Wonderful News: 27 dead Iranian thugs


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
Iran military blast death toll revised down to 17 - Yahoo! News

Iran military blast death toll revised down to 17

This is a wonderful way to start the weekend, I could not be happier. May the families of the dead suffer the same anguish and misery that the families of iranian terrorist victims have suffered and endured these past few decades.

I will pass out candies and sweets to all of the children in my neighborhood, just fantastic.
The entire thread is stupid. Celebrating the deaths of unknown innocents is sick.

Iranian republican guards are as "innocent" as ahmadinejad.

Funny how when israeli soldiers are killed "its not terrorism" since they were soldiers - but but but - when the same filth who target them is killed, "it's unfortunate."

Get fucking real.

The world is a better place with fewer IRGs, basij, and certainly without the iranian government, the syrian one, or any of the their terrorist proxy armies like hezbollah, hamas, etc. Maybe these fuckers will kill fewer americans in Iraq.
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Threads like this, and posts like the above, do nothing but prove that jews are capable of as much hatred as they've been the victims of.

if the OP story were about children then you'd REALLY see the circle jerk spraying cum like a firehose on the 4th of july.
Sick bastards. Seek help.

Aww, poor douchebag - 20 less pieces of shit to plan attacks against people in israel, the US and Europe. How sad for you.

Addition by subtraction.

And this was simply a message to the filth running iran and propping up that cancerous regime: "your end is near."

20 poor bastards who were probably conscripted, could care less about the Mullahcracy, and just had the bad luck to be sitting on an Ammo depot when it exploded.

I also fail to see how this has any prognostic value for the regime. Soldiers in this country die in training accidents all the time. Does that mean the end is near for us too?

You said you served. What Army was that, the KISS Army? You are obviously clueless.
Iran military blast death toll revised down to 17 - Yahoo! News

Iran military blast death toll revised down to 17

This is a wonderful way to start the weekend, I could not be happier. May the families of the dead suffer the same anguish and misery that the families of iranian terrorist victims have suffered and endured these past few decades.

I will pass out candies and sweets to all of the children in my neighborhood, just fantastic.

Grow the fuck up.
20 poor bastards who were probably conscripted, could care less about the Mullahcracy, and just had the bad luck to be sitting on an Ammo depot when it exploded.

You stupid fucking moronic chimp. There were iranian REPUBLICAN GUARDS - these are not iranian army regulars.

Learn some facts before posting again, idiot:

"A massive explosion at a military arms depot near the Iranian capital Tehran on Saturday killed 17 Revolutionary Guards and wounded 15, a spokesman for the elite fighting force told the semi-official Fars news agency."

20 poor bastards who were probably conscripted, could care less about the Mullahcracy, and just had the bad luck to be sitting on an Ammo depot when it exploded.

You stupid fucking moronic chimp. There were iranian REPUBLICAN GUARDS - these are not iranian army regulars.

Learn some facts before posting again, idiot:

"A massive explosion at a military arms depot near the Iranian capital Tehran on Saturday killed 17 Revolutionary Guards and wounded 15, a spokesman for the elite fighting force told the semi-official Fars news agency."


Well that just makes it all better, doesn't it?

Are you capable of discussing anything without your inner rage-a-thon taking over?

Did you have a tramatic childhood or something?

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