Wondering what Trump's post-COVID strategy might be

This entire thread presupposes that the left knows what to do or that they even understand the science, or the numbers.

There is no reason to believe that Trump will deviate from what is the better course of action just because he had what may be a false positive.

The lying left was telling everyone to go out into the streets and party. Now, of course, they're saying that they had it right all along and that Trump "didn't take it seriously". One HAS to be a LIAR to be a leftist. One who has integrity and who is honest is excluded from being a leftist.
This entire thread presupposes that the left knows what to do or that they even understand the science, or the numbers.

There is no reason to believe that Trump will deviate from what is the better course of action just because he had what may be a false positive.
I am assuming nothing. I'm asking a clear question based on Trump's own words.

Again: What would be your guess about what he said?
This entire thread presupposes that the left knows what to do or that they even understand the science, or the numbers.

There is no reason to believe that Trump will deviate from what is the better course of action just because he had what may be a false positive.

The lying left was telling everyone to go out into the streets and party. Now, of course, they're saying that they had it right all along and that Trump "didn't take it seriously". One HAS to be a LIAR to be a leftist. One who has integrity and who is honest is excluded from being a leftist.

Trump didn't take it seriously. He downplayed it. If you don't believe me, listen to what he said on tape to Bob Woodward. That's not lying. That's cold hard fact.
Yeah, he could provide a great example for all those who must go to work by sitting in his basement in a hazemat suit despite being 74 years old and kicking the virus in a few days.

Lefties are the biggest morons on the planet. This virus will magically become much less of a big deal after Nov. 3rd. You haven’t figured that out yet? BTW, we all know it spreads easily, what we question is just how deadly or not it really is.

200,000 deaths in less than 9 months....and you're questioning how deadly it is? No, sir. YOU are the biggest moron on the planet.

You're a fucking liar. The vast majority (87%) of Covid-"related" deaths are largely attributable to other causes. As well, it's not Trump's fault that dumbfucks like you forced Covid patients into fucking leukemia wards, etc. Yea, you're a moron AND a fucking LIAR.
Fuck off.

200,000 deaths in 9 months means nothing to you because it makes your blob look bad. Nothing else.
This entire thread presupposes that the left knows what to do or that they even understand the science, or the numbers.

There is no reason to believe that Trump will deviate from what is the better course of action just because he had what may be a false positive.
I am assuming nothing. I'm asking a clear question based on Trump's own words.

Again: What would be your guess about what he said?
He just doesn't think about what he says that closely most of the time. Most of the lies are his saying whatever pops into his head.
Hopefully the lesson he has learnt is that we as a society can be infected by one stupid move but I doubt he will learn that...

Let be honest anyone could catch this virus and being someone that dealt with it I know I took every precaution and still fell ill...

I understand I will get lectured about how he just threw caution to the wind and did not obey even common sense protocols and I will be lectured by others how Covid is just like the Flu and everyone will get it but the fact still remains anyone can get this nasty pneumonia virus and no matter how cautious you are not one is safe...

So I hope Trump does come back changed and full of rage against the virus but with his personality he will go to some form of extreme which as a leader is never good...

With that let wait and see the next few weeks and hope he can change a little...
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Yeah, he could provide a great example for all those who must go to work by sitting in his basement in a hazemat suit despite being 74 years old and kicking the virus in a few days.

Lefties are the biggest morons on the planet. This virus will magically become much less of a big deal after Nov. 3rd. You haven’t figured that out yet? BTW, we all know it spreads easily, what we question is just how deadly or not it really is.

200,000 deaths in less than 9 months....and you're questioning how deadly it is? No, sir. YOU are the biggest moron on the planet.

Hey idiot. Ever hear of percentages? You do realize that far, far more people have had it than have tested positive, right? You do realize that would bring the percentage of people actually dying from it down even from the very, very low percentage that it is now. Keep in mind, it is still those who have pre-existing conditions or are very old who are most at risk.

This is like the MSM tricking you folks by saying the US has the most COVD deaths in the world. This is true, but it doesn’t take into account that we are the 3rd most populous country on the planet. They really do think you Democrats are morons and take this at face value. Sad.
Yeah, he could provide a great example for all those who must go to work by sitting in his basement in a hazemat suit despite being 74 years old and kicking the virus in a few days.

Lefties are the biggest morons on the planet. This virus will magically become much less of a big deal after Nov. 3rd. You haven’t figured that out yet? BTW, we all know it spreads easily, what we question is just how deadly or not it really is.

200,000 deaths in less than 9 months....and you're questioning how deadly it is? No, sir. YOU are the biggest moron on the planet.

Hey idiot. Ever hear of percentages? You do realize that far, far more people have had it than have tested positive, right? You do realize that would bring the percentage of people actually dying from it down even from the very, very low percentage that it is now. Keep in mind, it is still those who have pre-existing conditions or are very old who are most at risk.

