Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

What can I say. You could give an honest answer to the question, and then acknowledge the validity of the information regarding the New Deal & unions in making your current standard of living better...but somehow I doubt you have the cojones to do so. I could write a book about how the majority of those programs hurt america and had the exact opposit of their intended effect. No, if you're so assured of your convictions, you could merely give a short, point for point response to the information I provided. But as with all intellectually bankrupt neocon blowhards, you'll just bluff and bluster. So instead of you loading the thread down with information so that a response would be impossible (impossible because when I speak economics and the fundamentals ofliberty I break it down so far that any idiot could understand it. Extreamly necessary in this forum). Yeah, just what I thought...another neocon blowhard trying to bluff past his ignorance. YOU opened the door, genius...if you're such a scholar, you should have laid out your case instead of trying to take cheap shots...TFB if you got shown up. How about you just pick whatever one you want to go on that you think benefits us the most and I will show you how its bogus? How about you grow a pair and give an honest answer to the question, and then TRY to demonstrate to us all how ANY of the points I laid forth have IMPEDED the benefits and progress in YOUR life? I made my case, bunky...if you can counter it, do so and quit blowing smoke. Oh, and think progress isnt exactly the most reliable source. Really? Because so far YOU haven't been able to disprove or logically/factually refute ONE ITEM of information they gave here. Bitching about the political slant of a source is one thing, disproving their information is a whole other smoke. It would be like a conservative quoting a dumbed down version of Newsmax. Infact, after that tea party video I'm surprised that anyone gives them any credebility.

True enough about NewsMax...but unlike them Think Progress actually gives links to ALL the fact based information which supports their headlines. Newsmax has a nasty habit of trying to present opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. Big difference.

Now that being said, you've got an answer to the question I asked?

Dont change my quote. I'm sure that violates forum rules. Though I am sure your too lazy or perhaps ignorant of how you can break up quotes and respond accordingly. It makes life easeyer on both me and you. I am not goint to read that heap of trash that you posted when you butcherd my response.

Translation: this neocon blowhard was shown up for his intellectually dishonesty, so he grasps at any straw to try and cover his blunder. I did not alter one word of Publius post, I merely entered in my answer for an immediate read by the viewer....hence the different colored font. Nothing in the rules against that. Publius is such an intellectual coward that his excuses are even piss poor.

As far as Kloppingburg or whatever her name is goes, Conservatives are accustomed to contested elections not going their way. To be honest with you I was surprised that Prosser won. The norm has been that no matter what the lead that any conservative has he usually loses on the recount.

Ahh, now we're getting somewhere. In this case.....Prosser won by recount and the local election board reports that improvements in the system will be made. Kloppenburg had stated that whether she wins or loses, the people had to be reassured of the integrity of the voting system in Wisconsin.

I will never trust think progress nor are they or have they been a credeble source on anything. Especially after that tea party hit job they put out which was so obviously false once you looked at the clips that video came from. I furthermore, will not subscribe to death by over information. I will not go down the line and write you a damning essay that could be a book once finished refering to all that garbage that you put out. Pick one or two and defend it but you certainly are not going to waste my time.

Oh, and I had hoped Publius rationality would hold on...and then he degrades to the usual neocon/libertarian bullshit.

I was taught in school that in order to be informed you read EVERYTHING offered. That way, when people question you, you can honestly tell them the who, what, where, when, how and why you disagree with information from a source. Having an opinion about a particular website is all well and good, and you can rightly disagree with the political/social slant...but to automatically disgard the information contained sight unseen is a sign of a willfully ignorant person.

As the chronology of the posts shows, Publius loves to make declarative statements that he cannot back up factually or logically. Given information that factually and logically contradicts Publius opinions, he just ignores it and then blathers on as if his supposition and conjecture is a valid substitute in the discussion. Sadly, as any high school teacher will tell you, it's not.

I leave Publius to his excuses and childishly apparent attempt to smokescreen his inability to act mature and just admit he's wrong on a point.
Oh spare us all your BS, Benny. You read the question I asked your moronic compadres, but you ignored it to just spew your BS. But if you want to play games, fine....I'll officially ask you the question....if the situation in Wisconsin was reversed and Kloppenburg came out on top, would you be so accepting and compliant?

So stop acting like a P***Y, Benny....you can scream "liar" until doomsday...PROVING it in no uncertain terms, using facts and logic, is a whole other smoke.
Reading comprehension not your strong suit? I said i'ld answer your deflection when you copped to your lie... you haven't done so yet. Proving it is easy since you did it for me with your dumbassed "cronologies". So, dumbass, once again, go back in the thread and show us a post AFTER post 607 where you admitted that what you claimed in post 607 was a lie, then admit that you lied about lying about it, and that you lied about claiming to have admitted it was a lie after you lied about lying about it. Until you do, I won't be answering any deflections.

And there you have it folks.....Benny is just a bitter child who didn't like losing.
Losing what dumbass? last i checked it was your silly bitch Kloppenbagger who lost.
He keeps accusing me of lying, and yet to date he can't logically or factually proof I lied about anything (this goes to ANOTHER thread that has no relation to this one).
and now you compound the lie by lying about where you lied. It was in this thread in post 607 you lying sack of shit.
I basically proved Benny wrong factually and logically, and he didn't like it. Now he follows me around like a dog in heat looking for attention.
You've done nothing except prove once again that you're a lying sack of shit.

You lied in post 607 about the nature of the case claiming it was about vote tampering/fraud.
You then lied about lying in post 607 claiming you didn't (clearly you did, the case had nothing to do with vote anything)
You then lied about copping to your lies claiming you did citing a post before 607 as evedence of your admission (which of course is not possible since that lie--post 607-- hadn't been told yet.
You then lied about having ever lied to begin with even though you had already admitted that in a post previous to post 607 you lied
Now your lying claiming your lies were in a different thread (they're in this one dumbass---post 607)
You're also lying about me following you anywhere... as far as I know this is the only thread in which I've confronted your lies.

