With friends like Sarah Palin, who needs enemies?


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
Now that her book has been reviewed, it turns out that all she wanted to do was bash McCain and the remnants of the GOP. Sarah Palin is without a doubt the best gift anyone could have given the Democrats. As divided as I thought the GOP was before, "Going Rogue" is only making things worse. Wow....
Hey look MA! 'nother VAPID meaningless Palin HATE thread!

YOU fear Palin twit. ADMIT IT. YOU tremble because she speaks to so many with common sense that YOU lack.

Uh yeah...that's it. The only time I was afraid of Palin was when I thought she might actually make it to the White House. Now, that the farce is over, it's all just comic relief.
Now that her book has been reviewed, it turns out that all she wanted to do was bash McCain and the remnants of the GOP. Sarah Palin is without a doubt the best gift anyone could have given the Democrats. As divided as I thought the GOP was before, "Going Rogue" is only making things worse. Wow....

McCain and the GOP deserve to be bashed. They used to be our last line of defense against Leftist Moonbats like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. They let us down and now look at the mess we're in. If Palin can start something where America can be represented by politicians who share the same beliefs and values of the majority of Americans, more power to her.
Now that her book has been reviewed, it turns out that all she wanted to do was bash McCain and the remnants of the GOP. Sarah Palin is without a doubt the best gift anyone could have given the Democrats. As divided as I thought the GOP was before, "Going Rogue" is only making things worse. Wow....

McCain and the GOP deserve to be bashed. They used to be our last line of defense against Leftist Moonbats like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. They let us down and now look at the mess we're in. If Palin can start something where America can be represented by politicians who share the same beliefs and values of the majority of Americans, more power to her.

Uhhhh....she can't. She is bad for the GOP no matter what she does now. She cannot garner enough support to get elected as a third party candidate, and even if she ran, the only votes she would steal would be from the GOP.
Now that her book has been reviewed, it turns out that all she wanted to do was bash McCain and the remnants of the GOP. Sarah Palin is without a doubt the best gift anyone could have given the Democrats. As divided as I thought the GOP was before, "Going Rogue" is only making things worse. Wow....

McCain and the GOP deserve to be bashed. They used to be our last line of defense against Leftist Moonbats like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. They let us down and now look at the mess we're in. If Palin can start something where America can be represented by politicians who share the same beliefs and values of the majority of Americans, more power to her.

Uhhhh....she can't. She is bad for the GOP no matter what she does now. She cannot garner enough support to get elected as a third party candidate, and even if she ran, the only votes she would steal would be from the GOP.

HOW the FUCK would you know LIB? YOU aren't GOP. So shaddup.
Now that her book has been reviewed, it turns out that all she wanted to do was bash McCain and the remnants of the GOP. Sarah Palin is without a doubt the best gift anyone could have given the Democrats. As divided as I thought the GOP was before, "Going Rogue" is only making things worse. Wow....

McCain and the GOP deserve to be bashed. They used to be our last line of defense against Leftist Moonbats like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. They let us down and now look at the mess we're in. If Palin can start something where America can be represented by politicians who share the same beliefs and values of the majority of Americans, more power to her.

After the Limelight of her booktour? She needs to disappear. And that is to keep her detractors guessing, and looking like utter FOOLS like the PERP of this sad, useless thread.
Hey look MA! 'nother VAPID meaningless Palin HATE thread!

YOU fear Palin twit. ADMIT IT. YOU tremble because she speaks to so many with common sense that YOU lack.

"PALIN": "Like every American I'm speaking with, we are ill about this. We're saying, 'Hey, why bail out Fanny and Freddie and not me?' But ultimately, what the bailout does is, help those that are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy to help, uhhh, it's gotta be all about job creation too. Also, too, shoring up our economy and putting Fannie and Freddie back on the right track, and so health care reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending...'cause Barack Obama, ya know, has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans, also, having a dollar value meal at restaurants. That's gonna help. But 1 in 5 jobs being created today under the umbrella of job creation. That, you know.

Not much sense there but it is common...at least among conservatives anyway...
McCain and the GOP deserve to be bashed. They used to be our last line of defense against Leftist Moonbats like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. They let us down and now look at the mess we're in. If Palin can start something where America can be represented by politicians who share the same beliefs and values of the majority of Americans, more power to her.

Uhhhh....she can't. She is bad for the GOP no matter what she does now. She cannot garner enough support to get elected as a third party candidate, and even if she ran, the only votes she would steal would be from the GOP.

HOW the FUCK would you know LIB? YOU aren't GOP. So shaddup.

