Threat Inflation Is The Name Of The Game: Phony Hysterics Over North Korea...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

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Phony Hysterics Over North Korea
This manufactured drama is China's way of avoiding a trade war with Trump. They have been playing this game for decades. If we dare call China on the carpet for their unfair trade practices they get North Korea to throw a tantrum, then China pretends to intercede in North Korea in exchange for the US backing off the trade stuff.
This manufactured drama is China's way of avoiding a trade war with Trump. They have been playing this game for decades. If we dare call China on the carpet for their unfair trade practices they get North Korea to throw a tantrum, then China pretends to intercede in North Korea in exchange for the US backing off the trade stuff.

I, kinda, do not believe that explanation-----it seems CONTRIVED
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

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Phony Hysterics Over North Korea
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

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Phony Hysterics Over North Korea

despite the fact that the citation was written by the criminal "raimondo" ---I read it-------it is typical
raimondo------BULLSHIT-------I was an ECLECTIC reader as a child------I read whatever fell into
my hands. My little rural/suburban town was chock full of PAMPHLETS -----left over from the prior
CENTURY------lots of the propaganda from the 1930s ----putatively ANTI-WAR little yellowed tattered
pamphlets FLOATED around. Raimondo plagiarized them-----"don't pay attention, they don't have
the capability, they are harmless. The evil WAR MONGERS are deceiving you......"

I also read the other available literature-----NATIONAL ENQUIRER ----off the rack while my mom
shopped endlessly in the grocery store. I know shit when I read it
This manufactured drama is China's way of avoiding a trade war with Trump. They have been playing this game for decades. If we dare call China on the carpet for their unfair trade practices they get North Korea to throw a tantrum, then China pretends to intercede in North Korea in exchange for the US backing off the trade stuff.

A wise observation. Thanks.
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

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Phony Hysterics Over North Korea
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

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Phony Hysterics Over North Korea

despite the fact that the citation was written by the criminal "raimondo" ---I read it-------it is typical
raimondo------BULLSHIT-------I was an ECLECTIC reader as a child------I read whatever fell into
my hands. My little rural/suburban town was chock full of PAMPHLETS -----left over from the prior
CENTURY------lots of the propaganda from the 1930s ----putatively ANTI-WAR little yellowed tattered
pamphlets FLOATED around. Raimondo plagiarized them-----"don't pay attention, they don't have
the capability, they are harmless. The evil WAR MONGERS are deceiving you......"

I also read the other available literature-----NATIONAL ENQUIRER ----off the rack while my mom
shopped endlessly in the grocery store. I know shit when I read it

"the criminal Raimondo?" Really? Come on, just because he's not a rabid Warmonger like y'all, doesn't mean he's a 'Criminal.' That's absurd.
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

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Phony Hysterics Over North Korea

So Lil Kim is going to Nuke Obama's pretend birth place....

Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

Read More:
Phony Hysterics Over North Korea
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

Read More:
Phony Hysterics Over North Korea

despite the fact that the citation was written by the criminal "raimondo" ---I read it-------it is typical
raimondo------BULLSHIT-------I was an ECLECTIC reader as a child------I read whatever fell into
my hands. My little rural/suburban town was chock full of PAMPHLETS -----left over from the prior
CENTURY------lots of the propaganda from the 1930s ----putatively ANTI-WAR little yellowed tattered
pamphlets FLOATED around. Raimondo plagiarized them-----"don't pay attention, they don't have
the capability, they are harmless. The evil WAR MONGERS are deceiving you......"

I also read the other available literature-----NATIONAL ENQUIRER ----off the rack while my mom
shopped endlessly in the grocery store. I know shit when I read it

"the criminal Raimondo?" Really? Come on, just because he's not a rabid Warmonger like y'all, doesn't mean he's a 'Criminal.' That's absurd.

depends on what you call "criminal" Raimondo apes Goebbels. I read the propaganda of the
the 1930s-------from the original pamphlets that were promulgated in the USA
This manufactured drama is China's way of avoiding a trade war with Trump. They have been playing this game for decades. If we dare call China on the carpet for their unfair trade practices they get North Korea to throw a tantrum, then China pretends to intercede in North Korea in exchange for the US backing off the trade stuff.

I, kinda, do not believe that explanation-----it seems CONTRIVED

And yet China has done this to every president since Carter. Blatant over the top examples of China screwing over US industries, dumping product at below cost on our market to take out our US companies, and our government lets them get away with it in exchange for China doing us favors on North Korea or some other UN thing that's going on around the world.
This manufactured drama is China's way of avoiding a trade war with Trump. They have been playing this game for decades. If we dare call China on the carpet for their unfair trade practices they get North Korea to throw a tantrum, then China pretends to intercede in North Korea in exchange for the US backing off the trade stuff.

