Women now eligible for combat duty . ..

Tell that to the women who gave their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, you fucking keyboard coward.

Oh stop trying to take the moral high ground you asshole!!

Fuck you. Stop trying to play daddy to these women. If they want to go into combat, that's their decision.

man you leftist pussies will go to any lengths to make sure someone else does your fighting and dying for you huh? Liberal male's agenda; Open the combat arms to woman, open the military to blazing faggots, trannies and queens, fill the ranks so they don't ever have to bring back the draft and maybe make me go serve. By the way scrote, when "their decision" place the lives of others at risk, which this does, it's not longer just their decision.
Women will remember they have babies to nurse right after they get their orders.

This is the way democrats have chosen to destroy all the special forces. They used it very successfully to end SWAT units.

HUH?? Exactly where were SWAT units ever ended?
This will work the same way it has worked in the police force. It won't be a blood thirsty Xena warrior princess, taking down Goliath. It will be your average small female who will volunteer for combat duty. That's what provides the most opportunity for HER. But, when the time comes, she will remember that she has a baby to nurse. Or, she'll get pregnant and vomit all over the battlefield. The standards will have to be lowered to allow the smaller weaker women in. When those standards are lowered, they are lowered for everyone. We will have as many small, weak men, as we have small, weak, women.

Then it's on to the prize. The prize is to destroy the special forces the way SWAT was destroyed in the police force. The Seals, Rangers, they are just too damn effective and have to go. Lower the standards to let in women and men who shouldn't be there either. Then change the nature of the unit. Like SWAT has been changed into a negotiating unit instead of the heavy weight called in for special circumstances.

The military is being feminized. This is part of the process.
What I think is hilarious is that at several points in this thread I have illustrated where women have served in a capacity that spoke of combat, one receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor, yet the military has not been "feminized". Indeed, "women are serving and have been serving in uniform alongside their male counterparts in Afghanistan and did so in Iraq for much of the past decade, even as their theoretical fitness to serve was debated back home. Although officially in support roles, the distinction ultimately made little difference to the 152 female U.S. troops who have died while deployed in those two wars."

Women in combat? Pentagon says yes
I have illustrated where women have served in a capacity that spoke of combat, one receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor
You are being very disingenuous about the only woman to have received the CMH

Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was a doctor and a surgeon during the Civil War.

She was captured as an alleged spy and spent time in a confederate prison.

But she was never a uniformed front line soldier or fought in combat....... :cool:
I have illustrated where women have served in a capacity that spoke of combat, one receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor
You are being very disingenuous about the only woman to have received the CMH

Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was a doctor and a surgeon during the Civil War.

She was captured as an alleged spy and spent time in a confederate prison.

But she was never a uniformed front line soldier or fought in combat....... :cool:

I am not being disingenuous at all. Her citation reads: "has rendered valuable service to the Government, and her efforts have been earnest and untiring in a variety of ways," and that she was assigned to duty and served as an assistant surgeon in charge of female prisoners at Louisville, Ky., upon the recommendation of Major-Generals Sherman and Thomas, and faithfully served as contract surgeon in the service of the United States, and has devoted herself with much patriotic zeal to the sick and wounded soldiers, both in the field and hospitals, to the detriment of her own health, and has also endured hardships as a prisoner of war four months in a Southern prison while acting as contract surgeon; and Whereas by reason of her not being a commissioned officer in the military service, a brevet or honorary rank cannot, under existing laws, be conferred upon her; and Whereas in the opinion of the President an honorable recognition of her services and sufferings should be made. It is ordered, That a testimonial thereof shall be hereby made and given to the said Dr. Mary E. Walker, and that the usual medal of honor for meritorious services be given her."

A prisoner of war does not have the means or weapons that a soldier in a combat situation does prior to being captured. Indeed, being a woman did not place her at any disadvantage where she was placed in a position as man would have in the same situation.
Women will remember they have babies to nurse right after they get their orders.

This is the way democrats have chosen to destroy all the special forces. They used it very successfully to end SWAT units.

HUH?? Exactly where were SWAT units ever ended?

They ended their purpose but kept the name. They exist, in name only, but are now more of negotiating units. They have been changed to be more nurturing and understanding.

The State of American Law Enforcement - SWAT: Breaking the Mold - Article - POLICE Magazine

The name still exists, it just doesn't mean the same thing.
I am not being disingenuous at all. Her citation reads: "has rendered valuable service to the Government, and her efforts have been earnest and untiring in a variety of ways," and that she was assigned to duty and served as an assistant surgeon in charge of female prisoners at Louisville, Ky., upon the recommendation of Major-Generals Sherman and Thomas, and faithfully served as contract surgeon in the service of the United States, and has devoted herself with much patriotic zeal to the sick and wounded soldiers, both in the field and hospitals, to the detriment of her own health, and has also endured hardships as a prisoner of war four months in a Southern prison while acting as contract surgeon; and Whereas by reason of her not being a commissioned officer in the military service, a brevet or honorary rank cannot, under existing laws, be conferred upon her; and Whereas in the opinion of the President an honorable recognition of her services and sufferings should be made. It is ordered, That a testimonial thereof shall be hereby made and given to the said Dr. Mary E. Walker, and that the usual medal of honor for meritorious services be given her."

