WINNING ! Senate confirms eight Trump court picks in three days


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This is the single best thing (long lasting) about the Trump admin.

The Senate confirmed eight of President Trump's court picks this week, underscoring the rapid pace the GOP-controlled chamber has set on judicial nominations.

The confirmations came in back-to-back days with one district court nominee confirmed on Tuesday, five on Wednesday and two on Thursday.

The votes bring the total number of judicial confirmations for Trump to 170 nominations since taking office in January 2017.

Senate confirms eight Trump court picks in three days
Now, if only Ginsburg would expire, a seat in the SCOTUS would open up a seat for Trump to fill. Of course, the left would produce someone that would claim any and all Trump nominees to the SCOTUS had committed some unverifiable sexual assault when a teen.
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And it won't stop people from fucking screwing who they wish to screw and being who they wish to be. Keep pounding that table little man. lol
And it won't stop people from fucking screwing who they wish to screw and being who they wish to be. Keep pounding that table little man. lol

Crawl back in your hole. Libtard. Your Obama was too lazy to fill them and left them for Hillary but she got stomped by President Trump. Sucks for you. He will make all 200 plus openings Obama left. Once Ginesburg’s double doesn’t cut it anymore he will make another Supreme Court Justice. Then when the other Democrat who’s old and sick retires he will make another. Sucks you Demtards can’t do shit about it.

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Now, if only Ginsburg would expire, a seat in the SCOTUS would open up a seat for Trump to fill. Of course, the left would produce someone that would claim any and all Trump nominees to the SCOTUS had committed some unverifiable sexual assault when a teen.

We shouldn't be wishing for her death, but she does need to step down.
When you are the president and your greatest achievement is giving McConnell a list of names to put on the court, you’ve been a fucking failure.

The willingness of “conservatives” to openly talk about making our courts partisan is funny.

We will likely spend a few minutes discussing the failed Trump presidency on this evening’s broadcast.

Call in and tell us how much you love him.

Worlds Collide Ep. 6 - How Was Your Bird?
This is the single best thing (long lasting) about the Trump admin.
You are right...Trump won! But America lost...for the lifetimes of several of Trump's choices compounded by a flunky Senate. Did you read the ABA assessments of the amateurs confirmed that have never tried a case, never took a deposition? And you call that winning.
I hope your doctor got his degree the same way these judges got their sucking up and skipping the education or experience to qualify.
This is the single best thing (long lasting) about the Trump admin.
You are right...Trump won! But America lost...for the lifetimes of several of Trump's choices compounded by a flunky Senate. Did you read the ABA assessments of the amateurs confirmed that have never tried a case, never took a deposition? And you call that winning.
I hope your doctor got his degree the same way these judges got their sucking up and skipping the education or experience to qualify.

Partisan Dimocrats and the American Bar Association don't like them, well what a shock.
This is the single best thing (long lasting) about the Trump admin.

The Senate confirmed eight of President Trump's court picks this week, underscoring the rapid pace the GOP-controlled chamber has set on judicial nominations.

The confirmations came in back-to-back days with one district court nominee confirmed on Tuesday, five on Wednesday and two on Thursday.

The votes bring the total number of judicial confirmations for Trump to 170 nominations since taking office in January 2017.

Senate confirms eight Trump court picks in three days

This is the single best thing (long lasting) about the Trump admin.

The Senate confirmed eight of President Trump's court picks this week, underscoring the rapid pace the GOP-controlled chamber has set on judicial nominations.

The confirmations came in back-to-back days with one district court nominee confirmed on Tuesday, five on Wednesday and two on Thursday.

The votes bring the total number of judicial confirmations for Trump to 170 nominations since taking office in January 2017.

Senate confirms eight Trump court picks in three days

170 to date! 2 more for the 9th Circuit due next week.

A federal appeals court on Thursday lifted several injunctions that were blocking the Trump administration’s rule restricting immigration eligibility for individuals deemed likely to become public charges.

“Public charge” denotes immigrants who are likely to require government assistance, such as food stamps or Medicaid. The Trump administration had moved to restrict the number of new immigrants who would require such assistance, but several courts blocked the rule in October before it could take effect.

In its 2-1 decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed preliminary injunctions against the administration’s rule from federal courts in Washington and California. The rule is still blocked nationwide by courts in Maryland and New York, which the decision by the Ninth Circuit do not overturn.

“The phrase [“public charge”] is subject to multiple interpretations, it in fact has been interpreted differently, and the Executive Branch has been afforded the discretion to interpret it,” wrote Judges Jay Bybee and Sandra Ikuta, both appointed by George W. Bush. “Whether the change in policy results from changing circumstances or a change in administrations, the wisdom of the policy is not a question we can review.”

Judge John Owens, an Obama appointee, dissented, saying he would have permitted the stay on the Trump administration’s rule to give the court time for a more in-depth review of the policy.

Ninth Circuit Lifts Injunctions Blocking Trump Admin’s ‘Public Charge’ Rule for Immigrants

“The Department of Justice is pleased with today’s decision to lift the injunction and respect the legal authority vested in the administration by the U.S. Congress,” a spokesman for the DOJ commented.

Judge Bybee added an additional section to the decision excoriating Congress for failing to pass immigration legislation that may have helped avoid a fight in the courts.

“We have seen case after case come through our courts, serious and earnest efforts, even as they are controversial, to address the nation’s immigration challenges. Yet we have seen little engagement and no actual legislation from Congress,” wrote Bybee. “It matters not to me as a judge whether Congress embraces or disapproves of the administration’s actions, but it is time for a feckless Congress to come to the table and grapple with these issues.

The wall building is slow, but the Trump admin has knocked it out of the park when it comes to fighting in court and blocking immigration on a judicial level.
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The remaking of the courts is Trump's greatest achievement. :clap:

I believe that's why the Dems are so desperate to stop Trump from getting re-elected. If he serves another 4 years, the federal judiciary will be a lot more conservative and the Left knows that's the only way they can get things to go their way cuz Congress isn't going to pass their bullshit far left nonsense.
More winning.

Judicial Watch: Court Rejects FBI Effort to Keep Secret Records about FBI-Clinton Lawyer Meeting on Russia

Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg denied a Justice Department effort to block the release of any communications between former FBI General Counsel James Baker and Michael Sussmann, a Perkins Coie law partner and former DOJ attorney, who reportedly met with Baker to share information targeting Donald J. Trump during the presidential campaign. While at Perkins Coie, Sussmann represented the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the time Perkins Coie secretly paid for the development of the anti-Trump dossier the DOJ used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. The court specifically rejected the FBI’s argument that it needed to protect the “privacy” of Hillary Clinton’s lawyer.

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