Bottom line: I asked a simple question here, Benny can't honestly answer it, so Benny just keeps lying to deflect his own inability to deal honestly and logically in a discussion.

You can repeat your nonsense until doomsday, Benny....but you have to PROVE that I lied. Since you can't do that, just grow the fuck up and answer the question I put forth here. If not, I'll just ignore your silly ass and watch you stamp your widdle feet and scream! :razz:
it's already been proven dumbass... just go back to post 607 and read your lie. Then follow the bouncing ball forward to all of your protestations and see if you EVER copped to your lie. (hint: you haven't).

Again liar... I'll answer your question when you admit that what you posted in post 607 was a lie, and that all of your protestations whether lying when you claimed to have admitted it or claiming you didn't lie about it were also lies.
Anytime Soros' puppets lose,it's time for jubilant celebration. Soros and the Democrats spent a ton of Money and time smearing Prosser. Yet they still lost. Gotta love it! WOO HOO!!!

Actually I loved it when Walker was nailed schmoozing on the phone with what he thought was a Koch brother...and musing as to how using saboteurs on legal protest rallies.
And yet more lies. He didn't discuss how to use anybody, he dismissed the idea.
Anytime Soros' puppets lose,it's time for jubilant celebration. Soros and the Democrats spent a ton of Money and time smearing Prosser. Yet they still lost. Gotta love it! WOO HOO!!!

Actually I loved it when Walker was nailed schmoozing on the phone with what he thought was a Koch brother...and musing as to how using saboteurs on legal protest rallies.
And yet more lies. He didn't discuss how to use anybody, he dismissed the idea.

Not quite, Benny boy...here's a transcript of the conversation transcript that you can check with any local paper or news service of good standing. That Walker didn't just flat out condemn the proposal speaks volumes of his mindset. Spin, my little Benny dervish, SPIN!

Murphy (posing as Koch): Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Walker: You know, the, well, the only problem with that — because we thought about that. The problem — the, my only gut reaction to that is right now the lawmakers I’ve talked to have just completely had it with them, the public is not really fond of this. The teachers union did some polling of focus groups, I think, and found out that the public turned on ’em the minute they closed school down for a couple days. The guys we’ve got left are largely from out of state, and I keep dismissing it in all my press conferences saying, ‘Eh, they’re mostly from out of state.’ My only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused is that that would scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has gotta settle to avoid all these problems. You know, whereas, I’ve said, ‘Hey, you know, we can handle this, people can protest. This is Madison, you know, full of the ’60s liberals. Let ’em protest.’ It’s not gonna affect us. And as long as we go back to our homes and the majority of the people are telling us we’re doing the right thing, let ’em protest all they want. Um, so that’s my gut reaction, is that I think it’s actually good if they’re constant, they’re noisy, but they’re quiet, nothing happens, ’cause sooner or later the media stops finding ’em interesting.

Transcript of prank Koch-Walker conversation

So in Walker's own words, he decided not to plant agitators among the protesters because it could backfire and work public opinion against his agenda. Walker's plan was that the protest would just fizzle out and he'd have his way. Recent history shows that is not the case.

So once again, Benny's distorted version of reality gets a humiliating kick in the crotch. :lol:

Oh, and you still didn't answer the question: if the political parties had been reversed in the situation, would YOU be so accepting and unquestioning of everything the winning party offered as explanations? (and to pre-empt your Benny bullshit, on Post #601 I stated, "I stand corrected on this one count, it's not "voter fraud" in the strict definition". Then Post 605, 607 and 610 show the world how insipidly stubborn you are Benny, as you try to change two different legal definitions with your supposition and conjecture to justify your personal interpretations that attempt to paint Nickolaus in a more favorable light...and you failed Benny).
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Its over....

Kloppy concedes...

Congrats to David Prosser....:clap2:

Kloppenburg concedes election to Prosser - JSOnline

Kloppenburg had stated that whether she won or lost, the people had to be assured of the integrity of the voting system. The recount DID bring about changes and improvements in the system.

As the chronology of the posts shows, Kloppenburg had more than a justifiable, legal right to enact the recount. Hopefully, a new gov't in Wisconsin will make sure that Nickolaus is kept away from ANY future voting procedures to avoid any of this nonsense in the future.

Now, let's see the GOP dance when the recall votes start coming in next year!

Oh, and you still didn't answer the question: if the political parties had been reversed in the situation, would YOU be so accepting and unquestioning of everything the winning party offered as explanations? :razz:
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Its over....

Kloppy concedes...

Congrats to David Prosser....:clap2:

Kloppenburg concedes election to Prosser - JSOnline

Kloppenburg had stated that whether she won or lost, the people had to be assured of the integrity of the voting system. The recount DID bring about changes and improvements in the system.

As the chronology of the posts shows, Kloppenburg had more than a justifiable, legal right to enact the recount. Hopefully, a new gov't in Wisconsin will make sure that Nickolaus is kept away from ANY future voting procedures to avoid any of this nonsense in the future.

Now, let's see the GOP dance when the recall votes start coming in next year!

Oh, and you still didn't answer the question: if the political parties had been reversed in the situation, would YOU be so accepting and unquestioning of everything the winning party offered as explanations? :razz:

I wonder if she would have been so worried about the integrity of the voting process if she had to pay for the recount in the first place. She certainly wasn't when it came time to pay for any further challenges.
Actually I loved it when Walker was nailed schmoozing on the phone with what he thought was a Koch brother...and musing as to how using saboteurs on legal protest rallies.
And yet more lies. He didn't discuss how to use anybody, he dismissed the idea.