A prisoner of war does not have the means or weapons that a soldier in a combat situation does prior to being captured. Indeed, being a woman did not place her at any disadvantage where she was placed in a position as man would have in the same situation.
Spin it all you want.....but she was Not a front line combat soldier....... :cool:
HUGE mistake. Women will be captured and used as weapons against fellow soldiers- being raped brutally as a means to obtain information from fellow capturees. I don't know any man who can stand by and watch while a woman is raped and tortured.. Women are WOMEN for a reason.. I can't believe anyone actually supports this. INSANE.
I am not being disingenuous at all. Her citation reads: "has rendered valuable service to the Government, and her efforts have been earnest and untiring in a variety of ways," and that she was assigned to duty and served as an assistant surgeon in charge of female prisoners at Louisville, Ky., upon the recommendation of Major-Generals Sherman and Thomas, and faithfully served as contract surgeon in the service of the United States, and has devoted herself with much patriotic zeal to the sick and wounded soldiers, both in the field and hospitals, to the detriment of her own health, and has also endured hardships as a prisoner of war four months in a Southern prison while acting as contract surgeon; and Whereas by reason of her not being a commissioned officer in the military service, a brevet or honorary rank cannot, under existing laws, be conferred upon her; and Whereas in the opinion of the President an honorable recognition of her services and sufferings should be made. It is ordered, That a testimonial thereof shall be hereby made and given to the said Dr. Mary E. Walker, and that the usual medal of honor for meritorious services be given her."

A prisoner of war does not have the means or weapons that a soldier in a combat situation does prior to being captured. Indeed, being a woman did not place her at any disadvantage where she was placed in a position as man would have in the same situation.
Spin it all you want.....but she was Not a front line combat soldier....... :cool:

Be more careful in you reading and more critical in your analysis.

"Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has decided to lift a ban that prohibited women from serving in combat"
HUGE mistake. Women will be captured and used as weapons against fellow soldiers- being raped brutally as a means to obtain information from fellow capturees. I don't know any man who can stand by and watch while a woman is raped and tortured.. Women are WOMEN for a reason.. I can't believe anyone actually supports this. INSANE.

A debate between General Jack Keane and Kit McFarland shows just how stupid the left is. General Keane says that his direct observation is that women are less likely to survive combat and are unable to help others survive. Kit McFarland says there is no such thing as front line combat anymore. She has analyzed it and come to that conclusion.

Ohhhh you know this is going to go very badly. Women being captured is the very LEAST of the problems they will cause. And, unfortunately, after seeing what a woman that went through combat training had to say, my mind concerning women in combat has greatly changed.

The physical strain of enduring combat operations and the stress of being responsible for the lives and well-being of such a young group in an extremely kinetic environment were compounded by lack of sleep, which ultimately took a physical toll on my body that I couldn’t have foreseen.

By the fifth month into the deployment, I had muscle atrophy in my thighs that was causing me to constantly trip and my legs to buckle with the slightest grade change. My agility during firefights and mobility on and off vehicles and perimeter walls was seriously hindering my response time and overall capability. It was evident that stress and muscular deterioration was affecting everyone regardless of gender; however, the rate of my deterioration was noticeably faster than that of male Marines and further compounded by gender-specific medical conditions. At the end of the 7-month deployment, and the construction of 18 PBs later, I had lost 17 pounds and was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (which personally resulted in infertility, but is not a genetic trend in my family), which was brought on by the chemical and physical changes endured during deployment. Regardless of my deteriorating physical stature, I was extremely successful during both of my combat tours, serving beside my infantry brethren and gaining the respect of every unit I supported. Regardless, I can say with 100 percent assurance that despite my accomplishments, there is no way I could endure the physical demands of the infantrymen whom I worked beside as their combat load and constant deployment cycle would leave me facing medical separation long before the option of retirement.

Get Over It! We Are Not All Created Equal | Marine Corps Gazette
Yes, further feminizing the military is such a great idea.......... :cuckoo:

Liberals only care about their progressive agenda. They don't give a damn about what they're doing to rank and file military members , cohesion. EVERYTHING is their guinea pig. Their agenda, their reasoning, the FASCIST design.. Only liberals get a say.
What I think is hilarious is that at several points in this thread I have illustrated where women have served in a capacity that spoke of combat, one receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor, yet the military has not been "feminized". Indeed, "women are serving and have been serving in uniform alongside their male counterparts in Afghanistan and did so in Iraq for much of the past decade, even as their theoretical fitness to serve was debated back home. Although officially in support roles, the distinction ultimately made little difference to the 152 female U.S. troops who have died while deployed in those two wars."

Women in combat? Pentagon says yes

Women have been accompanying combat patrols as interpreters, intelligence gatherer's, medical personnel and to interface with local women in ways men can't do in that culture.

What that means is that they've carried the same combat load as the men, done their share of shooting back, and have done everything the rifle squad does except wear the crossed rifles. There is literally no difference between a rifleman and anybody attached to the unit during combat operations. Everybody is a rifleman, and in Afghanistan, that means women accompanying patrols have been serving as riflemen anyhow.

Allowing them to be "officially" Infantry means very little in the real world. They're already there and doing that.

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