This is like the MSM tricking you folks by saying the US has the most COVD deaths in the world. This is true, but it doesn’t take into account that we are the 3rd most populous country on the planet. They really do think you Democrats are morons and take this at face value. Sad.

We are a first world nation and we have the most deaths on the planet. Why are we playing number salad? To distract from the fact we have a government that is almost non-functioning from the White House on out? To distract from this administrations absolutely incompetent and completely uncaring response? Here's a hint for you. It's not the Democrats that are the morons (monsters).
Yeah, he could provide a great example for all those who must go to work by sitting in his basement in a hazemat suit despite being 74 years old and kicking the virus in a few days.

Lefties are the biggest morons on the planet. This virus will magically become much less of a big deal after Nov. 3rd. You haven’t figured that out yet? BTW, we all know it spreads easily, what we question is just how deadly or not it really is.

200,000 deaths in less than 9 months....and you're questioning how deadly it is? No, sir. YOU are the biggest moron on the planet.

Hey idiot. Ever hear of percentages? You do realize that far, far more people have had it than have tested positive, right? You do realize that would bring the percentage of people actually dying from it down even from the very, very low percentage that it is now. Keep in mind, it is still those who have pre-existing conditions or are very old who are most at risk.

This is like the MSM tricking you folks by saying the US has the most COVD deaths in the world. This is true, but it doesn’t take into account that we are the 3rd most populous country on the planet. They really do think you Democrats are morons and take this at face value. Sad.

We are a first world nation and we have the most deaths on the planet. Why are we playing number salad? To distract from the fact we have a government that is almost non-functioning from the White House on out? To distract from this administrations absolutely incompetent and completely uncaring response? Here's a hint for you. It's not the Democrats that are the morons (monsters).

DBA and her/his statement is especially moronic. The argument being made is that the people would have died anyway from their preexisting conditions and COVID had nothing to do with it. On a logic level the argument fails on it's own stupidity. On a medical standpoint--even those with a basic understanding of medicine--it's crazy to think someone with COPD would not be affected by COVID. The only remarkable thing about this dumbass and Kbuck or whatever the name is of the other trump supporter is their loyalty to the blob when every fact points to the utter failure of this administration.

This type of loyalty is usually only found in golden retrievers. It's not a good look on humans.
In one of his videos from the hospital, Trump talked about how the virus has been a very educational experience for him, and he said "I get it".

So, with the clock ticking on the election, does anyone have any guesses as to how he'll approach the issue once he's feeling better?

It's difficult to imagine that he'll take this crisis more seriously, as that might damage his standing with his "Chinese Flu" supporters.

Does he really "get it" now? And if so, what does that mean for the next month? Would the few remaining undecided voters really believe he "gets it"?
Yep. President Trump is getting under the rabid leftists's dirty nails again. You go, President Trump! :woohoo:
In one of his videos from the hospital, Trump talked about how the virus has been a very educational experience for him, and he said "I get it".

So, with the clock ticking on the election, does anyone have any guesses as to how he'll approach the issue once he's feeling better?

It's difficult to imagine that he'll take this crisis more seriously, as that might damage his standing with his "Chinese Flu" supporters.

Does he really "get it" now? And if so, what does that mean for the next month? Would the few remaining undecided voters really believe he "gets it"?
You seriously started a thread with the words “Trump” and “Strategy” in it?!? Bwahahahaha

He is in a box now though. If he changes his tune he was wrong all year. If he continues to downplay it he’s just as bad off.
If, Lord forbid, Biden wins, the Wuhan Flu will NEVER go away. We will be in masks 24/7. Kids will be encouraged to rat out their parents for failing to wear a mask to bed

If, with the Lord's Blessing, Trump wins, the Wuhan Flu is defeated early November and China is forced to pay for the trillions in stimulus
In one of his videos from the hospital, Trump talked about how the virus has been a very educational experience for him, and he said "I get it".

So, with the clock ticking on the election, does anyone have any guesses as to how he'll approach the issue once he's feeling better?

It's difficult to imagine that he'll take this crisis more seriously, as that might damage his standing with his "Chinese Flu" supporters.

Does he really "get it" now? And if so, what does that mean for the next month? Would the few remaining undecided voters really believe he "gets it"?
I believe, when he recovers, he's going to double-down on the notion that the virus is no big deal. He'll point to his age as proof, never mentioning he had the best care money can buy and, despite almost 4 years of promises, hasn't replaced the ACA with anything that could provide similar care to the general public..
Yeah, he could provide a great example for all those who must go to work by sitting in his basement in a hazemat suit despite being 74 years old and kicking the virus in a few days.

Lefties are the biggest morons on the planet. This virus will magically become much less of a big deal after Nov. 3rd. You haven’t figured that out yet? BTW, we all know it spreads easily, what we question is just how deadly or not it really is.

200,000 deaths in less than 9 months....and you're questioning how deadly it is? No, sir. YOU are the biggest moron on the planet.