Not quite, Benny boy...here's a transcript of the conversation transcript that you can check with any local paper or news service of good standing. That Walker didn't just flat out condemn the proposal speaks volumes of his mindset. Spin, my little Benny dervish, SPIN!
Saying you thought about something and dismissed it, is not "musing about" using it. Is it that you're just a congenital liar or is your reading comprehension just that poor?

Murphy (posing as Koch): Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Walker: You know, the, well, the only problem with that — because we thought about that. The problem — the, my only gut reaction to that is right now the lawmakers I’ve talked to have just completely had it with them, the public is not really fond of this. The teachers union did some polling of focus groups, I think, and found out that the public turned on ’em the minute they closed school down for a couple days. The guys we’ve got left are largely from out of state, and I keep dismissing it in all my press conferences saying, ‘Eh, they’re mostly from out of state.’ My only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused is that that would scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has gotta settle to avoid all these problems. You know, whereas, I’ve said, ‘Hey, you know, we can handle this, people can protest. This is Madison, you know, full of the ’60s liberals. Let ’em protest.’ It’s not gonna affect us. And as long as we go back to our homes and the majority of the people are telling us we’re doing the right thing, let ’em protest all they want. Um, so that’s my gut reaction, is that I think it’s actually good if they’re constant, they’re noisy, but they’re quiet, nothing happens, ’cause sooner or later the media stops finding ’em interesting.

Transcript of prank Koch-Walker conversation

So in Walker's own words, he decided not to plant agitators among the protesters because it could backfire and work public opinion against his agenda. Walker's plan was that the protest would just fizzle out and he'd have his way. Recent history shows that is not the case.
Really? You mean the protest haven't fizzled out and he hasn't gotten his way? Kloppenbagger did win? Not only are you a bad liar, you're also about a smart as a box of rocks. Stupid and dishonest is no way to go through life. I know you can't help stupid, so maybe you should try being honest.

So once again, Benny's distorted version of reality gets a humiliating kick in the crotch. :lol:
nope. The distortions are all yours.

Oh, and you still didn't answer the question: if the political parties had been reversed in the situation, would YOU be so accepting and unquestioning of everything the winning party offered as explanations? (and to pre-empt your Benny bullshit, on Post #601 I stated, "I stand corrected on this one count, it's not "voter fraud" in the strict definition".
and then in post 607 you said it was. Are you now claiming to have admitted lying 6 posts beforee you actually told the lie?
Then Post 605, 607 and 610 show the world how insipidly stubborn you are Benny, as you try to change two different legal definitions with your supposition and conjecture to justify your personal interpretations that attempt to paint Nickolaus in a more favorable light...and you failed Benny).
false dumbass, you just failed to realize that whistleblowers can be and are sometimes granted immunity and their request for a grant of immunity could be because their complicit, or could be just because they're not sure but think they might be.

That however is not the issue dumbass, the issue is you lying in post 607 which it is NOT possible for you to have admitted in post 601. Thanks again for proving my point yet again with your stupid assed and self incriminating cronology of events. And once again proving you're not only a liar, you're just plain stupid.

here you go you stupid ass lying sack of shit... this is what you siad in POST 607

crackyliberal said:
Bottom line: you have a woman who was granted immunity from prosecution in order to testify against others arrested for vote tampering

^^^That dumbass is a lie.^^^

last I checked dumbfuck 607 comes AFTER 601. The lie you admitted to in post 601 was a lie you told before post 601, not the lie you told in post 607.

When you admit you lied in post 607, and admit you've been lying about copping to it, lying about never having told it, lying about where you said it, and lying about me following you to this thread from any other....

I'll answer your stupid question. Do you want an answer bad enough to be honest?
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And yet more lies. He didn't discuss how to use anybody, he dismissed the idea.

Not quite, Benny boy...here's a transcript of the conversation transcript that you can check with any local paper or news service of good standing. That Walker didn't just flat out condemn the proposal speaks volumes of his mindset. Spin, my little Benny dervish, SPIN!
Saying you thought about something and dismissed it, is not "musing about" using it. Is it that you're just a congenital liar or is your reading comprehension just that poor?

Murphy (posing as Koch): Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Walker: You know, the, well, the only problem with that — because we thought about that. The problem — the, my only gut reaction to that is right now the lawmakers I’ve talked to have just completely had it with them, the public is not really fond of this. The teachers union did some polling of focus groups, I think, and found out that the public turned on ’em the minute they closed school down for a couple days. The guys we’ve got left are largely from out of state, and I keep dismissing it in all my press conferences saying, ‘Eh, they’re mostly from out of state.’ My only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused is that that would scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has gotta settle to avoid all these problems. You know, whereas, I’ve said, ‘Hey, you know, we can handle this, people can protest. This is Madison, you know, full of the ’60s liberals. Let ’em protest.’ It’s not gonna affect us. And as long as we go back to our homes and the majority of the people are telling us we’re doing the right thing, let ’em protest all they want. Um, so that’s my gut reaction, is that I think it’s actually good if they’re constant, they’re noisy, but they’re quiet, nothing happens, ’cause sooner or later the media stops finding ’em interesting.
Transcript of prank Koch-Walker conversation

So in Walker's own words, he decided not to plant agitators among the protesters because it could backfire and work public opinion against his agenda. Walker's plan was that the protest would just fizzle out and he'd have his way. Recent history shows that is not the case.
Really? You mean the protest haven't fizzled out and he hasn't gotten his way? Kloppenbagger did win? Not only are you a bad liar, you're also about a smart as a box of rocks. Stupid and dishonest is no way to go through life. I know you can't help stupid, so maybe you should try being honest.

The POINT was that Walker and his cronies put dirty tactics on the table....an honest politician would not. Benny had stated Walker NEVER contemplated such and dismissed it (alluding to moral grounds. The REALITY was Walker decided against it because it might backfire and force him to capitulate. Once again, Benny displays the disingenuous and dishonest mindset of the neocon/teabagger toadie. Once again, Benny makes the insane accusation that I'm lying, when the FACTS show Benny's credibility, rationality and basic common sense to be in question.

