Women rights and Climate change..lol

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
LMFAO the New York Times is sexist...

Women’s Crucial Role in Combating Climate Change

The link between climate change and women’s rights may seem baffling to some.


But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly, according to a 2009 United Nations ..
Don't these guys think before they write? It's like they say stupid stuff and then the AGW cult crowd has to go into overdrive to try to spin it and defend it.

I guess we can only be sexist if it helps the liberal platform.

LMFAO the New York Times is sexist...

Women’s Crucial Role in Combating Climate Change

The link between climate change and women’s rights may seem baffling to some. But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly, according to a 2009 United Nations ..

Too bad you are much too stupid to be able to comprehend the meaning of the word "sexist" ( even though you very probably are one), barefarts......or what they are talking about in that NYT article, you poor delusional retard.....and too bad you have no empathy for all of the third world women who are suffering the most in these initial stages of accelerating human caused global warming and the consequent (human caused) radical changes to the climate patterns that had prevailed over the last ten thousand years until this last half century or so, and on which our agricultural systems and water supplies depend. The current observed climate changes are, in many areas of the planet, already making it more difficult to obtain water, grow food and cook it.

You quote it but you are obviously too dim to grasp the meaning....

"But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly"
LMFAO the New York Times is sexist...

Women’s Crucial Role in Combating Climate Change

The link between climate change and women’s rights may seem baffling to some. But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly, according to a 2009 United Nations ..

Too bad you are much too stupid to be able to comprehend the meaning of the word "sexist" ( even though you very probably are one), barefarts......or what they are talking about in that NYT article, you poor delusional retard.....and too bad you have no empathy for all of the third world women who are suffering the most in these initial stages of accelerating human caused global warming and the consequent (human caused) radical changes to the climate patterns that had prevailed over the last ten thousand years until this last half century or so, and on which our agricultural systems and water supplies depend. The current observed climate changes are, in many areas of the planet, already making it more difficult to obtain water, grow food and cook it.

You quote it but you are obviously too dim to grasp the meaning....

"But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly"

^ right on cue, the flying nun of the AGW cult comes in and tries to defend the sexist remarks.
LMFAO the New York Times is sexist...

Women’s Crucial Role in Combating Climate Change

The link between climate change and women’s rights may seem baffling to some. But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly, according to a 2009 United Nations ..

Too bad you are much too stupid to be able to comprehend the meaning of the word "sexist" ( even though you very probably are one), barefarts......or what they are talking about in that NYT article, you poor delusional retard.....and too bad you have no empathy for all of the third world women who are suffering the most in these initial stages of accelerating human caused global warming and the consequent (human caused) radical changes to the climate patterns that had prevailed over the last ten thousand years until this last half century or so, and on which our agricultural systems and water supplies depend. The current observed climate changes are, in many areas of the planet, already making it more difficult to obtain water, grow food and cook it.

You quote it but you are obviously too dim to grasp the meaning....

"But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly"

^ right on cue, the flying nun of the AGW cult comes in and tries to defend the sexist remarks.

So according to you and the times women are more effected? And men don't cook, gather firewood and get food?
The writers at the Times didn't make any "sexist" remarks, nitwit.....that's just some moronic spin you (or your puppetmasters) cooked up.

And in third world countries, it is quite true that it is mostly the women who get the water, collect the firewood, and obtain and cook the food.

You are so feebleminded, you apparently wrongly imagine that that means that no men ever do those things.
LMFAO the New York Times is sexist...

Women’s Crucial Role in Combating Climate Change

The link between climate change and women’s rights may seem baffling to some. But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly, according to a 2009 United Nations ..

Too bad you are much too stupid to be able to comprehend the meaning of the word "sexist" ( even though you very probably are one), barefarts......or what they are talking about in that NYT article, you poor delusional retard.....and too bad you have no empathy for all of the third world women who are suffering the most in these initial stages of accelerating human caused global warming and the consequent (human caused) radical changes to the climate patterns that had prevailed over the last ten thousand years until this last half century or so, and on which our agricultural systems and water supplies depend. The current observed climate changes are, in many areas of the planet, already making it more difficult to obtain water, grow food and cook it.

You quote it but you are obviously too dim to grasp the meaning....

"But women are more likely to collect water, food and firewood, and to cook meals — and therefore feel the brunt of extreme weather, disappearing water resources and soil degradation more keenly"

^ right on cue, the flying nun of the AGW cult comes in and tries to defend the sexist remarks.

