CDZ With 9.3 million job openings in the United States, why are there still people panhandling on the corner of Intersections?

Back in my younger days after I first moved to vegas----I knew a panhandler who would go into casino where I worked. He would pull out wads of cash to gamble with---he easily even back then made well over $80,000 a year pandhandling and all of it was untaxed.

Back in my younger days, I drove a cab for a while (this was before Uber). One of my regular customers was a guy who spent all day on a traffic median, panhandling for money. My instructions for picking him up were very specific: I had to meet him on the far side of the drug store on the corner of his intersection, where he wouldn't be visible to passing traffic as he got into the cab. Then I drove him to his home in a nice, middle-class neighborhood and would have to approach his house down the service alley and drop him at his back gate, so his neighbors wouldn't see him in his "panhandler" costume.

I'm not even kidding here.
Am sure there are a few who beg for a living that make money, Most beg to feed there addiction or them self. There are ten times that amount of people who steal with a pen, a phone call or a computer, increase the cost of labor or parts or pay less wages for hard work when they can afford to pay more.

Which is an amazingly irrelevant deflection from the topic, even for you.
Panhandling: How Much Money Do Panhandlers Make? Can It Even Make Money?

US job openings surge to record 9.3 million in April

There are quite a few panhandlers that i see day to day. I have decided to make a new sign for when i pass them.


Companies who snivel about worker shortages won't move to where the unemployed are or can afford to live. It's a rubbish claim and just pathetic whining from sociopaths, as usual.
Panhandling is a job. The fact it pays better than minimum wage is the fault of keeping wages far below inflatin rates for decades. Panhandling successfully requires more skill than selling cars or being a CEO at Amazon.
Companies who snivel about worker shortages won't move to where the unemployed are or can afford to live. It's a rubbish claim and just pathetic whining from sociopaths, as usual.
What a croc of shit that is spewing out of that pie hole of yours. Companies are open right down the street where these worthless pieces of excrement sit on the street corner, smelling like Nancy Pelosi's depends, begging for money(tax free state and federal) then go home at night, knowing that they put the scam over the generosity of others. Sounds like something you would do..
What a croc of shit that is spewing out of that pie hole of yours. Companies are open right down the street where these worthless pieces of excrement sit on the street corner, smelling like Nancy Pelosi's depends, begging for money(tax free state and federal) then go home at night, knowing that they put the scam over the generosity of others. Sounds like something you would do..

Rubbish again. Several articles on that out there for the Peanut Gallery to ponder the data in, and of course with wages so low it's no great leap to figure out people can't afford to work for nothing any more, so all you right wing sociopaths will just have to keep relying on your cheap illegal aliens and green card slaves to keep your dividends and profits up, and cry when you can't beat outright lunatics at the polls by more than a couple of percentage points, if you're lucky.

Here's a clue: Nobody is going to move from New York just to apply for a part time job at your local Mickey D's in Phoenix , Ar. , no matter how much you whine and cry about it. Silly Con Valley seems to have finally figured that out, and has been moving stuff to Texas and other states. Your CEO likes to live in Los Gatos? Fine. He can run the place by himself.
Panhandling: How Much Money Do Panhandlers Make? Can It Even Make Money?

US job openings surge to record 9.3 million in April

There are quite a few panhandlers that i see day to day. I have decided to make a new sign for when i pass them.


Because they are bad people. All of them! We must heap scorn upon them!!
Rubbish again. Several articles on that out there for the Peanut Gallery to ponder the data in, and of course with wages so low it's no great leap to figure out people can't afford to work for nothing any more, so all you right wing sociopaths will just have to keep relying on your cheap illegal aliens and green card slaves to keep your dividends and profits up, and cry when you can't beat outright lunatics at the polls by more than a couple of percentage points, if you're lucky.

Here's a clue: Nobody is going to move from New York just to apply for a part time job at your local Mickey D's in Phoenix , Ar. , no matter how much you whine and cry about it. Silly Con Valley seems to have finally figured that out, and has been moving stuff to Texas and other states. Your CEO likes to live in Los Gatos? Fine. He can run the place by himself.
Only a progressive slave cant see what is going on in this country. I get to watch all those NY license plates heading south as they come across the Florida border. I dont see too many heading back north...Yes, my dear, you really are that stupid...
Rubbish again. Several articles on that out there for the Peanut Gallery to ponder the data in, and of course with wages so low it's no great leap to figure out people can't afford to work for nothing any more, so all you right wing sociopaths will just have to keep relying on your cheap illegal aliens and green card slaves to keep your dividends and profits up, and cry when you can't beat outright lunatics at the polls by more than a couple of percentage points, if you're lucky.

Here's a clue: Nobody is going to move from New York just to apply for a part time job at your local Mickey D's in Phoenix , Ar. , no matter how much you whine and cry about it. Silly Con Valley seems to have finally figured that out, and has been moving stuff to Texas and other states. Your CEO likes to live in Los Gatos? Fine. He can run the place by himself.
Next time in English please
Because they are bad people. All of them! We must heap scorn upon them!!
The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

At some point the poor needs to pay their fair share of taxes just like the rest of the US citizens who pay theirs....
The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

At some point the poor needs to pay their fair share of taxes just like the rest of the US citizens who pay theirs....
We may need a study on it. Right-wing obstruction merely increased the cost of solving simple poverty. We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, literally, but for right-wing obstruction and bigotry merely because the Poor may benefit and the right-wing seems to have a problem if the Poor benefit (but not the Rich) under our form of Capitalism.
We may need a study on it. Right-wing obstruction merely increased the cost of solving simple poverty. We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, literally, but for right-wing obstruction and bigotry merely because the Poor may benefit and the right-wing seems to have a problem if the Poor benefit (but not the Rich) under our form of Capitalism.
A study on it? Where the fuck do you think some of that 28 trillion dollars went to. Lets study why black women have multiple men and have 12 different children. Lets have a study why poor people can be as smart as white people...

We may need a study on it. Right-wing obstruction merely increased the cost of solving simple poverty. We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, literally, but for right-wing obstruction and bigotry merely because the Poor may benefit and the right-wing seems to have a problem if the Poor benefit (but not the Rich) under our form of Capitalism.
Cuba solved the problem of inequality, by making everyone poor and miserable. No fucking thank you. I didnt work 40 years just to have some worthless fuck get the same as i earned....
Only a progressive slave cant see what is going on in this country. I get to watch all those NY license plates heading south as they come across the Florida border. I dont see too many heading back north...Yes, my dear, you really are that stupid...
You aren't a conservative, and don't have a clue what 'Progressives' are, just babbling crap you read over on Free Republic or Town Hall, so quit pretending you do; you just shill for the big companies while faking the rest.
The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

At some point the poor needs to pay their fair share of taxes just like the rest of the US citizens who pay theirs....
Hey why not pull $90 trillion out of your ass?

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