So once again, Benny's distorted version of reality gets a humiliating kick in the crotch.

nope. The distortions are all yours. Only in your deluded little mind, Benny boy. The FACTS in the chronology of the posts shows Benny's insipid stubborness, willful ignorance and general dishonesty.

Oh, and you still didn't answer the question: if the political parties had been reversed in the situation, would YOU be so accepting and unquestioning of everything the winning party offered as explanations? (and to pre-empt your Benny bullshit, on Post #601 I stated, "I stand corrected on this one count, it's not "voter fraud" in the strict definition".

and then in post 607 you said it was. Are you now claiming to have admitted lying 6 posts beforee you actually told the lie?

All you have to do is produce THE EXACT QUOTE where I state as you say in no uncertain terms, Benny Boy. No one is interested in your oft repeated attempts to substitute your supposition and conjecture for FACTS. Produce the quote or go blow smoke somewhere else, Benny Boy.

Then Post 605, 607 and 610 show the world how insipidly stubborn you are Benny, as you try to change two different legal definitions with your supposition and conjecture to justify your personal interpretations that attempt to paint Nickolaus in a more favorable light...and you failed Benny).

false dumbass, Describing yourself, Benny Boy? We already know this, but confession is good for the soul, I hear. you just failed to realize that whistleblowers can be and are sometimes granted immunity and their request for a grant of immunity could be because their complicit, or could be just because they're not sure but think they might be.

More of Benny's suppositon and conjecture that the deluded fool thinks is FACT. Bottom line, the Whistleblower's law protects the whistleblower for undo retaliation and prosecution from the people he's blowing the whistle on. If that person were complicit in the crime and decided to cop a plea, then they are NOT granted whistleblower's protection, but granted immunity from prosecution to testify.....TWO SEPARATE STATUES OF LAW. Benny's bullshit about Nickolaus is just that, bullshit born of wishful thinking on Benny's part. Nickolaus came to the attention of the cops during the course of the investigation...she DID NOT volunteer to come to the cops as a whistleblower. A matter of fact and history that Benny is hell bent to revise to his liking. Benny fails again.

That however is not the issue dumbass, Benny's projecting again, folks. the issue is you lying in post 607 which it is NOT possible for you to have admitted in post 601. Thanks again for proving my point yet again with your stupid assed and self incriminating cronology of events. And once again proving you're not only a liar, you're just plain stupid.

All you have to do is produce THE EXACT QUOTE where I state as you say in no uncertain terms, Benny Boy. No one is interested in your oft repeated attempts to substitute your supposition and conjecture for FACTS. Produce the quote or go blow smoke somewhere else, Benny Boy.

here you go you stupid ass lying sack of shit... this is what you siad in POST 607

crackyliberal said:
Bottom line: you have a woman who was granted immunity from prosecution in order to testify against others arrested for vote tampering

^^^That dumbass is a lie.^^^

last I checked dumbfuck 607 comes AFTER 601. The lie you admitted to in post 601 was a lie you told before post 601, not the lie you told in post 607.

When you admit you lied in post 607, and admit you've been lying about copping to it, lying about never having told it, lying about where you said it, and lying about me following you to this thread from any other....

I'll answer your stupid question. Do you want an answer bad enough to be honest?

Vote tampering is not exactly "voter fraud" you ignorant lout. This is why I stated that I was wrong to state that the jokers Nickolaus was involved in were guilty of "voter fraud".

In 2001, Nickolaus was granted immunity to testify about her role as a computer analyst for the Assembly Republican Caucus, then under investigation - along with the Senate Republican Caucus and the Democratic caucuses for both houses - for using state resources to secretly run campaigns.

Nickolaus, who worked for seven years as a data analyst and computer specialist for the Assembly Republican caucus, headed up an effort to develop a computer program that averaged the performance of Republicans in statewide races by ward.
During some of that time, Prosser served as Assembly Speaker, meaning he was essentially her boss.

Prosser, who was speaker of the Assembly in 1995 and 1996 and controlled the Republican caucus, was not part of the investigation.

Nickolaus resigned from her state job in 2002 shortly before launching her county clerk campaign.

New count gives Prosser lead after Waukesha County inputting error

You're the computer analyst screwing around with campaign performance records, that's screwing around with the records of how people are perceived to vote, how they respond to polls, projections on voting districts and how they are leaning, etc. That's tampering with voter information, plain and simple.

But now, Benny will spin this tidbit until kingdom come, because Benny is just too damned willfully ignorant to admit/recognize when he's wrong on a point. Subsequently, Benny is too much of a coward to answer a simple quesiton...if the situation were reveresed and Kloppenburg won, would Benny be so acquiescent?

I expect just more dodging and BS from Benny, folks.....
Its over....

Kloppy concedes...

Congrats to David Prosser....:clap2:

Kloppenburg concedes election to Prosser - JSOnline

Kloppenburg had stated that whether she won or lost, the people had to be assured of the integrity of the voting system. The recount DID bring about changes and improvements in the system.

As the chronology of the posts shows, Kloppenburg had more than a justifiable, legal right to enact the recount. Hopefully, a new gov't in Wisconsin will make sure that Nickolaus is kept away from ANY future voting procedures to avoid any of this nonsense in the future.

Now, let's see the GOP dance when the recall votes start coming in next year!

Oh, and you still didn't answer the question: if the political parties had been reversed in the situation, would YOU be so accepting and unquestioning of everything the winning party offered as explanations? :razz:

I wonder if she would have been so worried about the integrity of the voting process if she had to pay for the recount in the first place. She certainly wasn't when it came time to pay for any further challenges.

