Witch "heinz-kerry" thinks YOU are an IDIOT!


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Heinz Kerry: 'Only An Idiot' Wouldn't Like Kerry Health Care Plan
By Jimmy Moore
Talon News
September 10, 2004

LANCASTER, PA (Talon News) -- As Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry was touting his health care plan in Des Moines, Iowa on Thursday, his wife Teresa Heinz Kerry was characterizing opponents of her husband's plan as "idiots."

While Kerry was saying President George W. Bush is out of touch with the common man by not doing anything about the rising costs of medicine in the United States and proposing to import prescription drugs from Canada and other countries, Heinz Kerry was in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Wednesday proclaiming "only an idiot" would not support the Kerry health care plan.

When asked if she really meant to use the word "idiot" in her description of her husband's opponents, Heinz Kerry replied to the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal, "Of course, there are idiots."

Kerry's ten year, $900 billion universal health care plan would supposedly cover 27 million Americans who do not currently have health insurance. However, Kerry has still not indicated how he would pay for this robust spending plan other than to roll back the tax cuts on the "rich."

Interestingly, Heinz Kerry said the "idiots" who oppose the Kerry health care plan in Congress would be voted out of office in the next election if Kerry is elected president in November.

"Only an idiot wouldn't like this," Heinz Kerry repeated to the Associated Press.

The would-be first lady traveled across the key swing states of Pennsylvania this week where Bush holds a slight lead over her husband in the latest polls.

When asked for her opinion of the Kerry health care plan, Heinz Kerry answered, "I don't have to sell it -- the people want it."

Confronted with her matter-of-fact campaign style, Heinz Kerry said she does not care what people think about her.

"The common man doesn't look at me as some rich witch," she told the AP. "I talk about what I see. It has always been so. You judge people not by their pocketbook but by their actions. Walk the walk."

That's right board liberals. Just ignore this. It's too poignant for you I know. It clearly shows how your man is trying to push socialistic medicine, and will raise everyones taxes to do it, even though he says he won't. He's a liar.

But his wife... er, meal ticket, is nothing more than a class A junk yard dog. A true bitch, in the whoopi goldberg catagory.
Elitist arrogance is the beating heart of liberalism. That they know better than the "great unwashed" is a fundamental article of faith. However, most of the true power brokers are wide-awake enough to know that they have to finesse us. You can't just go around insulting people, even if your agenda is a rude insult at it's very core.

Heinz-Kerry hasn't caught on to the finer points of this evil game. She blurts out the unsavory truth of her heart without so much as a thought. She is truly a loose cannon. The DNC should have outfitted her with a muzzle. The RNC ought to follow her around with a sound truck and a camera crew. This stuff is better than the movies.
fuzzykitten99 said:
i dare you to sign up for democratic underground and post that!! see if you get any responses or just banned right away. :laugh:

Oooh yeah!!!!!! Driving liberals crazy!!!!!! Ya know, it's life's little pleasures that make it worth living!!!!!
fuzzykitten99 said:
i dare you to sign up for democratic underground and post that!! see if you get any responses or just banned right away. :laugh:

That sure sounds like a wild and wacky site! They don't even bother with the pretense of free speech over there, do they? LOL - liberalism in microcosm.
I was lurking at DU the other day and saw a post form a newbie there complaining about being banned from freerepublic.com and accusing them of censorship. Pretty funny seeing that on DU!
Personally, I'm rather fond of Theresa.

She's one of the best assets the Bush campaign has. Everytime she opens that garbage dumpster of a mouth she alienates a few more folks. Hell, I hope they send the bitch to every contested state to let her work her "magic".
fuzzykitten99 said:
i dare you to sign up for democratic underground and post that!! see if you get any responses or just banned right away. :laugh:

Merlin1047 said:
Personally, I'm rather fond of Theresa.

She's one of the best assets the Bush campaign has. Everytime she opens that garbage dumpster of a mouth she alienates a few more folks. Hell, I hope they send the bitch to every contested state to let her work her "magic".

Watch out Merlin. She might put a spell on ya... LOL!


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