Winning: AG Jeff Sessions Enforces Trump's "Sanctuary City" EO Despite Judge's Injunction

Hell yeah!! The SCOTUS needs to get off its ass and foot stomp these damn liberal judges who rule not based on the law, but based on their personal liberal opinions.
Nowhere is there a law nor constitutional declaration that "POTUS may not...relating to harbouring of illegal aliens"
Ok, so you claim you are going to punish the cities for not following the law, by NOT following the law !??
One day they're ready to hang some Berkeley students for breaking the law, the next they're giving conservative government lawbreakers a standing ovation.
Infowars citing Breitbart? LOL!

Jeff Sessions is a dumb yokel and can't do shit. The Judge's ruling stands, and Sessions showing mayors the law he's trying to use to violate the constitution does nothing.

What makes it unconstitutional? Which clause does it violate?
Infowars citing Breitbart? LOL!

Jeff Sessions is a dumb yokel and can't do shit. The Judge's ruling stands, and Sessions showing mayors the law he's trying to use to violate the constitution does nothing.

What makes it unconstitutional? Which clause does it violate?

The Counties challenge the enforcement provision of the Order, Section 9(a), on several grounds: first, it violates the separation of powers doctrine enshrined in the Constitution because it improperly seeks to wield congressional spending powers; second, it is so overbroad and coercive that even if the President had spending powers, the Order would clearly exceed them and violate the Tenth Amendment’s prohibition against commandeering local jurisdictions; third, it is so vague and standardless that it violates the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause and is void for vagueness; and, finally, because it seeks to deprive local jurisdictions of congressionally allocated funds without any notice or opportunity to be heard, it violates the procedural due process requirements of the Fifth Amendment.1

There's a lot more. Just click the link.
The judge's opinion is well-founded on several points.

The fact is that Congress did not authorize the federal government to place strings on these grants. Trump cannot change the law without Congressional approval. He is not a King.

The fact is that state and local governments cannot be forced to enforce immigration law. They do not have to ask about someone's immigration status nor are they under any obligation to inform ICE. That is called states' rights that many conservatives claim to believe in.

Even a requirement that states and localities to certify they are in compliance with federal immigration law may not pass legal muster. There would have to be a specific legal definition as to what that entails rather than a broad undefined standard.

Conservatives did the same thing. When they challenged Obama's EO on immigration they got a Texas judge. That was no coincidence. When the ruling went against Obama he complied with the order.

If Sessions defies a court order then he should be held in contempt of court and jailed if necessary.
Did ANY of you Orange Cheerleaders read the US District Judge's decision? What Brietbart and InfoWars left out to recharge their Useful Idiots was NOT the immigration law they cited, but the THREE(3) VIOLATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION WHICH WERE CITED IN THE DECISION.

Those three items were the Orange One violating the Separation of Powers Doctrine, Amendment V and Amendment X with provisions of another of his FUCKED UP Executive Orders.
Ok, so you claim you are going to punish the cities for not following the law, by NOT following the law !??
the EO is written. Once a judge finds the EO unconstitutional, then you got a point. lecturing by the bench isn't a law.
Thank you. Couldn't find any info on the decision the other day.

Looks like they have some points on this one.
Rightwingers, like their Trumpmaster, seem to have forgotten there are 3 seperate and EQUAL branches of power in this country.
Ok, so you claim you are going to punish the cities for not following the law, by NOT following the law !??
That's how it works
Break into my house, get hit with a bat
Otherwise illegal for me to use that bat
Break into the country, get hidden by authorities, you and they get the bat

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