Notice how our intellectually coward Windbag STILL won't answer the question! :razz:

Bottom line: Wisconsin LAW gave Kloppenburg the right to pertition for the recount....she got it under the LAW. If there was no money for such, then the State would have long ago removed such a statute and stipulated that a candidate had to fund such themselves....a stupid notion that only a stupid person, such as our Quantum Windbag, would propose.

Neocon toadies like the Windbag will scurry to any corner rather than just answer a simple question honestly.
Kloppenburg had stated that whether she won or lost, the people had to be assured of the integrity of the voting system. The recount DID bring about changes and improvements in the system.

As the chronology of the posts shows, Kloppenburg had more than a justifiable, legal right to enact the recount. Hopefully, a new gov't in Wisconsin will make sure that Nickolaus is kept away from ANY future voting procedures to avoid any of this nonsense in the future.

Now, let's see the GOP dance when the recall votes start coming in next year!

Oh, and you still didn't answer the question: if the political parties had been reversed in the situation, would YOU be so accepting and unquestioning of everything the winning party offered as explanations? :razz:

I wonder if she would have been so worried about the integrity of the voting process if she had to pay for the recount in the first place. She certainly wasn't when it came time to pay for any further challenges.

Notice how our intellectually coward Windbag STILL won't answer the question! :razz:

Bottom line: Wisconsin LAW gave Kloppenburg the right to pertition for the recount....she got it under the LAW. If there was no money for such, then the State would have long ago removed such a statute and stipulated that a candidate had to fund such themselves....a stupid notion that only a stupid person, such as our Quantum Windbag, would propose.

Neocon toadies like the Windbag will scurry to any corner rather than just answer a simple question honestly.

Are you talking about the question I answered pages ago? Do you see me whining about NY-26?

Wisconsin law allows her to take it to court too, if she ponies up the cash. Bottom line, the only reason she challenged the vote is she knew she did not have to pay for it.
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I have never been a fan of electing the judiciary. It is contradictory to the institution of an independent judiciary. If judicial law is subject to re-election, how can it be paramount?
taichiliberal;3713664[COLOR="Red" said:
Vote tampering is not exactly "voter fraud" you ignorant lout. This is why I stated that I was wrong to state that the jokers Nickolaus was involved in were guilty of "voter fraud".
That would be correct, vote tampering is the act of changing the OFFICIAL numbers of votes in an election, voter fraud is the act of a person voting illegally. Neither of which was an issue in any investigation. You lied... you continue to lie.

HAD BENNY ACTUALLY DONE HIS HOMEWORK, HE WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT[/COLOR] In 2001, Nickolaus was granted immunity to testify about her role as a computer analyst for the Assembly Republican Caucus, then under investigation - along with the Senate Republican Caucus and the Democratic caucuses for both houses - for using state resources to secretly run campaigns.
This dumbass is what the investigation was about, state workers working on campaigns during state time.

Nickolaus, who worked for seven years as a data analyst and computer specialist for the Assembly Republican caucus, headed up an effort to develop a computer program that averaged the performance of Republicans in statewide races by ward.
During some of that time, Prosser served as Assembly Speaker, meaning he was essentially her boss.

Prosser, who was speaker of the Assembly in 1995 and 1996 and controlled the Republican caucus, was not part of the investigation.

Nickolaus resigned from her state job in 2002 shortly before launching her county clerk campaign.
none of which constitute vote tampering. She created programs that analyzed voting patterns, she did not tamper with votes.

New count gives Prosser lead after Waukesha County inputting error

You're the computer analyst screwing around with campaign performance records, that's screwing around with the records of how people are perceived to vote, how they respond to polls, projections on voting districts and how they are leaning, etc. That's tampering with voter information, plain and simple.
It's analyzing it you dumbfuck, not tampering with anything. The investigation had nothing to do with her analyzing public information, it had to do with her working for the GOP caucus on state time. Her work for the caucus did not change (tamper with) one fucking vote, it analyzed voting patterns. Political parties do it all the time, they should, it's information they can use to target their campaign messages into areas where they will have the best effect.

I do notice you're completely intellectually dishonest attempt to change the charge from "vote tampering" (an illegal act) to "tampering with voter information", which would be voter fraud if she actually did that since to tamper with voter information you have to change the voters official registration information. Simply analyzing publicly available data isn't tampering with anything you moron.

But now, Benny will spin this tidbit until kingdom come, because Benny is just too damned willfully ignorant to admit/recognize when he's wrong on a point. Subsequently, Benny is too much of a coward to answer a simple quesiton...if the situation were reversed and Kloppenburg won, would Benny be so acquiescent?

I expect just more dodging and BS from Benny, folks.....
Why would I dodge pointing out how amazingly stupid and dishonest you are? There are a few possibilities here...

1. You're just too damned stupid to know the difference between analyzing data and vote tampering.
2. You know what it is but refuse to acknowledge the truth because you've painted yourself to far into a corner to get out (you're a liar)
3. Both (which you've made clear is the case, you are stupid and a liar)

I'll comment on the rest of your drivel when you learn how to use the "quote function". I'm not going to go through my own post to parse out your stupid crap.

And once again, when you ADMIT that what you posted in post 607 is a lie, and that all of your protestations since then are lies, I'll answer your question.

Do you want an answer bad enough to be honest?

Now, grow some fucking balls and just admit that what you said in post 607 was a lie. I mean hell, you've unwittingly posted all of the information that proves it was a lie in a rather bizarre attempt to support it, so it shouldn't be difficult to admit it.
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Not quite, Benny boy...here's a transcript of the conversation transcript that you can check with any local paper or news service of good standing. That Walker didn't just flat out condemn the proposal speaks volumes of his mindset. Spin, my little Benny dervish, SPIN!
Saying you thought about something and dismissed it, is not "musing about" using it. Is it that you're just a congenital liar or is your reading comprehension just that poor?