I, kinda, do not believe that explanation-----it seems CONTRIVED

And yet China has done this to every president since Carter. Blatant over the top examples of China screwing over US industries, dumping product at below cost on our market to take out our US companies, and our government lets them get away with it in exchange for China doing us favors on North Korea or some other UN thing that's going on around the world.

so true----china has FOR A LONG TIME----been manipulating markets ---mostly by UNDERSELLING
everyone----HOWEVER the CLAIM by the conspiracy schmucks that THE US "ELITES" let them "get
away with it is a JOKE ON YOU ----proving your stupidity-------china does what china wants to do-----that
country is not controlled by the US president
This manufactured drama is China's way of avoiding a trade war with Trump. They have been playing this game for decades. If we dare call China on the carpet for their unfair trade practices they get North Korea to throw a tantrum, then China pretends to intercede in North Korea in exchange for the US backing off the trade stuff.

I, kinda, do not believe that explanation-----it seems CONTRIVED

And yet China has done this to every president since Carter. Blatant over the top examples of China screwing over US industries, dumping product at below cost on our market to take out our US companies, and our government lets them get away with it in exchange for China doing us favors on North Korea or some other UN thing that's going on around the world.

so true----china has FOR A LONG TIME----been manipulating markets ---mostly by UNDERSELLING
everyone----HOWEVER the CLAIM by the conspiracy schmucks that THE US "ELITES" let them "get
away with it is a JOKE ON YOU ----proving your stupidity-------china does what china wants to do-----that
country is not controlled by the US president

Look dummy, Trump threatened a trade war with China, North Korea threw a tantrum, Trump asked China for help with North Korea, then Trump abandoned his trade war with China. There now you don't look as stupid, oh wait maybe you do.
There is no threat. If there is, it's just Hawaii. They are just a bunch of potheads no one should bother caring about. That's a waste of time. Get the military out and tell little kimmy to go for it.
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

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Phony Hysterics Over North Korea

So Lil Kim is going to Nuke Obama's pretend birth place....


Ha, not gonna happen. He doesn't possess the capabilities. It's starting to look like the lead up to the Iraq War farce. The lies are getting bigger & bigger by the day.
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

Read More:
Phony Hysterics Over North Korea
Good piece written by Justin Raimondo

A lot of my job as editorial director of is cutting through the veil of obfuscation with which the War Party masks its ill intentions. But sometimes you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what our conniving rulers are up to. Such is the case with the current war scare around North Korea.

President Trump is playing this for all it’s worth, summoning the Senate to a special conclave at the White House to inform them of the supposedly dire threat. This ostentatious display was preceded by a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee at which Admiral Harry Harris, in charge of the US Pacific Command, sounded the alarm:

"Kim Jong-Un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion. I have suggested that we consider putting interceptors in Hawaii that . . . defend (it) directly, and that we look at a defensive Hawaii radar.”

The idea that the North Korean despot is going to pull off another Pearl Harbor is so off the wall that one has to wonder what the Admiral is smoking. To begin with, the North Koreans don’t have the technical capacity to reach Hawaii: their most recent test, reportedly of a medium range ballistic missile, failed on launch. Another failure of a medium range missile test occurred earlier in the month, when the rocket went haywire in the skies and exploded in a fiery crash in the sea. And in March, they chalked up two failures, when they fired a flurry of test missiles,...

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Phony Hysterics Over North Korea

despite the fact that the citation was written by the criminal "raimondo" ---I read it-------it is typical
raimondo------BULLSHIT-------I was an ECLECTIC reader as a child------I read whatever fell into
my hands. My little rural/suburban town was chock full of PAMPHLETS -----left over from the prior
CENTURY------lots of the propaganda from the 1930s ----putatively ANTI-WAR little yellowed tattered
pamphlets FLOATED around. Raimondo plagiarized them-----"don't pay attention, they don't have
the capability, they are harmless. The evil WAR MONGERS are deceiving you......"

I also read the other available literature-----NATIONAL ENQUIRER ----off the rack while my mom
shopped endlessly in the grocery store. I know shit when I read it

"the criminal Raimondo?" Really? Come on, just because he's not a rabid Warmonger like y'all, doesn't mean he's a 'Criminal.' That's absurd.

depends on what you call "criminal" Raimondo apes Goebbels. I read the propaganda of the
the 1930s-------from the original pamphlets that were promulgated in the USA

Really? WTF? No offense, but you sound deranged.

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