Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

Sounds like the titty pump woman was being a total bitch. Fuck her entitlement ass and sore titties. If she is going to act like a fucking animal and milk herself in public then she ought to be put in a fucking cage with the rest of her kin. What in the hell makes her think that she is entitled to a clean place to pump her jugs?!? In addition to calling everyone else at the airport degenerate shit bags, the depth of her narcissism is astounding.
You clearly aren't a mother and have never been married to one. It's time society starts accommodating mothers more and prudish creeps like you less. You have no right not to be offended at motherhood.
And those beast feeding mothers have no right to not be offended by the men who masturbate in their presence at the sight of their exposed tits.
Part of the mental illness of you prudes is confusing naturism with sex. It's the product of a perverted mind. A woman breastfeeding or expressing milk is not sex, masturbation is. A healthy mind knows the difference.
You must think you are above human nature. Most people stuck in the 1960's have that issue.
I wouldn't know.

I was born in 1975.

This was an issue then, still an issue today.....and will continue to be an issue in next generations to come.
You clearly aren't a mother and have never been married to one. It's time society starts accommodating mothers more and prudish creeps like you less. You have no right not to be offended at motherhood.
And those beast feeding mothers have no right to not be offended by the men who masturbate in their presence at the sight of their exposed tits.
Part of the mental illness of you prudes is confusing naturism with sex. It's the product of a perverted mind. A woman breastfeeding or expressing milk is not sex, masturbation is. A healthy mind knows the difference.
You must think you are above human nature. Most people stuck in the 1960's have that issue.
I wouldn't know.

I was born in 1975.

This was an issue then, still an issue today.....and will continue to be an issue in next generations to come.
I believe we can finally push prudes completely out of the mainstream of society along with their laws designed to accommodate their sickness. What you're looking at here are actually bathing suits that women were forced to wear in the early 20th century before the sexual revolution when the prudes were at their zenith of power. So terrified were they of the skyclad human body that even ankles and wrists were a no no. Society needs to stop being controlled by the mentally ill among us.

Don't ever let these fuckers get control of society ever again.






I'm not offended by breast feeding, but I am offended by these assholes who have to have the whole world bend over backwards to please them.

Pump your breasts before you leave for the airport, DUH problem solved. And that is just common sense, which tells me that this woman was LOOKING for a reason to complain, just as most of these assholes are.
^^^ If you are asking me that, I never said that it is offensive, but if certain people don't want to see or hear certain things, they should have to.

God bless you always!!!


No, I'm not singling you out, Holly. That was just addressed to anyone who is offended by it. :)

There are so many products out there now that are solely designed to provide comfortable privacy for women breast feeding, or even pumping.

A little bit of decorum goes a long way.
^^^ Amen to that. If they want any respect, they have to do their part by showing some for everyone else first.

I'm not offended by breast feeding, but I am offended by these assholes who have to have the whole world bend over backwards to please them.

Pump your breasts before you leave for the airport, DUH problem solved. And that is just common sense, which tells me that this woman was LOOKING for a reason to complain, just as most of these assholes are.
Amen to this. A message for those that you speak of here: This planet is not your personal playground when you have to share it with other people.

God bless you two always!!!

Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
Because non-lefty women aren't that obnoxious.
Sounds like the titty pump woman was being a total bitch. Fuck her entitlement ass and sore titties. If she is going to act like a fucking animal and milk herself in public then she ought to be put in a fucking cage with the rest of her kin. What in the hell makes her think that she is entitled to a clean place to pump her jugs?!? In addition to calling everyone else at the airport degenerate shit bags, the depth of her narcissism is astounding.
You clearly aren't a mother and have never been married to one. It's time society starts accommodating mothers more and prudish creeps like you less. You have no right not to be offended at motherhood.
And those beast feeding mothers have no right to not be offended by the men who masturbate in their presence at the sight of their exposed tits.
Part of the mental illness of you prudes is confusing naturism with sex. It's the product of a perverted mind. A woman breastfeeding or expressing milk is not sex, masturbation is. A healthy mind knows the difference.
You must think you are above human nature. Most people stuck in the 1960's have that issue.
I wouldn't know.

I was born in 1975.
That explains a lot. And I don't mean that in a snide way.
Some of us who lived and grew up in the 1960's, after spending a generation of 1960's indoctrination, some of us paid attention and realized we'd been hoodwinked.
The current senior class of academicians is from that generation. They didn't learn the lesson and are re-indoctrinating another generation. Hipsters are just repro hippies. Iraq was misconstrued to relive the glory of anti-Vietnam protests and women again are attempting to defy or believe they're above nature. It's a bad dream being relived but you're apparently living it for the first time.
Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
Because non-lefty women aren't that obnoxious.

Can you prove that?
Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
Because non-lefty women aren't that obnoxious.

Can you prove that?
This thread.
Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
Because non-lefty women aren't that obnoxious.

Can you prove that?
This thread.
LOL. You didn't prove anything.
^^^ Amen to that. If they want any respect, they have to do their part by showing some for everyone else first.

I'm not offended by breast feeding, but I am offended by these assholes who have to have the whole world bend over backwards to please them.

Pump your breasts before you leave for the airport, DUH problem solved. And that is just common sense, which tells me that this woman was LOOKING for a reason to complain, just as most of these assholes are.
Amen to this. A message for those that you speak of here: This planet is not your personal playground when you have to share it with other people.

God bless you two always!!!

There's nothing you said here that can't be turned around and apply to the prudes demanding they not ever be offended at what they see. In fact, all evidence indicates it's mothers who want to share the public space while you prudes want it all to yourself.

