World War Might Sound Crazy -- But It Could Be America's Last Act Of Desperation...

Trump blames Mexicans for our economic problems

Wrong - you started out that post on such a good foot and then degenerated into your libtarded ignorance such a shame little fella. Trump blames past presidents and swamp monsters. A Mind is a terrible thing to waste and you sir are wasted...

Trump blames past presidents and swamp monsters. “From Bush 1 to present, our Country has lost more than 55,000 factories, 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs and accumulated Trade Deficits of more than 12 Trillion Dollars,” the president wrote on Twitter. “Last year we had a Trade Deficit of almost 800 Billion Dollars. Bad Policies & Leadership. Must WIN again! #MAGA”
This last election was about Mexicans and Muslims.

With each passing day, as pseuedocons demonstrate they don't give a damn that Trump has reneged on every every conservative principle, this point is proven.
last election was about Mexicans and Muslims.
Health Care
The economy
Foreign Trade [Deficit]
2nd Ammendment
Social Security
Supreme Court Appointments

And let us not forget .... The Emails :banana2:
How's that replacement of ObamaCare working for ya? :lol:

With Trump's failure to achieve the repeal and replace, the pseudocons have demonstrated they didn't give a damn about health care reform at all.

Trump had no intention, nor the ability, to keep that promise. And the tards knew it.

Russia? Trump loves the KGB thug. Trump wants the commie to love him, and his ego can't handle that he got a leg up by Putin.

I can't help but notice you didn't mention the debt, which is the most important issue to the future of our country. You didn't mention it so you could avoid being laughed out of the universe.

Trump has accelerated deficit spending, and the pseuedocons don't care.

No, this election was about Mexicans and Muslims.

Trump knew this. That's why his campaign kickoff speech was an attack on Mexicans and Muslims.
There has to be a hefty price to pay for this many years of Empire-Building. Our Nation is rapidly going bankrupt and we're spread too thin all around the world. So what's that price gonna be? It's why our Founding Fathers vehemently opposed Empire-Building. They knew very well that all Empires fall.

Interesting article by Darius Shahtahmasebi

Though some have been warning about the catastrophic potential for a third global conflict for years, it wasn’t until recently that these warnings became more mainstream. The calamitous nature of the violence in Syria — which has one nuclear power defending a government that has been the target of a regime change operation led by the world’s superpower — combined with 2017’s threats of “fire and fury” against another state intently pursuing a nuclear weapons supply of its own, has pushed the issue of a third world war directly into the public discourse.

While certain hotspots throughout the Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe (i.e. Ukraine) have seen some notable escalations in the last few years, a direct conflict between Russia and the United States is still yet to emerge. That’s because the idea of a third world war in today’s world is completely insane. If the two countries that currently possess the world’s greatest supplies of nuclear weapons go to war, there may not be a world left for the victors to inhabit after the war is done, thereby making it an unthinkable proposal.

Then again, the U.S. did just recently bomb a significant number of Russian-linked forces in Syria, reportedly killing scores of them...

Read More:
World War Might Sound Crazy - LewRockwell
So when does the colonization of all these lands conquered by the U.S.A Empire start ?

Been underway for many years. Just look around the globe. The US is everywhere. When does the endless meddling and war end?
Right, but with every other Empire in history you see colonist and massive amounts of the conquered peoples resources going to the Empire. The US does none of this in fact it's the exact opposite every place we "conquer" gets a massive amount of our resources and colonist come here .

So either the definition of Empire has been changed just so people can claim the US is one or the opinion is complete bullshit.

Do you really believe that? The US is in all those places to control and plunder resources. Do you really believe we're in those places because we really like them? We're there to plunder their resources. And we've been doing it all around the world for many years.

We're maintaining an Empire now. And it's really costing us bigtime. We're $21 Trillion in Debt and spread way too thin around the world. The bill is gonna come due at some point. Average American Taxpayers are gonna pay for it. They're gonna suffer most. Remember, the American Political Elites will still be very wealthy & powerful when it's all said & done. They won't suffer. Only the 'Little People' will.
Yeah, we're headed for bloody disaster. Our Founding Fathers understood where Empire-Building would ultimately take us. The possibility of WWIII seems more & more likely. The powers that be are getting desperate. The nation is beginning to crumble.

The Roman empire went broke. Who thinks the USA can go on borrowing trillions of dollars forever?

Yeah, we're rapidly going bankrupt. The powers-that-be know that. They're becoming desperate. And that's very dangerous. WWIII is a real possibility.

This nonsense belongs in the Conspiracy Forum.

Did you even bother to read the article? I doubt it. And no one forced you to come to this thread. So stop being a whiny Snowflake. Or better yet, just exit the thread. Take care.

Did the shadowy “powers that be” force you to say that?

Oh, you're back. I see you must be interested. Now take the next step and actually read the article. Go for it. :)
last election was about Mexicans and Muslims.
Health Care
The economy
Foreign Trade [Deficit]
2nd Ammendment
Social Security
Supreme Court Appointments

And let us not forget .... The Emails :banana2:
How's that replacement of ObamaCare working for ya? :lol:

With Trump's failure to achieve the repeal and replace, the pseudocons have demonstrated they didn't give a damn about health care reform at all.

Trump had no intention, nor the ability, to keep that promise. And the tards knew it.

Russia? Trump loves the KGB thug. Trump wants the commie to love him, and his ego can't handle that he got a leg up by Putin.

I can't help but notice you didn't mention the debt, which is the most important issue to the future of our country. You didn't mention it so you could avoid being laughed out of the universe.

Trump has accelerated deficit spending, and the pseuedocons don't care.

No, this election was about Mexicans and Muslims.

Trump knew this. That's why his campaign kickoff speech was an attack on Mexicans and Muslims.

Personally, I never demanded a 'replacement.' I just wanted Hussein's awful mess to be scrapped. Most importantly, the Un-American Mandate Hussein forced on the People is gone. That's good enough for me. Big props to Trump. :thup:

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