Women may not like Calif. sex law on consent. Testimonial.


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
A letter published in the Atlantic:

I am a recent graduate, and want to share with you a few of my experiences that I think are illustrative of why the new affirmative-consent laws are out of touch with the reality of the human experience. I hope they can be of some value to the debate.

I was raised by a left-leaning, feminist family who (at least I thought at the time) were relatively open about sex. But while I arrived at college with a healthy respect for women, I was totally unprepared for the complex realities of female sexuality.

“Oh,” sighed one platonic female friend after we had just watched Harrison Ford grab Alison Doody and kiss her is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, “Why don’t guys do that kind of thing anymore? Now days they are all too scared.”

On our second night together, one of my first partners threw up her hands in disgust. “How am I supposed to get turned on when you keep asking for permission for everything like a little boy?” She said. “Just take me and fuck me already.”

She didn’t stay with me for long.

This would be a recurring theme. More than once I saw disappointment in the eyes of women when I didn’t fulfill the leadership role they wanted me to perform in the bedroom. I realized that women don’t just desire men, they desire men’s desire―and often they don’t want to have to ask for it. I also realized that I was in many ways ashamed of my own sexual desire as a man, and that this was not healthy.

At this point I was experiencing some cognitive dissonance with my upbringing, but in time learned to take an assertive lead unless I got a “no” or otherwise thought I was about to cross a boundary as indicated by body language.
See how screwy liberal parents never taught their son how to be a man. They actually made him ashamed of his own sexual desires - that's how morally corrupted liberalism has become. Women find manginas to be kind of distasteful. Poor confused boy.

One night I ended up back in a girl’s room after a first date (those do happen in college). She had invited me in and was clearly attracted to me. We were kissing on her bed, outer layers of clothing removed, but when my hands wandered downward she said, “No, wait.” I waited. She began kissing me again, passionately, so again I moved to remove her underwear. “Stop,” she said, “this is too fast.” I stopped.

“That’s fine,” I said. I kissed her again and left soon after, looking forward to seeing her again.

But my text messages received only cold, vaguely angry replies, and then silence. I was rather confused. Only many weeks later did I find out the truth from one of her close friends: “She really wanted you, but you didn’t make it happen. She was pretty upset that you didn’t really want her.”

“Why didn’t she just say so then, why did she say we were moving too fast?”

“Of course she said that, you dumbass. She didn’t want you to think she was a slut.”

Talk about confusing. Apparently in this case even no didn’t mean no. It wasn’t the last time I've come across “token resistance” that is intended to be overcome either. But that’s a line that I am still uncomfortable with testing, for obvious reasons.
As a wise philosopher has noted:


And of course there are the predictable pitfalls of actually, stupidly, following the advice offered by women about what women want:


Always remember, liberalism and feminism are intellectual constructs - they only work in imagined form. As soon as they intersect reality, they crumble into dust.
Women DO like a take charge guy IF they are attracted to that guy. And certainly there are women who play the "no means try harder" game.
Dude, you are lame. I keep a whip, dildo, condom, and just in case a rope, shovel, and pine in the trunk at all times. Let's just say you will need a warrant to search my vehicle. LOL
Women DO like a take charge guy IF they are attracted to that guy. And certainly there are women who play the "no means try harder" game.

Of course there are. The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Do women sometimes say no when they mean yes? The prevalence and correlates of women's token resistance to sex.

We investigated whether women ever engage in token resistance to sex—saying no but meaning yes—and, if they do, what their reasons are for doing so. A questionnaire administered to 610 undergraduate women asked whether they had ever engaged in token resistance and, if so, asked them to rate the importance of 26 possible reasons. We found that 39.3% of the women had engaged in token resistance at least once. Their reasons fell into three categories: practical, inhibition-related, and manipulative reasons.​
Women DO like a take charge guy IF they are attracted to that guy. And certainly there are women who play the "no means try harder" game.

Of course there are. The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Do women sometimes say no when they mean yes? The prevalence and correlates of women's token resistance to sex.

We investigated whether women ever engage in token resistance to sex—saying no but meaning yes—and, if they do, what their reasons are for doing so. A questionnaire administered to 610 undergraduate women asked whether they had ever engaged in token resistance and, if so, asked them to rate the importance of 26 possible reasons. We found that 39.3% of the women had engaged in token resistance at least once. Their reasons fell into three categories: practical, inhibition-related, and manipulative reasons.​

In that case just ask here, "do you want to screw?"
Women DO like a take charge guy IF they are attracted to that guy. And certainly there are women who play the "no means try harder" game.

Of course there are. The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Do women sometimes say no when they mean yes? The prevalence and correlates of women's token resistance to sex.

We investigated whether women ever engage in token resistance to sex—saying no but meaning yes—and, if they do, what their reasons are for doing so. A questionnaire administered to 610 undergraduate women asked whether they had ever engaged in token resistance and, if so, asked them to rate the importance of 26 possible reasons. We found that 39.3% of the women had engaged in token resistance at least once. Their reasons fell into three categories: practical, inhibition-related, and manipulative reasons.​

In that case just ask here, "do you want to screw?"

