Wonderful treatment of gays by the Palestinians:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
So, not only are these called Palestinians totally intolerant of Jews and non Muslims in general, their record of treatment of gays is the same.

Why not, the world really needs yet another Islamic Terrorist Shithole Caliphate of Palestine that can also practice govt. sanctioned institutionalized intolerance, persecution, and violence towards gays.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Palestinian gays flee to Israel

Would Gays Be Executed or Imprisoned by a Palestinian State?

Palestinian Authority Blocks Gay Groups from AIDS UN Event

Palestinian Authority

  • 87 Number of Individuals Currently Under Sentence of Death

    2016 Year of Last Known Execution

    27 Number of Executions in 2014

    3 Number of Executions in 2013

    6 Number of Executions in 2012
Oh but but but those evil Joooos!
This is yet another example of how zionism and Judaism are extreme opposites!

Judaism is based on our Torah or the old testament and that is where the Christian and Muslim religions begin. Homosexuality is clearly forbidden by G-d and all three of the Abrahamic religions agree here.
So, not only are these called Palestinians totally intolerant of Jews and non Muslims in general, their record of treatment of gays is the same.

Why not, the world really needs yet another Islamic Terrorist Shithole Caliphate of Palestine that can also practice govt. sanctioned institutionalized intolerance, persecution, and violence towards gays.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Palestinian gays flee to Israel

Would Gays Be Executed or Imprisoned by a Palestinian State?

Palestinian Authority Blocks Gay Groups from AIDS UN Event

Palestinian Authority

  • 87 Number of Individuals Currently Under Sentence of Death

    2016 Year of Last Known Execution

    27 Number of Executions in 2014

    3 Number of Executions in 2013

    6 Number of Executions in 2012
Just like the Saudis....trump's pals.
This is yet another example of how zionism and Judaism are extreme opposites!

Judaism is based on our Torah or the old testament and that is where the Christian and Muslim religions begin. Homosexuality is clearly forbidden by G-d and all three of the Abrahamic religions agree here.
Actually, Muhammad stole ruthlessly from both Judaism and Christianity in his invention of islamism. Ask the prayer leader at your madrassah about that.
This is yet another example of how zionism and Judaism are extreme opposites!

Judaism is based on our Torah or the old testament and that is where the Christian and Muslim religions begin. Homosexuality is clearly forbidden by G-d and all three of the Abrahamic religions agree here.
Try again, Achmed, Zionists aren't killing gays for being gays, Palestinian Muslim animals are.
This is yet another example of how zionism and Judaism are extreme opposites!

Judaism is based on our Torah or the old testament and that is where the Christian and Muslim religions begin. Homosexuality is clearly forbidden by G-d and all three of the Abrahamic religions agree here.
Actually, Muhammad stole ruthlessly from both Judaism and Christianity in his invention of islamism. Ask the prayer leader at your madrassah about that.
Strange how the moron blames Israel for something only Muslim leaders are doing.
So, not only are these called Palestinians totally intolerant of Jews and non Muslims in general, their record of treatment of gays is the same.

Why not, the world really needs yet another Islamic Terrorist Shithole Caliphate of Palestine that can also practice govt. sanctioned institutionalized intolerance, persecution, and violence towards gays.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Palestinian gays flee to Israel

Would Gays Be Executed or Imprisoned by a Palestinian State?

Palestinian Authority Blocks Gay Groups from AIDS UN Event

Palestinian Authority

  • 87 Number of Individuals Currently Under Sentence of Death

    2016 Year of Last Known Execution

    27 Number of Executions in 2014

    3 Number of Executions in 2013

    6 Number of Executions in 2012
Just like the Saudis....trump's pals.
So we need to create yet another "country" that brutalizes gays and is intolerant and violent towards non Muslims?
And yet the liberals here, and the gays among them will pout and protest that the Palestinians are entitled to Israeli land. That the Jews are the evil ones. Amazing.
Even funnier, you have the Leftie retards, many of them gays and transgenders currently populating American college campuses, that join the terrorist sponsored BDS or SJP - Students for "Justice" in Palestine that are totally ignorant of how Palestinians actually treat gays. These are the same people that pretend to be for "justice" and "equality".
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Gays in Palestine should try to get to the U.S. since liberals here have succeeded in mostly vanquishing religious oppression.
So, not only are these called Palestinians totally intolerant of Jews and non Muslims in general, their record of treatment of gays is the same.

Why not, the world really needs yet another Islamic Terrorist Shithole Caliphate of Palestine that can also practice govt. sanctioned institutionalized intolerance, persecution, and violence towards gays.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Palestinian gays flee to Israel

Would Gays Be Executed or Imprisoned by a Palestinian State?

Palestinian Authority Blocks Gay Groups from AIDS UN Event

Palestinian Authority

  • 87 Number of Individuals Currently Under Sentence of Death

    2016 Year of Last Known Execution

    27 Number of Executions in 2014

    3 Number of Executions in 2013

    6 Number of Executions in 2012
You try to make out that people are sentenced to death for being Gay, thats not true is it? That is the total number of all individuals on death row,

As of October 1, 2016, there were 2,902 death row inmates in the United States. The number of death row inmates changes daily with new convictions, appellate decisions, sentence commutations, deaths (through execution or otherwise), and exonerations.
"Since Mahmoud Abbas entered office in January 2005, the Palestinian Authority has carried out no executions, with the exception of five persons who were previously sentenced to death and executed in Gaza in June-July 2005."
Death Penalty in the Palestinian Authority and Under Hamas Control
So, not only are these called Palestinians totally intolerant of Jews and non Muslims in general, their record of treatment of gays is the same.

Why not, the world really needs yet another Islamic Terrorist Shithole Caliphate of Palestine that can also practice govt. sanctioned institutionalized intolerance, persecution, and violence towards gays.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Palestinian gays flee to Israel

Would Gays Be Executed or Imprisoned by a Palestinian State?

Palestinian Authority Blocks Gay Groups from AIDS UN Event

Palestinian Authority

  • 87 Number of Individuals Currently Under Sentence of Death

    2016 Year of Last Known Execution

    27 Number of Executions in 2014

    3 Number of Executions in 2013

    6 Number of Executions in 2012
You try to make out that people are sentenced to death for being Gay, thats not true is it? That is the total number of all individuals on death row,

As of October 1, 2016, there were 2,902 death row inmates in the United States. The number of death row inmates changes daily with new convictions, appellate decisions, sentence commutations, deaths (through execution or otherwise), and exonerations.
"Since Mahmoud Abbas entered office in January 2005, the Palestinian Authority has carried out no executions, with the exception of five persons who were previously sentenced to death and executed in Gaza in June-July 2005."
Death Penalty in the Palestinian Authority and Under Hamas Control

Your silly attempt at comparing the Great Satan vs. the Islamic terrorist enclave of Mahmoud'istan is a total fail.

Firstly, the population of the Great Satan is multiple times greater the the Islamic terrorist enclave of the West Bank'istan. Secondly, you're attempting to compare a version of Sharia law vs. Western standards of jurisprudence. Here in the Great Satan, we have a legal system that includes evidentiary hearings, discovery, trial by jury and procedure.

Why don't you cut and paste something from Juan Cole's blog on the wonders of Sharia law for comparison. Something exciting like casting gays off of roof tops or stoning women for adultery would be fun and interesting.
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In October 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners.
United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia
What if the crime is
using Herbs to self medicate?
"According to the ACLU’s original analysis, marijuana arrests now account for over half of all drug arrests in the United States. Of the 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 and 2010, 88% were for simply having marijuana."
Marijuana Arrests by the Numbers

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