Women seem to live by double standards

Sciencerocks is Matthew? The guy that is a man but changed into a woman that hates women but can't figure out why he wanted to be one since he hates them so much?
Sciencerocks is Matthew? The guy that is a man but changed into a woman that hates women but can't figure out why he wanted to be one since he hates them so much?
One and the same. After the Vegas shooting; the first thing I checked, was to see if he was still posting... true story.
Yes. Matthew left with a long windy post bemoaning the evils of on-line society seeking a scientific reality. He then announced his new reality as Sciencerocks. Later as Sciencerocks he said he was leaving forever.

We're still waiting for him to leave.
Women seem to live by double standards.

The first double standard is they want to fight in the army, special forces and be police officers. They're tough you see and capable. BUT, they're scared of their 50 year old husbands that are not in good shape compared to the male enemies they would be going up against. lol, lol, lol. Extend this into the next double standard....They can hit you but you can't hit them. Well, I ask why are we sticking with traditions? What I mean by "we" is I mean men. If they're so tough and so equal it is time to expect them to fight just like any other man. Somehow two men can beat the hell out of each other but it is somehow different when it comes to a women. Aint they equal? Doesn't seem like it and we men are expected to consider them differently. But, then we turn on our t.v's and listen to the liberal feminist scream about how this isn't so at all. This right here is why so many men get really confused.

The third double standard is the reality that woman are brought up not to be faithful and to see their boy friends/husbands as something to throw away. Somehow their sisters tell them that it is self respect(you will see this in a lot of movies, t.v shows and even in real life)...Now imagine this being carried out by the boyfriend or husband...AKA the shoe on the other foot. Everyone of course would call it being unfaithful, brand the male as a scum bag and you damn well know it will be held against him. We're as in men are expected to remain faithful and stand by our girl friends/wives. They're not.

As a liberal I want equalness but these are just a few observations that need to be fixed in order to do so. Too many men are waking up to the reality that not everything is equal and this inequality is directly aimed at our heads and too many men don't accept it. Our goal as liberals should be to gain acceptance of equality among all and we can't do this by division.

I agree with pretty much everything you said. Does that make you want to rethink your position?

As Ive said many times, equality is a myth. As a believer in science, you should know that after millions of years of evolution, biological differences don't just go away because they're politically incorrect... No matter how many times the media and intellectual institutions claim otherwise, men and women are different and denial of this simple truth is causing great harm to society.
He is NOT a believer in science. He is a believer in big government socialism and doesn't know the difference.
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You sound like a woman hater.
I know the men I have been with would not tolerate infidelity.
I also don't want to fight in the military, and, I don't think I'm "equal" to men

Sounds like you are around the wrong kind of women
You sound like a woman hater.
I know the men I have been with would not tolerate infidelity.
I also don't want to fight in the military, and, I don't think I'm "equal" to men

Sounds like you are around the wrong kind of women
he's around feminist

so yea

Care to take one for the team Bonzi? Help the 'little' guy out?

If it helps relieve some of his pent-up sexual frustration and bad memories of getting shut down by every female he asked out, I say give him some slack.
As long a Matthew is stumping for “women’s equality”; women will perceive him to be the beta that he is. Which is an instant trip to the “friend zone”. Despite what any woman says... They want to breed with a dominant Alpha male.
This thread has taken a bizarre turn - nonetheless the op's assertions are interesting, imho.

Women seem to live by double standards.

The first double standard is they want to fight in the army, special forces and be police officers. .They're tough you see and capable

...but need special accommodations and protections? Women can make excellent soldiers, police officers and firefighters...but few have the physical strength of even the average male. The attempt to equalize by lowering standards and expectations in those areas that require strength is the double standard.
Two examples -
My youngest son is a big, strapping 200lb plus firefighter...it matters not one whit to me if his partner is a female - the only thing that matters to me is that she have the strength to carry him out of harms way if needed.
The other is a non pc hypothetical.
Remember the US sailors captured by the Iranians?...one of them 'apologized' on camera, he was criticized by some. I have a non pc theory about that - he thought he was protecting the one female in the group. You can see her in some of pictures with a scarf over her head. That would be instinctual for most American males - even on the front line in battle, possibly to the detriment of the other soldiers. Weakest link in the chain, etc.

Extend this into the next double standard....They can hit you but you can't hit them..

It's becoming more common for females who initiate violence in a domestic dispute to be arrested. The double standard is in acknowledging that a female is generally smaller and weaker than most males in some situations, yet denying that difference in other situations. Sexual harassment in the work place - why is more credence given to females than males?

The third double standard is the reality that woman are brought up not to be faithful and to see their boy friends/husbands as something to throw away. .

I have not seen any evidence of this. But I am concerned about the trend in sit coms and commercials to portray the male as bumbling and inept in comparison to his female counterparts.

Our goal as liberals should be to gain acceptance of equality among all and we can't do this by division.

Admirable goal that doesn't take into account that nature has determined the divisions. What we need is equal application of the law, standards and expectations regardless of gender, race and creed...not attempted mitigation of the differences.
I wonder if mattie realizes with his sex change, he just dogged the shit out of himself?

Or is he a man today?

Women seem to live by double standards.

The first double standard is they want to fight in the army, special forces and be police officers. They're tough you see and capable. BUT, they're scared of their 50 year old husbands that are not in good shape compared to the male enemies they would be going up against. lol, lol, lol. Extend this into the next double standard....They can hit you but you can't hit them. Well, I ask why are we sticking with traditions? What I mean by "we" is I mean men. If they're so tough and so equal it is time to expect them to fight just like any other man. Somehow two men can beat the hell out of each other but it is somehow different when it comes to a women. Aint they equal? Doesn't seem like it and we men are expected to consider them differently. But, then we turn on our t.v's and listen to the liberal feminist scream about how this isn't so at all. This right here is why so many men get really confused.

The third double standard is the reality that woman are brought up not to be faithful and to see their boy friends/husbands as something to throw away. Somehow their sisters tell them that it is self respect(you will see this in a lot of movies, t.v shows and even in real life)...Now imagine this being carried out by the boyfriend or husband...AKA the shoe on the other foot. Everyone of course would call it being unfaithful, brand the male as a scum bag and you damn well know it will be held against him. We're as in men are expected to remain faithful and stand by our girl friends/wives. They're not.

As a liberal I want equalness but these are just a few observations that need to be fixed in order to do so. Too many men are waking up to the reality that not everything is equal and this inequality is directly aimed at our heads and too many men don't accept it. Our goal as liberals should be to gain acceptance of equality among all and we can't do this by division.
Pointing out misandry is gonna get you attacked by both genders.

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but there's free porn on the internet, which is WAAAY cheaper than an actual woman.

I wonder is the sex robots will ultimately lead to the end of humanity.
Consider this;
They don't talk, which means no nagging, you get to watch what you wanna watch and yes you are wearing that.
they only cost you money once.
if you get tired of it, you can trade it in for a better one.
they don't talk
you don't have to talk them into anything kinky
they don't spend your money, don't want to go places
and so on

Yes, we are on the brink of extinction.
If they can do laundry, sign me up

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Women are trouble.
To me, they are and I just happen to be one. In my opinion, the ones who are willing to milk this issue for all its worth are the ones who need the living crap kicked out of them, those who think that they can do whatever they want to and not suffer a price. If a man can't get away with things like cheating, lying, laziness, etc., why should a woman?

God bless you always!!!


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