Hey idiot. Ever hear of percentages? You do realize that far, far more people have had it than have tested positive, right? You do realize that would bring the percentage of people actually dying from it down even from the very, very low percentage that it is now. Keep in mind, it is still those who have pre-existing conditions or are very old who are most at risk.

This is like the MSM tricking you folks by saying the US has the most COVD deaths in the world. This is true, but it doesn’t take into account that we are the 3rd most populous country on the planet. They really do think you Democrats are morons and take this at face value. Sad.

We are a first world nation and we have the most deaths on the planet. Why are we playing number salad? To distract from the fact we have a government that is almost non-functioning from the White House on out? To distract from this administrations absolutely incompetent and completely uncaring response? Here's a hint for you. It's not the Democrats that are the morons (monsters).

MORON...we have the most deaths because we have the most people, minus China and India. What don’t you understand about this? Italy is a first world country. What is their death rate percent? How about France? How about Australia? How about Canada? How about the Netherlands? What about Sweden. Their are many other countries with a higher death percentage from COVID that the US. LOL...if you get this in the US, you are far down the list in your odds of dying. Don’t let those pesky little facts get in the way of you COVID rant nor the silly idea that US healthcare is lacking.

COVID-19 mortality rate by country | Statista
If, Lord forbid, Biden wins, the Wuhan Flu will NEVER go away. We will be in masks 24/7. Kids will be encouraged to rat out their parents for failing to wear a mask to bed

If, with the Lord's Blessing, Trump wins, the Wuhan Flu is defeated early November and China is forced to pay for the trillions in stimulus
Most movies do 35% of it’s volume in the US. Tenet did a measly 15%. Why? The rest of the world has managed the virus and is still going to the movies while Trump has blown it and we are still locked down. Biden is the only way to get movies back... or whatever thing you miss.
Yeah, he could provide a great example for all those who must go to work by sitting in his basement in a hazemat suit despite being 74 years old and kicking the virus in a few days.

Lefties are the biggest morons on the planet. This virus will magically become much less of a big deal after Nov. 3rd. You haven’t figured that out yet? BTW, we all know it spreads easily, what we question is just how deadly or not it really is.

200,000 deaths in less than 9 months....and you're questioning how deadly it is? No, sir. YOU are the biggest moron on the planet.

Hey idiot. Ever hear of percentages? You do realize that far, far more people have had it than have tested positive, right? You do realize that would bring the percentage of people actually dying from it down even from the very, very low percentage that it is now. Keep in mind, it is still those who have pre-existing conditions or are very old who are most at risk.

This is like the MSM tricking you folks by saying the US has the most COVD deaths in the world. This is true, but it doesn’t take into account that we are the 3rd most populous country on the planet. They really do think you Democrats are morons and take this at face value. Sad.

We are a first world nation and we have the most deaths on the planet. Why are we playing number salad? To distract from the fact we have a government that is almost non-functioning from the White House on out? To distract from this administrations absolutely incompetent and completely uncaring response? Here's a hint for you. It's not the Democrats that are the morons (monsters).

DBA and her/his statement is especially moronic. The argument being made is that the people would have died anyway from their preexisting conditions and COVID had nothing to do with it. On a logic level the argument fails on it's own stupidity. On a medical standpoint--even those with a basic understanding of medicine--it's crazy to think someone with COPD would not be affected by COVID. The only remarkable thing about this dumbass and Kbuck or whatever the name is of the other trump supporter is their loyalty to the blob when every fact points to the utter failure of this administration.

This type of loyalty is usually only found in golden retrievers. It's not a good look on humans.

You are just too stupid to follow simple logic. Death rates from COVID are low. If you are 80+ and/or have some underlying conditon, you should be especially careful. I wouldn’t go deep sea diving if I was 85 and had epilepsy. If I am a healthy 25 year old, deep sea diving is could be pretty fun. You guys are idiots.
In one of his videos from the hospital, Trump talked about how the virus has been a very educational experience for him, and he said "I get it".

So, with the clock ticking on the election, does anyone have any guesses as to how he'll approach the issue once he's feeling better?

It's difficult to imagine that he'll take this crisis more seriously, as that might damage his standing with his "Chinese Flu" supporters.

Does he really "get it" now? And if so, what does that mean for the next month? Would the few remaining undecided voters really believe he "gets it"?
I believe, when he recovers, he's going to double-down on the notion that the virus is no big deal. He'll point to his age as proof, never mentioning he had the best care money can buy and, despite almost 4 years of promises, hasn't replaced the ACA with anything that could provide similar care to the general public..

He probably will say that because it is true. The mortality rate in the US is very low.
All I know is that, by hook or by crook, we HAVE to get Joe Biden into office. We need to do everything possible to advance the interests of the Democratic Party. For us on the left, everything is about the party. I don't care what happens to poor and middle-class Americans as long as the Democratic Party and the Democratic elite are in power. Heil Biden!

Its tramp who gives 2 shits about the middle class workers.

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