Wisconsin legislature increases democracy for the people by limiting leftist governors power

Yeah, no. Sore losers want to redefine the job they just LOST.

And that's fraud, because the voters voted for a Governor as it was defined on election day, not how it would be redefined before the winner gets a single day in the office he was elected to.

Michigan is trying to pull the same shit right now. It's another version of gerrymandering/fixing the crap table. This one is executed AFTER the election. Which is fraud.

Two years ago they pulled this shit in North Carolina, where the Republican was unseated and refused to leave until he was forced to. Then the leg stepped in and started trying to monkey up the definition of Governor here as well.

("Monkey up" --- it's a term. Goes back months)

Oh and these state gov changes got put on the ballot in referendum questions. And to each one the voters said, "FUCK NO".

All the former governors campaigned against it. Including the last one who got unseated.

So that's all it is -- sore losers. An organized group of the kid who struck out on the ball field and starts crying "THAT DIDN'T COUNT! WAAAHH!"

Hold an election, lose it, and then change the definition of what the election was for? FRAUD. Sorry, there ain't no way to spin this shit. :eusa_hand:

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