So according to you and the times women are more effected? And men don't cook, gather firewood and get food?
More to the point, men don't eat or require shelter?
The writers at the Times didn't make any "sexist" remarks, nitwit.....that's just some moronic spin you (or your puppetmasters) cooked up.

And in third world countries, it is quite true that it is mostly the women who get the water, collect the firewood, and obtain and cook the food.

You are so feebleminded, you apparently wrongly imagine that that means that no men ever do those things.

What puppet Master's? I am naturally observant, sarcastic and read all the time ..

Your the one that's trying to spin it like I said..

I would get in trouble at work if I said a women's role should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen but you are trying to tell me that it is not sexist by saying AGW is a women's problem because they are barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen?

Also a question didn't they have this problem before the internal combustion engine? Ya would think it was a bigger problem back then...

No microwaves

No running water

No electricity

Running for your life from saber tooth tigers and trying to avoid getting stomped on by Wolly mammoths

The writers at the Times didn't make any "sexist" remarks, nitwit.....that's just some moronic spin you (or your puppetmasters) cooked up.

And in third world countries, it is quite true that it is mostly the women who get the water, collect the firewood, and obtain and cook the food.

You are so feebleminded, you apparently wrongly imagine that that means that no men ever do those things.

What puppet Master's? I am naturally observant, sarcastic and read all the time ..

I guess you're just too moronic to even have a clue as to who is pulling your puppet strings, dumbo. You are being manipulated by the propaganda, outright lies, pseudo-science, groundless attacks on science and scientists, and fraudulent spin churned out by the propaganda pushers working for the billionaires at the top of the American fossil fuel industry. If you were actually "naturally observant" and actually "read all the time", you would have noticed the obvious indications of an un-naturally warming world all around you, and/or read about the efforts of the fossil fuel industry's propaganda campaign to prevent or delay the kind of effective measures the world needs to take to drastically reduce human carbon emissions.....like taxes on carbon emissions, and restrictions on removing more fossil fuels from the ground....all of which would reduce the profits and stock prices of the whole fossil fuel industry....which is why they manipulate rightwingnut fools like you into parroting their fraudulent anti-science twaddle on public forums.

I would get in trouble at work if I said a women's role should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen but you are trying to tell me that it is not sexist by saying AGW is a women's problem because they are barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen?

That is incredibly stupid and bears no resemblance whatsoever to anything that NYT article ever said, you pathetic retard.

The article talked about the increasingly severe difficulties....due to the effects that global warming and its consequent climate changes are having on their homelands....faced by third world women doing the things they have traditionally done in those areas of the world, like bringing home fresh water and firewood, which are rapidly getting increasingly scarce and difficult to find, and obtaining food or doing the preparation of food, which is getting increasingly expensive or difficult to grow themselves.

You pulled your ridiculously absurd bogus nonsense right out of your ass.....and your callous attitude toward the suffering and hardships that poor people face right out of your crackpot neo-fascist rightwingnut political and economic ideologies
The writers at the Times didn't make any "sexist" remarks, nitwit.....that's just some moronic spin you (or your puppetmasters) cooked up.

And in third world countries, it is quite true that it is mostly the women who get the water, collect the firewood, and obtain and cook the food.

You are so feebleminded, you apparently wrongly imagine that that means that no men ever do those things.

What puppet Master's? I am naturally observant, sarcastic and read all the time ..

I guess you're just too moronic to even have a clue as to who is pulling your puppet strings, dumbo. You are being manipulated by the propaganda, outright lies, pseudo-science, groundless attacks on science and scientists, and fraudulent spin churned out by the propaganda pushers working for the billionaires at the top of the American fossil fuel industry. If you were actually "naturally observant" and actually "read all the time", you would have noticed the obvious indications of an un-naturally warming world all around you, and/or read about the efforts of the fossil fuel industry's propaganda campaign to prevent or delay the kind of effective measures the world needs to take to drastically reduce human carbon emissions.....like taxes on carbon emissions, and restrictions on removing more fossil fuels from the ground....all of which would reduce the profits and stock prices of the whole fossil fuel industry....which is why they manipulate rightwingnut fools like you into parroting their fraudulent anti-science twaddle on public forums.

I would get in trouble at work if I said a women's role should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen but you are trying to tell me that it is not sexist by saying AGW is a women's problem because they are barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen?

That is incredibly stupid and bears no resemblance whatsoever to anything that NYT article ever said, you pathetic retard.

