World’s Hottest Temperature May be Man-made


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Here’s the problem:

The Daily Caller News Foundation decided to look into it, and with the help of meteorologist Anthony Watts, found the weather station was located at Ain Beida Airport about four miles southeast of Ouargla.

Airports tend to run hotter than surrounding areas because of runways, jet wash from airplanes, vehicles exhaust and other non-natural factors that can artificially raise temperatures, creating a heat island relative to the surrounding area.

It’s not the right place to measure climate,” Watts, publisher of the popular science blog Watts Up With That, told TheDCNF. “It’s not climatologically representative.”

More @ Record-High Temperatures Excite Climate Change Enthusiasts, Then the Real Reading Comes Out

Here’s the problem:

The Daily Caller News Foundation decided to look into it, and with the help of meteorologist Anthony Watts, found the weather station was located at Ain Beida Airport about four miles southeast of Ouargla.

Airports tend to run hotter than surrounding areas because of runways, jet wash from airplanes, vehicles exhaust and other non-natural factors that can artificially raise temperatures, creating a heat island relative to the surrounding area.

It’s not the right place to measure climate,” Watts, publisher of the popular science blog Watts Up With That, told TheDCNF. “It’s not climatologically representative.”

More @ Record-High Temperatures Excite Climate Change Enthusiasts, Then the Real Reading Comes Out

Well, there are two points.

The first is that for the people on the ground, the temperatures are hotter. Cities are hotter places than their surroundings at times.

However when measuring temperatures, there are people recording from space.

Also, if you're next to an airport and it's 30 degrees. And you're still next to the airport and it's 40 degrees, that's still a rise in temperatures.
Next they'll be sticking thermometers in the native peoples assholes and recording data from that.

You really do have to be connect the dots deficient to fall for this absurd stuff! But they are in....hook line and stinker.
Five places that have just broken heat records


Here come the shouts of Globull Warming. But, take the time to read the link and see what it says caused it.

Eastern Canada

The Caucasus Region

Southern California

Sydney, Australia (in the midst of their Winter)

Algeria (maybe)

More w/explanations @ Five places that have just broken heat records

Heatwave threatens to cause shortage of peas @ Heatwave threatens shortage of peas\

Here’s the problem:

The Daily Caller News Foundation decided to look into it, and with the help of meteorologist Anthony Watts, found the weather station was located at Ain Beida Airport about four miles southeast of Ouargla.

Airports tend to run hotter than surrounding areas because of runways, jet wash from airplanes, vehicles exhaust and other non-natural factors that can artificially raise temperatures, creating a heat island relative to the surrounding area.

It’s not the right place to measure climate,” Watts, publisher of the popular science blog Watts Up With That, told TheDCNF. “It’s not climatologically representative.”

More @ Record-High Temperatures Excite Climate Change Enthusiasts, Then the Real Reading Comes Out

Well, there are two points.

The first is that for the people on the ground, the temperatures are hotter. Cities are hotter places than their surroundings at times.

However when measuring temperatures, there are people recording from space.

Also, if you're next to an airport and it's 30 degrees. And you're still next to the airport and it's 40 degrees, that's still a rise in temperatures.

Lol.....and it hits 87 in New York this week and they call it a "scorcher ":113:. No its not.

So whenever a climate crusader uses the word "hotter", your radar should always come up....when the temp goes up 0.3 degree's, things are scorching hot s0ns.

Or maybe not....:coffee:

Loose association verbiage is the new manner of fakery from progressives. Ghey.
Five places that have just broken heat records


Here come the shouts of Globull Warming. But, take the time to read the link and see what it says caused it.

Eastern Canada

The Caucasus Region

Southern California

Sydney, Australia (in the midst of their Winter)

Algeria (maybe)

More w/explanations @ Five places that have just broken heat records

Heatwave threatens to cause shortage of peas @ Heatwave threatens shortage of peas\

Gotta be careful when the word "record" starts being thrown around. Have to always ask the question, "As compared to what?"