Murphy (posing as Koch): Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Really? You mean the protest haven't fizzled out and he hasn't gotten his way? Kloppenbagger did win? Not only are you a bad liar, you're also about a smart as a box of rocks. Stupid and dishonest is no way to go through life. I know you can't help stupid, so maybe you should try being honest.

The POINT was that Walker and his cronies put dirty tactics on the table....an honest politician would not. Benny had stated Walker NEVER contemplated such and dismissed it (alluding to moral grounds. The REALITY was Walker decided against it because it might backfire and force him to capitulate. Once again, Benny displays the disingenuous and dishonest mindset of the neocon/teabagger toadie. Once again, Benny makes the insane accusation that I'm lying, when the FACTS show Benny's credibility, rationality and basic common sense to be in question.

nope. The distortions are all yours. Only in your deluded little mind, Benny boy. The FACTS in the chronology of the posts shows Benny's insipid stubborness, willful ignorance and general dishonesty.

and then in post 607 you said it was. Are you now claiming to have admitted lying 6 posts beforee you actually told the lie?

All you have to do is produce THE EXACT QUOTE where I state as you say in no uncertain terms, Benny Boy. No one is interested in your oft repeated attempts to substitute your supposition and conjecture for FACTS. Produce the quote or go blow smoke somewhere else, Benny Boy.

false dumbass, Describing yourself, Benny Boy? We already know this, but confession is good for the soul, I hear. you just failed to realize that whistleblowers can be and are sometimes granted immunity and their request for a grant of immunity could be because their complicit, or could be just because they're not sure but think they might be.

More of Benny's suppositon and conjecture that the deluded fool thinks is FACT. Bottom line, the Whistleblower's law protects the whistleblower for undo retaliation and prosecution from the people he's blowing the whistle on. If that person were complicit in the crime and decided to cop a plea, then they are NOT granted whistleblower's protection, but granted immunity from prosecution to testify.....TWO SEPARATE STATUES OF LAW. Benny's bullshit about Nickolaus is just that, bullshit born of wishful thinking on Benny's part. Nickolaus came to the attention of the cops during the course of the investigation...she DID NOT volunteer to come to the cops as a whistleblower. A matter of fact and history that Benny is hell bent to revise to his liking. Benny fails again.

That however is not the issue dumbass, Benny's projecting again, folks. the issue is you lying in post 607 which it is NOT possible for you to have admitted in post 601. Thanks again for proving my point yet again with your stupid assed and self incriminating cronology of events. And once again proving you're not only a liar, you're just plain stupid.

All you have to do is produce THE EXACT QUOTE where I state as you say in no uncertain terms, Benny Boy. No one is interested in your oft repeated attempts to substitute your supposition and conjecture for FACTS. Produce the quote or go blow smoke somewhere else, Benny Boy.

here you go you stupid ass lying sack of shit... this is what you siad in POST 607

crackyliberal said:
Bottom line: you have a woman who was granted immunity from prosecution in order to testify against others arrested for vote tampering

^^^That dumbass is a lie.^^^

last I checked dumbfuck 607 comes AFTER 601. The lie you admitted to in post 601 was a lie you told before post 601, not the lie you told in post 607.

When you admit you lied in post 607, and admit you've been lying about copping to it, lying about never having told it, lying about where you said it, and lying about me following you to this thread from any other....

I'll answer your stupid question. Do you want an answer bad enough to be honest?

Vote tampering is not exactly "voter fraud" you ignorant lout. This is why I stated that I was wrong to state that the jokers Nickolaus was involved in were guilty of "voter fraud".

In 2001, Nickolaus was granted immunity to testify about her role as a computer analyst for the Assembly Republican Caucus, then under investigation - along with the Senate Republican Caucus and the Democratic caucuses for both houses - for using state resources to secretly run campaigns.

Nickolaus, who worked for seven years as a data analyst and computer specialist for the Assembly Republican caucus, headed up an effort to develop a computer program that averaged the performance of Republicans in statewide races by ward.
During some of that time, Prosser served as Assembly Speaker, meaning he was essentially her boss.

Prosser, who was speaker of the Assembly in 1995 and 1996 and controlled the Republican caucus, was not part of the investigation.

Nickolaus resigned from her state job in 2002 shortly before launching her county clerk campaign.

New count gives Prosser lead after Waukesha County inputting error

You're the computer analyst screwing around with campaign performance records, that's screwing around with the records of how people are perceived to vote, how they respond to polls, projections on voting districts and how they are leaning, etc. That's tampering with voter information, plain and simple.

But now, Benny will spin this tidbit until kingdom come, because Benny is just too damned willfully ignorant to admit/recognize when he's wrong on a point. Subsequently, Benny is too much of a coward to answer a simple quesiton...if the situation were reveresed and Kloppenburg won, would Benny be so acquiescent?

I expect just more dodging and BS from Benny, folks.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK-Dqj4fHmM&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Classic Movie Line #4‬‏[/ame]
I have never been a fan of electing the judiciary. It is contradictory to the institution of an independent judiciary. If judicial law is subject to re-election, how can it be paramount?
I think probobly most people agree with this, I think probobly politicians are afriad to change it because of the demogoguery the minority who support it would attack them with.
I wonder if she would have been so worried about the integrity of the voting process if she had to pay for the recount in the first place. She certainly wasn't when it came time to pay for any further challenges.

Notice how our intellectually coward Windbag STILL won't answer the question! :razz:

Bottom line: Wisconsin LAW gave Kloppenburg the right to pertition for the recount....she got it under the LAW. If there was no money for such, then the State would have long ago removed such a statute and stipulated that a candidate had to fund such themselves....a stupid notion that only a stupid person, such as our Quantum Windbag, would propose.

Neocon toadies like the Windbag will scurry to any corner rather than just answer a simple question honestly.

Are you talking about the question I answered pages ago? Do you see me whining about NY-26?