The article talked about the increasingly severe difficulties....due to the effects that global warming and its consequent climate changes are having on their homelands....faced by third world women doing the things they have traditionally done in those areas of the world, like bringing home fresh water and firewood, which are rapidly getting increasingly scarce and difficult to find, and obtaining food or doing the preparation of food, which is getting increasingly expensive or difficult to grow themselves.

You pulled your ridiculously absurd bogus nonsense right out of your ass.....and your callous attitude toward the suffering and hardships that poor people face right out of your crackpot neo-fascist rightwingnut political and economic ideologies

All that to try to deny a sexist remark? WowI pushed a few buttons with that one, the AGW hypocrisy has no bounds.

And again I have been following the AGW crap since I first started reading in around 1969 I had subscriptions to Popular Science and popular mechanics..dont give me any of that bullshit that I parrot anyone.. Plus I am an expert on temperature equipment been using them everyday at work for the past 30 plus years and no human nature when it comes to quality control and preventive maintenance and how people love to pencil whip and fudge numbers.

The writers at the Times didn't make any "sexist" remarks, nitwit.....that's just some moronic spin you (or your puppetmasters) cooked up.

And in third world countries, it is quite true that it is mostly the women who get the water, collect the firewood, and obtain and cook the food.

You are so feebleminded, you apparently wrongly imagine that that means that no men ever do those things.

What puppet Master's? I am naturally observant, sarcastic and read all the time ..

I guess you're just too moronic to even have a clue as to who is pulling your puppet strings, dumbo. You are being manipulated by the propaganda, outright lies, pseudo-science, groundless attacks on science and scientists, and fraudulent spin churned out by the propaganda pushers working for the billionaires at the top of the American fossil fuel industry. If you were actually "naturally observant" and actually "read all the time", you would have noticed the obvious indications of an un-naturally warming world all around you, and/or read about the efforts of the fossil fuel industry's propaganda campaign to prevent or delay the kind of effective measures the world needs to take to drastically reduce human carbon emissions.....like taxes on carbon emissions, and restrictions on removing more fossil fuels from the ground....all of which would reduce the profits and stock prices of the whole fossil fuel industry....which is why they manipulate rightwingnut fools like you into parroting their fraudulent anti-science twaddle on public forums.

I would get in trouble at work if I said a women's role should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen but you are trying to tell me that it is not sexist by saying AGW is a women's problem because they are barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen?

That is incredibly stupid and bears no resemblance whatsoever to anything that NYT article ever said, you pathetic retard.

The article talked about the increasingly severe difficulties....due to the effects that global warming and its consequent climate changes are having on their homelands....faced by third world women doing the things they have traditionally done in those areas of the world, like bringing home fresh water and firewood, which are rapidly getting increasingly scarce and difficult to find, and obtaining food or doing the preparation of food, which is getting increasingly expensive or difficult to grow themselves.

You pulled your ridiculously absurd bogus nonsense right out of your ass.....and your callous attitude toward the suffering and hardships that poor people face right out of your crackpot neo-fascist rightwingnut political and economic ideologies

All that to try to deny a sexist remark? WowI pushed a few buttons with that one, the AGW hypocrisy has no bounds.
Nope! All that to debunk the incredibly fallacious and fraudulent lies you are telling, Mr. Retardo. Your rightwingnut hypocrisy knows no bounds.

And again I have been following the AGW crap since I first started reading in around 1969
WOW!!! You must be super retarded then if you are still so confused and bamboozled about the massively scientifically confirmed reality of human caused global warming/climate change.

I had subscriptions to Popular Science and popular mechanics.
Oh, really?

How we know that climate change is happening—and that humans are causing it
It's a matter of how, not if
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The truth about climate change continues to be inconvenient in Al Gore's new trailer
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By Rachel Feltman
March 29, 2017

The global warming hiatus never actually happened
Yes, the oceans have been warming for the past 75 years
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By Mary Beth Griggs
January 4, 2017

dont give me any of that bullshit that I parrot anyone.AAA
Well, certainly not any actual scientists......but fossil fuel industry propaganda pushers? Yup! You certainly do parrot their fraudulent pseudo-science and lies...pretty much all the time...'cause you're a bamboozled anti-science rightwingnut retard.

Plus I am an expert on temperature equipment been using them everyday at work for the past 30 plus years and no human nature when it comes to quality control and preventive maintenance and how people love to pencil whip and fudge numbers.
Another clear sign that you are a clueless idiot is that you imagine that working on "temperature equipment" (whatever that means) somehow qualifies you to understand climate science better than the experts. You are obviously another sad victim of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

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