With Obama is there a need for the other 2 branches??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Historically Congress after representing the will of the people passed laws.
The Supreme Court determined the legality of the laws.
And finally the Executive branch did the name implies "EXECUTED the laws.

Now with Obama and his Executive Orders... there is NO NEED for Congress/SCOTUS.
executive orders Ave. / per year President
Nixon did 345 in 5 years or 69/year
Ford did 168 in 3 years or
Carter 319
Reagan 380
H. Bush 165
Bill Clinton 363
G w. Bush did 288
Obama 115 through 3/2012 if re-elected will have 283 EOs.
List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is above all that Constitution stuff, he's "organizing" all the good Americans. We're supposed to ignore his record as he signs executive order after executive order as a diversion tactic against his failings.

We are too stupid to know what's good for us, we are not all Columbia or Harvard educated, therefore we are not to question his authority.

BTW, I didn't think executive orders could bypass written laws, but again, I'm just too stupid to really know anything.
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