If you answered the question honestly and straight forward, I must have either missed it, forgotten it, or confused you with another neocon numbskull. I'll check it just to make sure.

And there's no comparison between NY-26 and Wisconsin, you silly Windbag. NY-26 is where the neocon GOP got it's ass handed to them for embracing the teabaggers and Ryan's budget BS. Wisconsin had a politico crony with a dubious past in elections involved AGAIN in questionable actions. Big difference that any rational, intelligent person can see.

Wisconsin law allows her to take it to court too, if she ponies up the cash. Bottom line, the only reason she challenged the vote is she knew she did not have to pay for it.

Bottom line: supposition and conjecture by a Quantum Windbag who doesn't have the cojones to admit that Kloppenburg had more than probable cause and a legal right to take the avenue she did. The results are in, and as she stated, she accepted them. End of story.
taichiliberal;3713664[COLOR="Red" said:
Vote tampering is not exactly "voter fraud" you ignorant lout. This is why I stated that I was wrong to state that the jokers Nickolaus was involved in were guilty of "voter fraud".
That would be correct, vote tampering is the act of changing the OFFICIAL numbers of votes in an election, voter fraud is the act of a person voting illegally. Neither of which was an issue in any investigation. You lied... you continue to lie.

Nickolaus was in charge of the computer tally of potential voters for the GOP in a primary/standard election season, you simpleton! If the GOP members were guilty of illegal use of funds during their (secret) campaigns, and Nickolaus was part of screwing with those numbers, then that's tampering with the official numbers of GOP voters. Got that bunky? This is why the cops investigating the GOP officials were looking at Nicolaus as a person of interest, and offered her (or her lawyer requested) immunity from prosecution for her testimony.....and people were convicted.

The only liar here, Benny is YOU. Either that or you're truly stupid and can't comprehend the facts, or your just another willfully ignorant and stubborn neocon flunkie.

HAD BENNY ACTUALLY DONE HIS HOMEWORK, HE WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT[/COLOR] In 2001, Nickolaus was granted immunity to testify about her role as a computer analyst for the Assembly Republican Caucus, then under investigation - along with the Senate Republican Caucus and the Democratic caucuses for both houses - for using state resources to secretly run campaigns.
This dumbass is what the investigation was about, state workers working on campaigns during state time.

none of which constitute vote tampering. She created programs that analyzed voting patterns, she did not tamper with votes.

Really? Who says so? YOU? "Secret campaign" isn't about paying extra state workers for illegal work on a campaign, and that doesn't require a computer analyst, just an accountant with questionable morals. Campaigns are about voters, potential voters, demographics, etc. You fuck with those numbers in any shape, form or pattern, and you are tampering with voting results, you blithering idiot. See Benny, YOU keep trying to push you're incredibly absurd assumptions/suppostion and conjecture as FACT, while ignoring the actual FACTS of the case at hand...and you look the damned Benny fool doing it every time. But hey, all fucked up neocon zealots take their BS over reality, so I expect nothing less from our Benny boy.

New count gives Prosser lead after Waukesha County inputting error

You're the computer analyst screwing around with campaign performance records, that's screwing around with the records of how people are perceived to vote, how they respond to polls, projections on voting districts and how they are leaning, etc. That's tampering with voter information, plain and simple.
It's analyzing it you dumbfuck, not tampering with anything. The investigation had nothing to do with her analyzing public information, it had to do with her working for the GOP caucus on state time. Her work for the caucus did not change (tamper with) one fucking vote, it analyzed voting patterns. Political parties do it all the time, they should, it's information they can use to target their campaign messages into areas where they will have the best effect.

Analyzing a "secret campaign" isn't SOP, my Benny buffoon. It's not SOP for a political party to run a "secret campaign" using state personnel to do God knows what to the data obtained in the field. That COMPROMISES the integrity of the information....conflict of interest, questionable practices, etc. This is why there was an investigation, and indictments and convictions....and why Nickolaus took an immunity from prosecution deal. IF she was just analyzing data and was not aware of the shennanigans, she would have either blown the whistle or just testified as a witness. Bottom line: your fabricated scenario has NOTHING to do with the FACTS, Benny boy, because you sure as hell cannot produce any documents that back up your supposition and conjecture.

I do notice you're completely intellectually dishonest attempt to change the charge from "vote tampering" (an illegal act) to "tampering with voter information", which would be voter fraud if she actually did that since to tamper with voter information you have to change the voters official registration information. Simply analyzing publicly available data isn't tampering with anything you moron.

Folks, look at my responses above. Benny is such a pathetic liar and intellectually dishonest person that he actually believes repeating is erroneous opinions and convoluted logic will make them viable. Only Benny would be stupid enough to try and split a hair and then claim different roots.

But now, Benny will spin this tidbit until kingdom come, because Benny is just too damned willfully ignorant to admit/recognize when he's wrong on a point. Subsequently, Benny is too much of a coward to answer a simple quesiton...if the situation were reversed and Kloppenburg won, would Benny be so acquiescent?

I expect just more dodging and BS from Benny, folks.....
Why would I dodge pointing out how amazingly stupid and dishonest you are? There are a few possibilities here...

And here's where Benny yet again treats his fabrications, supposition and conjecture as viable fact to be built upon. Benny is one delusional little fool. Let's watch him dance.....

1. You're just too damned stupid to know the difference between analyzing data and vote tampering. Benny's opinion that the chronology of the posts does not support.2. You know what it is but refuse to acknowledge the truth because you've painted yourself to far into a corner to get out (you're a liar) Benny's opinion that the chronology of the posts does not support.
3. Both (which you've made clear is the case, you are stupid and a liar) Benny's opinion that the chronology of the posts does not support.

I'll comment on the rest of your drivel when you learn how to use the "quote function". I'm not going to go through my own post to parse out your stupid crap.

