Winy Walmart Employees..


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
So you have to fucking work. Look how many service men/women at war who work all the fucking holidays and also miss the birth of their children, birthdays, Christmas , Easter, deaths and illness in their family .. Quit your bitching and put your big boy and girl pants on and do your fucking job!
Fuck off. To all of you who think you are perfect and never have a grammar error. Go live in your perfect world and go fuck yourself
Let them protest. Hire some people that want to work. There are PLENTY! well at least 53% of the population hehe
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Fuck off.. You lazy ugly BITCH. Did not know my husband working 25 years is leaching.. You are the biggest BITCh on the board.


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I was a military brat, a military wife and now a military mom and have been separated from my family members for months at a time. My mom, sister and I worked in the medical field and didn't always get holidays off. WalMart people should be grateful to even have a job in this crappy economy. If they'd like to quit their jobs, I am sure people will line up to take their place.


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So you have to fucking work. Look how many service men/women at war who work all the fucking holidays and also miss the birth of their children, birthdays, Christmas , Easter, deaths and illness in their family .. Quit your bitching and put your big boy and girl pants on and do your fucking job!

Equating Wal-Mart employees with our military personnel.

Nice way to show repect for our service men and women.
So you have to fucking work. Look how many service men/women at war who work all the fucking holidays and also miss the birth of their children, birthdays, Christmas , Easter, deaths and illness in their family .. Quit your bitching and put your big boy and girl pants on and do your fucking job!

Don't blame Walmart employees. It's agitating brown shirt fascist union thugs who are responsible for the (100 out of two million?) employees who are spitting in the eye of people who pay their wages and benefits.
So you have to fucking work. Look how many service men/women at war who work all the fucking holidays and also miss the birth of their children, birthdays, Christmas , Easter, deaths and illness in their family .. Quit your bitching and put your big boy and girl pants on and do your fucking job!

Seriously, who in the Hell did they think they were applying to when they filled out the initial forms? I believe there's even a place on there that ASKS, "Are you willing to work weekends and holidays?" What did they THINK would happen when they checked, "Yes"? And they DID check it, or WalMart wouldn't have hired them.

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