Women in the military....the democrats just can't let standards be standards.....

At least 25% of women serving in the U.S. military have been sexually assaulted, and up to 80% have been sexually harassed. A 2011 report found that women in the U.S. military were more likely to be raped by fellow soldiers than they were to be killed in combat.

This happens to men in the military as well, more often than people realize, but it goes largely unreported. Sexual assault in the military has been a disturbing problem for a while now.
At least 25% of women serving in the U.S. military have been sexually assaulted, and up to 80% have been sexually harassed. A 2011 report found that women in the U.S. military were more likely to be raped by fellow soldiers than they were to be killed in combat.
Thats an argument against women in the military
Frankly, I never understood why physical standards in the military weren't geared towards your MOS. Most of my career, I had a real problem with the APFT, mostly the running part. Of course, my MOS never, ever required me to run very fast.

So how about- Wow- A physical fitness test for infantrymen, and maybe something more sensible for service and support people.

In the end a soldier is supposed to be a soldier if needed. You will get your extreme feminist dominated military and as with other dangerous jobs the people who really do the dirty work will be reduced in numbers for it. Adding more pressure then you will ever know. The F 35 as an example has many tech problems as other heavy duty projects n our nation in part because of equity.. The cockpit had to be redesigned and it supposedly it caused other problems because of the size of women.
I disagree just for the simple fact that you could become a combat soldier at anytime, but I guess in today's Army that may not be the case.

Okay, still not seeing it, honestly. So let's say that the bad guys got to the rear area I was at in the Battalion Support Area, which is where I spent most of my time in field excercises... What was I going to do, challenge them to a foot race? .
I disagree just for the simple fact that you could become a combat soldier at anytime, but I guess in today's Army that may not be the case.

Okay, still not seeing it, honestly. So let's say that the bad guys got to the rear area I was at in the Battalion Support Area, which is where I spent most of my time in field excercises... What was I going to do, challenge them to a foot race? .
I always thought we did way too much running in the Army, and not nearly enough rucking.
Liberals will just keep changing the rules till they win

99.99999% of women have no place in combat

And the .000001% that can function as soldiers in the field are simply not worth the trouble they cause

It is a good thing the Russians didn’t believe that. Because they had women combat pilots, snipers, tankers, and infantrymen. That is partly how they stopped the German Advance in World War II. Without the women, the Russians might have lost and we would have lost the war too.

Well. Russians are different than Americans. Stronger and tougher or something.

The Israeli Army uses women in similar combat roles. But they are Jews and everyone knows Jews are God’s Chosen so of course the women would be tougher.

But one quick question. How much upper body strength does a woman need to pull a trigger?

She killed more than 300 physically superior men. I wonder how many she would have killed if she had greater upper body strength?

That is because Stalin screwed up and allowed the Germans to decimate his military at the start of the war...they had no choice.....

Women in the Israeli army are not in combat roles.....

But one quick question. How much upper body strength does a woman need to pull a trigger?


How much strength and endurance does a woman need to carry a ruck sack of about 50-70 pounds 12-15 miles a day, over rough terrain....every day, plus rifle, ammo, water, entrenching tool, plus ammo, possibly spare ammo for the heavy weapons........dig a fighting position every night, pull 50-50 guard duty, fill in the fighting position, and march again the next day on minimal food and sleep?

Then....at the end of all that pull the trigger....then carry the wounded for medivac......

Please....you don't understand everything involved in fighting in combat...so please don't try until you do...

Well. I did nine years in the Army. I was a Combat Engineer with the 82nd Airborne. We had women in the Division. They jumped with us. Marched alongside. And when we were wounded took care of us and evacuated us. And they were not considered front line troops. Despite being on the front lines.

They jumped wearing thirty pounds of parachute. Another fifty pounds of personal kit. Plus twenty pounds of aid bag.

Female soldiers and Marines are in the K-9 corps and on the front lines finding IED’s to keep you manly types alive. But hey that doesn’t count right?

So tell me why it is OK to have that woman in a “non combat” role on the front lines like Medic or Dog Handler but not OK to have them in the exact same area in a Combat role.

Oh. And one last thing. The Israeli do have women in Combat Units.

The Israeli do have women in Combat Units.

Yeah....I thought this would be the case...

Despite being officially classified as combat soldiers, women in combat roles are not deliberately deployed into combat situations. They are expected to respond in the event a combat situation does erupt, but are not deployed to situations where there is a high risk of combat.


Prince says women don't have to carry quite as much gear as men.

Apparently, the female infantry essentially serve as border guards, not actual combat troops...

The battalion is 60 percent female and patrols Israel's border with Egypt's Sinai peninsula, a desolate stretch of high desert that has become a hot spot in recent years: In 2011, eight Israelis died in an attack launched from Sinai
Liberals will just keep changing the rules till they win

99.99999% of women have no place in combat

And the .000001% that can function as soldiers in the field are simply not worth the trouble they cause

It is a good thing the Russians didn’t believe that. Because they had women combat pilots, snipers, tankers, and infantrymen. That is partly how they stopped the German Advance in World War II. Without the women, the Russians might have lost and we would have lost the war too.

Well. Russians are different than Americans. Stronger and tougher or something.

The Israeli Army uses women in similar combat roles. But they are Jews and everyone knows Jews are God’s Chosen so of course the women would be tougher.

But one quick question. How much upper body strength does a woman need to pull a trigger?

She killed more than 300 physically superior men. I wonder how many she would have killed if she had greater upper body strength?

That is because Stalin screwed up and allowed the Germans to decimate his military at the start of the war...they had no choice.....

Women in the Israeli army are not in combat roles.....

But one quick question. How much upper body strength does a woman need to pull a trigger?


How much strength and endurance does a woman need to carry a ruck sack of about 50-70 pounds 12-15 miles a day, over rough terrain....every day, plus rifle, ammo, water, entrenching tool, plus ammo, possibly spare ammo for the heavy weapons........dig a fighting position every night, pull 50-50 guard duty, fill in the fighting position, and march again the next day on minimal food and sleep?

Then....at the end of all that pull the trigger....then carry the wounded for medivac......

Please....you don't understand everything involved in fighting in combat...so please don't try until you do...

Well. I did nine years in the Army. I was a Combat Engineer with the 82nd Airborne. We had women in the Division. They jumped with us. Marched alongside. And when we were wounded took care of us and evacuated us. And they were not considered front line troops. Despite being on the front lines.

They jumped wearing thirty pounds of parachute. Another fifty pounds of personal kit. Plus twenty pounds of aid bag.

Female soldiers and Marines are in the K-9 corps and on the front lines finding IED’s to keep you manly types alive. But hey that doesn’t count right?

So tell me why it is OK to have that woman in a “non combat” role on the front lines like Medic or Dog Handler but not OK to have them in the exact same area in a Combat role.

Oh. And one last thing. The Israeli do have women in Combat Units.

The Israeli do have women in Combat Units.

Yeah....I thought this would be the case...

Despite being officially classified as combat soldiers, women in combat roles are not deliberately deployed into combat situations. They are expected to respond in the event a combat situation does erupt, but are not deployed to situations where there is a high risk of combat.


Prince says women don't have to carry quite as much gear as men.

Apparently, the female infantry essentially serve as border guards, not actual combat troops...

The battalion is 60 percent female and patrols Israel's border with Egypt's Sinai peninsula, a desolate stretch of high desert that has become a hot spot in recent years: In 2011, eight Israelis died in an attack launched from Sinai

Female solders cant even defend themselves from men in their own units much the men in enemy armies

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