I might wake up tomorrow morning with a record setting woody, but if it's only record setting by 1/100 of an inch, should I consider myself a hero? Not sure my wife will give a shit....but I could say, "new worlds record honey":deal:

When assholes get all giddy about "records", have to always ask "As compared to what?" :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Here’s the problem:

The Daily Caller News Foundation decided to look into it, and with the help of meteorologist Anthony Watts, found the weather station was located at Ain Beida Airport about four miles southeast of Ouargla.

Airports tend to run hotter than surrounding areas because of runways, jet wash from airplanes, vehicles exhaust and other non-natural factors that can artificially raise temperatures, creating a heat island relative to the surrounding area.

It’s not the right place to measure climate,” Watts, publisher of the popular science blog Watts Up With That, told TheDCNF. “It’s not climatologically representative.”

More @ Record-High Temperatures Excite Climate Change Enthusiasts, Then the Real Reading Comes Out

The AGW cult has been pulling this kind of shit for decades.

When it comes to global warming, the fraud is settled.
Notice how almost all official weather stations are at airports.
No, because you just made that up.

What a moron.

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Go parrot your denier nonsense to someone else. Being lumped in with the brilliant scientists of the world is a compliment, not an insult. I would be more insulted to be lumped in with you uneducated slobs.
Notice how almost all official weather stations are at airports.
No, because you just made that up.

What a moron.

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Go parrot your denier nonsense to someone else. Being lumped in with the brilliant scientists of the world is a compliment, not an insult. I would be more insulted to be lumped in with you uneducated slobs.

TWO times in a row you make empty replies, don't you have anything more than that to offer?

Here’s the problem:

The Daily Caller News Foundation decided to look into it, and with the help of meteorologist Anthony Watts, found the weather station was located at Ain Beida Airport about four miles southeast of Ouargla.

Airports tend to run hotter than surrounding areas because of runways, jet wash from airplanes, vehicles exhaust and other non-natural factors that can artificially raise temperatures, creating a heat island relative to the surrounding area.

It’s not the right place to measure climate,” Watts, publisher of the popular science blog Watts Up With That, told TheDCNF. “It’s not climatologically representative.”

More @ Record-High Temperatures Excite Climate Change Enthusiasts, Then the Real Reading Comes Out

Well, there are two points.

The first is that for the people on the ground, the temperatures are hotter. Cities are hotter places than their surroundings at times.

However when measuring temperatures, there are people recording from space.

Also, if you're next to an airport and it's 30 degrees. And you're still next to the airport and it's 40 degrees, that's still a rise in temperatures.

Lol.....and it hits 87 in New York this week and they call it a "scorcher ":113:. No its not.

So whenever a climate crusader uses the word "hotter", your radar should always come up....when the temp goes up 0.3 degree's, things are scorching hot s0ns.

Or maybe not....:coffee:

Loose association verbiage is the new manner of fakery from progressives. Ghey.
They say we are having record heat here, and it is hot, but no more than last year or before.
Notice how almost all official weather stations are at airports.
No, because you just made that up.

What a moron.

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Go parrot your denier nonsense to someone else. Being lumped in with the brilliant scientists of the world is a compliment, not an insult. I would be more insulted to be lumped in with you uneducated slobs.

TWO times in a row you make empty replies, don't you have anything more than that to offer?
To you? No. I will not litigate the truth and evidence of accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs on message boards. Every one of these embarrassingly stupid threads should be in the conspiracy section.
Notice how almost all official weather stations are at airports.
No, because you just made that up.

What a moron.

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Go parrot your denier nonsense to someone else. Being lumped in with the brilliant scientists of the world is a compliment, not an insult. I would be more insulted to be lumped in with you uneducated slobs.

"Brilliant scientists."

Fucking retard.

These climate priests are not scientists at all, dipshit. Love how you worry that your third grade education might be compared to your betters.. :lol:

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