I say if you can't handle seeing motherhood in action, stay home.
Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
false accusation.

only a leftist twunt would demand special treatment and then go public when she didn't get it.
Just shove the baby under you shirt or something. No big hassle, no big deal.

Personally, I just have my wife hook up to a mechanical boob sucker machine, put the milk in containers, and then I can feed the baby while she's at school.

And no, I am not going to get one of those fake titties things that hold milk and feed her from that. She's happy with a bottle.
Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
false accusation.

only a leftist twunt would demand special treatment and then go public when she didn't get it.
It's because of the mentally ill prudes that public accommodation is sought. There shouldn't be any special treatment for mothers or for prudes. Mothers should express milk any damn where they please and when prudes bitch about it, they should be told to go fuck themselves.

That's what real "no special treatment" looks like.
Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
false accusation.

only a leftist twunt would demand special treatment and then go public when she didn't get it.
LOL.. What prove?
Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
false accusation.

only a leftist twunt would demand special treatment and then go public when she didn't get it.
It's because of the mentally ill prudes that public accommodation is sought. There shouldn't be any special treatment for mothers or for prudes. Mothers should express milk any damn where they please and when prudes bitch about it, they should be told to go fuck themselves.

That's what real "no special treatment" looks like.
So, when this woman asked for a quiet, clean place where she could express she should have been told the waiting room was fine or she could go fuck herself.

Yes, I agree.
Woman says she was told to pump breast milk in pet area at Dulles Airport

A woman, Liz Meagher Cooper, asked an employee at Dulles airport whether they could provide clean sanitary space where it would be possible for her to pump milk. As Cooper says the bathroom in the airport wasn`t sanitary so she asked for another room. Then she was offered to go to pet relief area!
I wonder the employee was mentally ill or just rude and malicious? The US is one of the most developed countries in the world so what happens to the service here?
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
false accusation.

only a leftist twunt would demand special treatment and then go public when she didn't get it.
It's because of the mentally ill prudes that public accommodation is sought. There shouldn't be any special treatment for mothers or for prudes. Mothers should express milk any damn where they please and when prudes bitch about it, they should be told to go fuck themselves.

That's what real "no special treatment" looks like.
So, when this woman asked for a quiet, clean place where she could express she should have been told the waiting room was fine or she could go fuck herself.

Yes, I agree.
Exactly. A woman should be able to pop a tittie anywhere to feed her spawn. It's only because that's not the case, thanks to mentally ill prudes, that she has to seek special accommodations.
^^^ Amen to that. If they want any respect, they have to do their part by showing some for everyone else first.

I'm not offended by breast feeding, but I am offended by these assholes who have to have the whole world bend over backwards to please them.

Pump your breasts before you leave for the airport, DUH problem solved. And that is just common sense, which tells me that this woman was LOOKING for a reason to complain, just as most of these assholes are.
Amen to this. A message for those that you speak of here: This planet is not your personal playground when you have to share it with other people.

God bless you two always!!!

There's nothing you said here that can't be turned around and apply to the prudes demanding they not ever be offended at what they see. In fact, all evidence indicates it's mothers who want to share the public space while you prudes want it all to yourself.

I say if you can't handle seeing motherhood in action, stay home.
The same thing can be said for those who breast feed. If they have homes, they can do their breast feeding there too and since it is a home that they do not have to share with the rest of the world, they shouldn't have as many issues.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ Amen to that. If they want any respect, they have to do their part by showing some for everyone else first.

I'm not offended by breast feeding, but I am offended by these assholes who have to have the whole world bend over backwards to please them.

Pump your breasts before you leave for the airport, DUH problem solved. And that is just common sense, which tells me that this woman was LOOKING for a reason to complain, just as most of these assholes are.
Amen to this. A message for those that you speak of here: This planet is not your personal playground when you have to share it with other people.

God bless you two always!!!

There's nothing you said here that can't be turned around and apply to the prudes demanding they not ever be offended at what they see. In fact, all evidence indicates it's mothers who want to share the public space while you prudes want it all to yourself.

I say if you can't handle seeing motherhood in action, stay home.
The same thing can be said for those who breast feed. If they have homes, they can do their breast feeding there too and since it is a home that they do not have to share with the rest of the world, they shouldn't have as many issues.

God bless you always!!!

And if prudes have homes, they can stay in it, lest they unwittingly chance upon a mother feeding her child and are thus afflicted with PTSD requiring years of therapy. You never have to leave home and run the risk. You can build up walls of newspapers to protect you from every threat your agoraphobia addled mind dreams up. Make sure to neuter your cats lest one of them becomes pregnant and births a litter she will subsequently (gasp!) feed. Better safe than sorry.
she's not special and doesn't need a sanitary spot to breast pump.

just another leftist demanding shit that she doesn't deserve

What made you think only leftist breast feed? How do you even know if she is a republican or democrat?
false accusation.

only a leftist twunt would demand special treatment and then go public when she didn't get it.
It's because of the mentally ill prudes that public accommodation is sought. There shouldn't be any special treatment for mothers or for prudes. Mothers should express milk any damn where they please and when prudes bitch about it, they should be told to go fuck themselves.

That's what real "no special treatment" looks like.
So, when this woman asked for a quiet, clean place where she could express she should have been told the waiting room was fine or she could go fuck herself.

Yes, I agree.
Exactly. A woman should be able to pop a tittie anywhere to feed her spawn. It's only because that's not the case, thanks to mentally ill prudes, that she has to seek special accommodations.
No you are wrong. She asked for someplace clean and quiet. She should have been made to flop her tits right in the waiting room. Put the pump on the floor. No special treatment.

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