You misinformed asshats crack me me. I am no LIB. By refusing to vote party line, unlike some of you, it is much harder to label me.
Hey look MA! 'nother VAPID meaningless Palin HATE thread!

YOU fear Palin twit. ADMIT IT. YOU tremble because she speaks to so many with common sense that YOU lack.

"PALIN": "Like every American I'm speaking with, we are ill about this. We're saying, 'Hey, why bail out Fanny and Freddie and not me?' But ultimately, what the bailout does is, help those that are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy to help, uhhh, it's gotta be all about job creation too. Also, too, shoring up our economy and putting Fannie and Freddie back on the right track, and so health care reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending...'cause Barack Obama, ya know, has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans, also, having a dollar value meal at restaurants. That's gonna help. But 1 in 5 jobs being created today under the umbrella of job creation. That, you know.

Not much sense there but it is common...at least among conservatives anyway...

Wow....a WHOLE paragraph without a single reference to a point guard. Is that a record for her?
Now that her book has been reviewed, it turns out that all she wanted to do was bash McCain and the remnants of the GOP. Sarah Palin is without a doubt the best gift anyone could have given the Democrats. As divided as I thought the GOP was before, "Going Rogue" is only making things worse. Wow....

McCain and the GOP deserve to be bashed. They used to be our last line of defense against Leftist Moonbats like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. They let us down and now look at the mess we're in. If Palin can start something where America can be represented by politicians who share the same beliefs and values of the majority of Americans, more power to her.

Uhhhh....she can't. She is bad for the GOP no matter what she does now. She cannot garner enough support to get elected as a third party candidate, and even if she ran, the only votes she would steal would be from the GOP.

yeah yeah yeah...we get it...you don't like Sarah Palin...so what. You didn't like Bush either and we elected him... TWICE! (my prediction is that you will come back with some bullshit about stealing an election)

But you can rest assured that your worries about Palin in the run for POTUS will not happen. She's smarter than you. She isn't going to run. But, don't be so quick to judge her abilities to pull some liberal votes if she had run...I know MANY MANY MANY democrats who are horrified by what their candidate is doing to this country and have already sworn that they won't make that same mistake again.
Conservatives/Palinites. May I have your attention please.

You have an annoying habit of believing your own hyperbole about Sarah the Quitter. Liberals DO NOT FEAR HER! Let me repeat that~ We DO NOT FEAR SARAH PALIN!

We are, however, deeply incredulous as to why you think she is qualified to hold national office. We often find her mentally vapid and generally incurious. We think she is a gorgeous woman, but hardly qualified to run the executive branch of our government.

There is no fear of her as we generally believe that Ms. Palin has a chip on her shoulder the size of Alaska itself. Her boorishness and flippancy buoys our suspicions that she will self destruct under the heavy scrutiny of the primary process.

Don't bring the "Liberals fear Sarah Palin" again.

While I speak only for myself, I am confident that most, if not all Liberals hold incredulity for Sarah, not fear.

Thank you.
Palin=comic relief

I don't know why Republicans and independent conservatives and some libertarians have this worshipful and aphroditic attitude towards Sarah Palin...

It's baffling, actually. There are SO MANY BETTER conservative people to look at for your political admiration out there...

(And they're SMART, too)
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Now that her book has been reviewed, it turns out that all she wanted to do was bash McCain and the remnants of the GOP. Sarah Palin is without a doubt the best gift anyone could have given the Democrats. As divided as I thought the GOP was before, "Going Rogue" is only making things worse. Wow....

Yes, that's exactly what we said about Biden & Obama.

And look how well that worked out.

It's always a HUGE mistake to underestimate your enemy, idiot. Every major battle, either political or actual, that has been lost has been lost due in all or in part to the losing side UNDERESTIMATING their opponent.

So good luck with this line of thinking. I'm sure it will do lots to further your cause and position you nicely for a huge and humiliating loss in the future, to a person you insist is without influence, without support, without intelligence, and without gonads.
Now that her book has been reviewed, it turns out that all she wanted to do was bash McCain and the remnants of the GOP. Sarah Palin is without a doubt the best gift anyone could have given the Democrats. As divided as I thought the GOP was before, "Going Rogue" is only making things worse. Wow....

I keep thinking daily maybe Gary Johnson shouldn't run with those whited sepulchers known as the GOP.

He should pull a Ross Perot and fire up the scene a bit. How cool would it be to have a non-Democrat or non-Republican in the WH for once?

It's a long-shot fantasy, of course, but still an interesting scenario to make up in the mind.

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