Woman wearing fur is stabbed by animals rights activist in church


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Woman wearing fur is stabbed by animal-rights activist in church
Fox News – An Ohio animal rights activist allegedly stabbed a woman in a church on Wednesday because she was wearing fur. Police believe that Meredith Lowell, 35, stabbed the woman wearing fur boots based on a prior arrest in 2012, in which Lowell was charged with attempting to hire a hitman to kill a person wearing fur.

Society falling to the mental left nut jobs...... Prescribed drugs no doubt, that's what this nut was on prob.
Woman wearing fur is stabbed by animal-rights activist in church
Fox News – An Ohio animal rights activist allegedly stabbed a woman in a church on Wednesday because she was wearing fur. Police believe that Meredith Lowell, 35, stabbed the woman wearing fur boots based on a prior arrest in 2012, in which Lowell was charged with attempting to hire a hitman to kill a person wearing fur.
Society falling to the mental left nut jobs...... Prescribed drugs no doubt, that's what this nut was on prob.
Democrats want to take your guns away too, hmm, wonder if there is a connection?
Why was this obviously insane woman, not committed for life, the last time she tried to murder someone?
This is what happens when we refuse to see that people who need mental health help are able to get it.
Why was this obviously insane woman, not committed for life, the last time she tried to murder someone?
Because if you commit the woman for insanity that would put every Democrat voter in the same boat.

I bet she had access. What she needed was forcible commitment.

Committed where?

The nuthouse.

They are closed.

They should be opened.

People won't fund them.............and we complete the circle.

I think people would be willing to fund them. It is politicians who can't bare to divert funds away from buying votes.
Woman wearing fur is stabbed by animal-rights activist in church
Fox News – An Ohio animal rights activist allegedly stabbed a woman in a church on Wednesday because she was wearing fur. Police believe that Meredith Lowell, 35, stabbed the woman wearing fur boots based on a prior arrest in 2012, in which Lowell was charged with attempting to hire a hitman to kill a person wearing fur.

Society falling to the mental left nut jobs...... Prescribed drugs no doubt, that's what this nut was on prob.
Typical progressive behavior...
All progressives are fucked in the head
Effin liberal bigots don't know the first thing about free speech or life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And they keep proving it.
Woman wearing fur is stabbed by animal-rights activist in church
Fox News – An Ohio animal rights activist allegedly stabbed a woman in a church on Wednesday because she was wearing fur. Police believe that Meredith Lowell, 35, stabbed the woman wearing fur boots based on a prior arrest in 2012, in which Lowell was charged with attempting to hire a hitman to kill a person wearing fur.

Society falling to the mental left nut jobs...... Prescribed drugs no doubt, that's what this nut was on prob.

democrats gunna be democrats....

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