World on Course for 3C Warming


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."
"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."

Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming,

Since 1760?
"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."
I am glad your authority is please with the progress made my the United States and Europe. What does she have in mind for everybody else?
I am glad your authority is please with the progress made my the United States and Europe. What does she have in mind for everybody else?

China can keep burning as much coal as they'd like, because "per capita" means
their CO2 is much less warming than US CO2.
"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."
so ! China being the biggest polluter by far is the biggest threat to the world !
China can keep burning as much coal as they'd like, because "per capita" means
their CO2 is much less warming than US CO2.
I'm not too sure, they are making a good faith effort. What do you think?
Say Toddster, I'll be 70 on my next birth day. How much do you think I should be worried about it?
Again, the objective is to prescribe measures today that will be very costly to people who actually work for a living NOW, in the hope that people a hundred years out might enjoy a speculative benefit.

I have more confidence in Humankind. I know that engineering solutions will be found and my great grandchildren will be fine.

Has anybody done a study to see if the electrical grid will be robust enough to reliably provide power for all of these electric vehicles, machines, and appliances that they demand we switch to? I keep reading how vulnerable "we" are to someone sabotaging the grid. So when it is even more stretched to the limit, everything will be safe and secure?

O yeah. I forgot, all this will be fueled by unicorn farts.
"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."
so ! China being the biggest polluter by far is the biggest threat to the world !
So, what do you recommend? Nuclear armageddon? Wave after wave of neutron bombs? Chemical and biological warfare?
A ruler across the knuckles.
There ought to be an emoji for that. Ruler across the knuckles, eh? You went to Catholic school, right?

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