"Women generally don't like to verbalize their desire to get banged out."
this affirmative consent law doesn't protect women, who are more harmed by sexual promiscuity, it is a small band aid on a huge gash, it might stop a couple guys from sleeping around but not really because normal women don't demand affirmative consent. It is a shallow feminist reaction to the harm sexual promiscuity in modern universities has on a woman mentally because they can't even begin to address the issue from their secular nihilistic world view. All this law does it treat the men who get caught in the cross hairs of it as guilty until proven innocent by setting an absurd legal standard of affirmative consent. All this law does is make money for lawyers, take money from educational institutions in litigation, get men expelled who could very well be innocent of charges, and get the feds involved in some hair brained kangaroo court system that shouldn't be their affair or the taxpayers to begin with.
Some women are treated like crap on college campuses, and have increasingly fewer ways to guard against peer pressure to engage in sexually degenerate behaviors due to the rise of feminist, secular, libertine culture. You want to stop this epidemic of date rape? Promote single sex colleges/dormitories, promote christian values in universities, promote early marriage and child rearing over empty careers etc.
Some women are treated like crap on college campuses, and have increasingly fewer ways to guard against peer pressure to engage in sexually degenerate behaviors due to the rise of feminist, secular, libertine culture. You want to stop this epidemic of date rape? Promote single sex colleges/dormitories, promote christian values in universities, promote early marriage and child rearing over empty careers etc.

They're committed to their vision though and they don't have the integrity to declare that their vision is harmful and doesn't comport with human nature. They're trying to find a way to give women the power over sex that they had in the pre-revolution days but they're using big government and punishment of men to achieve that goal instead of collective action from women in enforcing their own sexual behavior.
Some women are treated like crap on college campuses, and have increasingly fewer ways to guard against peer pressure to engage in sexually degenerate behaviors due to the rise of feminist, secular, libertine culture. You want to stop this epidemic of date rape? Promote single sex colleges/dormitories, promote christian values in universities, promote early marriage and child rearing over empty careers etc.

They're committed to their vision though and they don't have the integrity to declare that their vision is harmful and doesn't comport with human nature. They're trying to find a way to give women the power over sex that they had in the pre-revolution days but they're using big government and punishment of men to achieve that goal instead of collective action from women in enforcing their own sexual behavior.
The fact is, there is a war on women, on their very nature, and it is being waged on them by those that claim to defend them, so called feminists.The insidious thing is that many on both sides don't realize it, so we are going blind off a cliff so to speak.
Women have never come to grips with the reality of the rape fantasy and learned appropriate ways of incorporating the fantasy into a healthy sex life. Men, due societal imperitives have never understood the rape fantasy . Not surprising. Women don't understand it either. They just know they have it even if they are loathe to admit it.
Women have never come to grips with the reality of the rape fantasy and learned appropriate ways of incorporating the fantasy into a healthy sex life. Men, due societal imperitives have never understood the rape fantasy . Not surprising. Women don't understand it either. They just know they have it even if they are loathe to admit it.
Women are happier when they're following a strong man. They're very unhappy when they dominate the man they marry. This is why women are loath to date/marry men who are lower on the status totem pole than themselves and why marriages with a stay at home husband have such high divorce rates.
Women have never come to grips with the reality of the rape fantasy and learned appropriate ways of incorporating the fantasy into a healthy sex life. Men, due societal imperitives have never understood the rape fantasy . Not surprising. Women don't understand it either. They just know they have it even if they are loathe to admit it.
Women are happier when they're following a strong man. They're very unhappy when they dominate the man they marry. This is why women are loath to date/marry men who are lower on the status totem pole than themselves and why marriages with a stay at home husband have such high divorce rates.
The serious problems happen when they deny it. It's a psychological phenomenon. Every one of these women demanding written consent forms before a goodnight kiss has a copy of 50 Shades of Gray under their pillows and fingers sprained from masturbating over every sadistic word.

No one ever went broke writing about a woman being kidnapped by pirates and chained to the bed by the swashbuckling pirate captain.

Before women can possibly address serious issues of violence they must start understanding their fantasies instead of just having them.
Women have never come to grips with the reality of the rape fantasy and learned appropriate ways of incorporating the fantasy into a healthy sex life. Men, due societal imperitives have never understood the rape fantasy . Not surprising. Women don't understand it either. They just know they have it even if they are loathe to admit it.
Women are happier when they're following a strong man. They're very unhappy when they dominate the man they marry. This is why women are loath to date/marry men who are lower on the status totem pole than themselves and why marriages with a stay at home husband have such high divorce rates.
The serious problems happen when they deny it. It's a psychological phenomenon. Every one of these women demanding written consent forms before a goodnight kiss has a copy of 50 Shades of Gray under their pillows and fingers sprained from masturbating over every sadistic word.

No one ever went broke writing about a woman being kidnapped by pirates and chained to the bed by the swashbuckling pirate captain.

Before women can possibly address serious issues of violence they must start understanding their fantasies instead of just having them.
You have a beautiful way with words.

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