An excuse used by intellectually dishonest neocon toadies like Benny, because my technique keeps fresh in the mind of the reader how much of a POS Benny is in a debate.

And once again, when you ADMIT that what you posted in post 607 is a lie, and that all of your protestations since then are lies, I'll answer your question.

Do you want an answer bad enough to be honest?

Now, grow some fucking balls and just admit that what you said in post 607 was a lie. I mean hell, you've unwittingly posted all of the information that proves it was a lie in a rather bizarre attempt to support it, so it shouldn't be difficult to admit it.

Typical ploy of the intellectually dishonest neocon toadie...Benny IGNORES the facts for his own opinion and interpretation of law and history, and then wants people to accept and abide by his version as reality, and will just repeat himself ad nauseum. Pity Benny hasn't realized that nonsense didn't work for Rove in 2008 or in 2010.

As you can see folks, I took Benny to task and proved him to be just a frustrated, dishonest child with delusions of mature intellect. Benny's finished, but like all dishonest neocon toadies, Benny just has to have the last word, as Benny feels repeating a lie will magically make it true. I leave him to it.
saying you thought about something and dismissed it, is not "musing about" using it. Is it that you're just a congenital liar or is your reading comprehension just that poor?

Murphy (posing as koch): Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Really? You mean the protest haven't fizzled out and he hasn't gotten his way? Kloppenbagger did win? Not only are you a bad liar, you're also about a smart as a box of rocks. Stupid and dishonest is no way to go through life. I know you can't help stupid, so maybe you should try being honest.

the point was that walker and his cronies put dirty tactics on the table....an honest politician would not. Benny had stated walker never contemplated such and dismissed it (alluding to moral grounds. The reality was walker decided against it because it might backfire and force him to capitulate. Once again, benny displays the disingenuous and dishonest mindset of the neocon/teabagger toadie. Once again, benny makes the insane accusation that i'm lying, when the facts show benny's credibility, rationality and basic common sense to be in question.

nope. The distortions are all yours. only in your deluded little mind, benny boy. The facts in the chronology of the posts shows benny's insipid stubborness, willful ignorance and general dishonesty.

and then in post 607 you said it was. Are you now claiming to have admitted lying 6 posts beforee you actually told the lie?

all you have to do is produce the exact quote where i state as you say in no uncertain terms, benny boy. No one is interested in your oft repeated attempts to substitute your supposition and conjecture for facts. Produce the quote or go blow smoke somewhere else, benny boy.

false dumbass, describing yourself, benny boy? We already know this, but confession is good for the soul, i hear. you just failed to realize that whistleblowers can be and are sometimes granted immunity and their request for a grant of immunity could be because their complicit, or could be just because they're not sure but think they might be.

more of benny's suppositon and conjecture that the deluded fool thinks is fact. Bottom line, the whistleblower's law protects the whistleblower for undo retaliation and prosecution from the people he's blowing the whistle on. If that person were complicit in the crime and decided to cop a plea, then they are not granted whistleblower's protection, but granted immunity from prosecution to testify.....two separate statues of law. Benny's bullshit about nickolaus is just that, bullshit born of wishful thinking on benny's part. Nickolaus came to the attention of the cops during the course of the investigation...she did not volunteer to come to the cops as a whistleblower. A matter of fact and history that benny is hell bent to revise to his liking. Benny fails again.

that however is not the issue dumbass, benny's projecting again, folks. the issue is you lying in post 607 which it is not possible for you to have admitted in post 601. Thanks again for proving my point yet again with your stupid assed and self incriminating cronology of events. And once again proving you're not only a liar, you're just plain stupid.

all you have to do is produce the exact quote where i state as you say in no uncertain terms, benny boy. No one is interested in your oft repeated attempts to substitute your supposition and conjecture for facts. Produce the quote or go blow smoke somewhere else, benny boy.

here you go you stupid ass lying sack of shit... This is what you siad in post 607

^^^that dumbass is a lie.^^^

last i checked dumbfuck 607 comes after 601. The lie you admitted to in post 601 was a lie you told before post 601, not the lie you told in post 607.

When you admit you lied in post 607, and admit you've been lying about copping to it, lying about never having told it, lying about where you said it, and lying about me following you to this thread from any other....

I'll answer your stupid question. Do you want an answer bad enough to be honest?

vote tampering is not exactly "voter fraud" you ignorant lout. This is why i stated that i was wrong to state that the jokers nickolaus was involved in were guilty of "voter fraud".

Had benny actually done his homework, he would have known that
in 2001, nickolaus was granted immunity to testify about her role as a computer analyst for the assembly republican caucus, then under investigation - along with the senate republican caucus and the democratic caucuses for both houses - for using state resources to secretly run campaigns.

nickolaus, who worked for seven years as a data analyst and computer specialist for the assembly republican caucus, headed up an effort to develop a computer program that averaged the performance of republicans in statewide races by ward.
during some of that time, prosser served as assembly speaker, meaning he was essentially her boss.

Prosser, who was speaker of the assembly in 1995 and 1996 and controlled the republican caucus, was not part of the investigation.

Nickolaus resigned from her state job in 2002 shortly before launching her county clerk campaign.

new count gives prosser lead after waukesha county inputting error

you're the computer analyst screwing around with campaign performance records, that's screwing around with the records of how people are perceived to vote, how they respond to polls, projections on voting districts and how they are leaning, etc. That's tampering with voter information, plain and simple.

But now, benny will spin this tidbit until kingdom come, because benny is just too damned willfully ignorant to admit/recognize when he's wrong on a point. Subsequently, benny is too much of a coward to answer a simple quesiton...if the situation were reveresed and kloppenburg won, would benny be so acquiescent?

I expect just more dodging and bs from benny, folks.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk-dqj4fhmm&feature=related]youtube - ‪classic movie line #4‬‏[/ame]

translation: Del doesn't have the brains or the cojones to debate the issue rationally.

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