muslim nation with christians is persecuting and ethnically cleansing them, if not killing them outright. Amazing how far someone will go to defend saddam...

-----------But we are talking about those Christians in Iraq. According to them, they lived there peacefully until we showed up. THEN, we stood by and watched them get slaughtered.
Besides, is it the responsibility of the US to run around the world and attack everyone we don't like? Believe me, many Americans didn't like Bush. AND, Bush can't even leave the US because there are warrents in other countries out for his arrest as a war criminal.
I'm, pardon the word, "mystified" what it is that you think that we did in Iraq that was good.

I am a repub, and say he is...who cares? You must be the one colored person living in an all-white city or something, nobody i know gives a shit what color a person is...


Remember, Americans even disagree on the definition of freedom. Many Republicans feel you should deny women's rights, criminalize gays, teach mysticism in public schools, declare this a "Christian Nation. How well has that worked out in Iran? Replace Jesus with Allah and isn't that what they do in Iran?
So you supported a tyrant providing an elitist position to a minority...yet you attack israel....hmmmm.....

-----------I never brought up Israel. You did.

The only thing protecting them was saddam, every other arab muslim nation with christians is persecuting and ethnically cleansing them, if not killing them outright. Amazing how far someone will go to defend saddam...

-----------But we are talking about those Christians in Iraq. According to them, they lived there peacefully until we showed up. THEN, we stood by and watched them get slaughtered.
Besides, is it the responsibility of the US to run around the world and attack everyone we don't like? Believe me, many Americans didn't like Bush. AND, Bush can't even leave the US because there are warrents in other countries out for his arrest as a war criminal.
I'm, pardon the word, "mystified" what it is that you think that we did in Iraq that was good.

I am a repub, and say he is...who cares? You must be the one colored person living in an all-white city or something, nobody i know gives a shit what color a person is...


Remember, Americans even disagree on the definition of freedom. Many Republicans feel you should deny women's rights, criminalize gays, teach mysticism in public schools, declare this a "Christian Nation. How well has that worked out in Iran? Replace Jesus with Allah and isn't that what they do in Iran?

Hi Rdean, hope the day is going well. I'd love to respond, but i am exiting the forum for a week, as the level of trolling by shogun, del and a few others (possibly sock puppets) like coldfusion, etc., have just exhausted my patience and interest in being here.

Every thread turns into the same nonsense, we get an intelligent conversation going, someone comes in with a flamebait, and the thread get completely derailed. It has just gotten boring, and I'd rather focus on the issues on other forums that are more heavily moderated.

I apologise for not giving your post a thoughtful reply at this time, but i will return (assuming they do not close the account) in a week to follow up and see if the forum managers have fixed things a bit. Be well.
I tellya.. nothing says "intelligent conversation" quite like SOCK PUPPET HUNTING!

Yemen's last Jews set to flee country

Israeli sources confirmed on Thursday Yemeni media reports that the overwhelming majority of the final remnant of Yemen's ancient Jewish community, numbering some 250 people, are looking to leave the country due to persecution and violence.

Yemenite Jew Simha Ben-Yisrael, back, and her children arrive at Ben Gurion airport on Thursday.
Photo: AP
"About 120 of the Yemeni Jews want to move to Israel, 100 want to move to the US" - where there is a small Yemenite Jewish community - "and between 20 and 30 want to stay," the source said, citing information obtained from the community.

Some of the Jews wishing to leave are unable to do so because they are having trouble selling their property, the source said.

Saba, Yemen's official state news agency, reported Wednesday on a "mini-exodus" of Jews from the country "triggered by alleged harassment" and "fear of persecution."

Yemen's last Jews set to flee for US, Israel | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post

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