Woman uses gun...should have simply submitted to thugs...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here you have a woman essentially kidnapped, with her child, by two men. Instead of,simply allowing the men to do what hey wanted to her and her child,and letting them take whatever,they wanted...she irresponsibly defended herself and drove off the two attackers with a gun...

I have to say...just who in the hell does she think she is? sure, the very politicians who want to protect us from guns have bodyguards, with guns, to protect them....but since she is just a regular citizen...why on earth would she use a gun to stop these two attackers....if she wants,protection,,she should,do,like those greedy, wealthy politicians and hire body guards for 24/7 protection ...

Sure, the two men who forced her and her child into their home would very likely rape her...possibly kill her and her child...but by using a gun she made the situation so much worse....right?

Education about situations like this is so important....more needs to be done to teach the potential victims of violent crime and criminal sexual assault to submit to their attackers quietly and without causing a ruckus....obviously this woman didn't learn how to accept her fate and just made the impending rape and robbery so much worse...

Here is the sad story of how she used a gun to stop the attack...

Mother in Charleston, SC Defends Young Child From Armed Home Invaders by Opening Fire

This story is a perfect example of why you should always pay attention, even when doing
Something as mundane as exiting your car and entering your home.

A mother in Charleston, SC was put in a terrifying situation when she was getting out of her car with her small child in her arms. Two armed men approached her and forced her, along with the child into the home. Fortunately, that’s when the woman took action.

When the woman got to her home, she ran to the bedroom, put her child down and grabbed a gun.

Police say the woman then entered the living room where the two suspects were standing and started shooting.

The two men ran from the home once the shooting started. It is unclear if either of the suspects was shot by the gunfire. It is also unclear what type of firearm the mother used in defense of herself, her child and her home.
This incident is the one of the most common types of defensive gun uses. That is, one in which no one was actually shot. Despite this being one of the most common types of defensive gun uses, these incidents are often not included in statistics about defensive gun uses. Many of these statistics and studies focus solely on justifiable homicides, which represent only a fraction of total defensive gun uses.

And another thing...the story says the two men were armed...I really, really hope that if they had guns that they made sure to get background checks on themselves, and I hope they only used 10 round magazines because if they didn't...well...then they will really be in trouble when they are caught foe the kidnappping/home invasion/unlawful restraint....
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